Where's the Seed?
Terry Miller
14 x 5.5" Graphite on Bristol board
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Artist's comment: "I have several feeders in my back yard and enjoy watching the birds come and go as well as taking full advantage of the reference material I can gather for future works. I'm quite taken with the fact that now, after so many years of keeping the feeders full, or at least trying to keep them full, my back yard visitors have become quite tuned in to when the feeders need a refill and often will sit in nearby bushes and chatter away, demanding I take care of my responsibility! Another interesting way in which we humans can be trained by our natural neighbors."
Science Art note: Margaret Morse Nice also turned her attention to backyard sparrows. Her choice was the Song Sparrow. While Terry Miller has used his close obervations to make the birds prominent in a number of his beautiful drawings, Margaret Morse Nice used hers to elevate the study of avian life histories. See the essay on Feeding Birds. |