Gallery: Featured Artis--Andrew Denman


Andrew Denman
9 x 12" Acrylic on Cradled Board
Common Barn-Owl (Tyto alba)

Artist's comment: "I am fortunate to live in an area with a large population of these wonderful owls. In fact, with the coming of summer, I hear them nearly every night, chattering rhythmically to each other as they fly overhead or calling from lofty perches with their distinctively raspy, metallic shrieks. Last year, a pair nested in the shaggy trunk of a nearby palm tree, and one night I was fortunate enough to see the two adults and three branchers all perched in the same tree, a gathering of ghostly white apparitions in the glow of a round and fecund moon. The last few weeks, I’ve noticed the base of this same palm littered with owl pellets, gopher parts, and the white splash of bird droppings, and I wait with baited breath for Minerva to make her appearance."


Science Art note: Owls lack a "crop" to store food, and instead swallow it whole. Tough material, including bones, fur, feathers, teeth and claws do not break down during digestion. Instead these materials are compressed in the gizzard to form a pellet, which the bird regurgitates.