A Circle Unbroken - Spotted Towhee
Carel Brest Van Kempen 30 x 20" Acrylic on board
Spotted Towhee
(Pipilo maculatus)
Artist's comment: "As winter's harshest cold subsides, the Milbert's Tortoiseshell and other bold hibernating insects rouse while the snows deliquesce into life-giving water, soaking the soil and moving nutrients through it, signaling the torpid roots of Glacier Lilies and Short-styled Bluebuells to force their prepunctual greenery through the snow's dingy last remains, to blossom inappropriately on the still wintry forest floor. A brumal blanket pulled back reveals rabbitbrush seeds and other new foodstuffs for scratching towhees. Each year, April holds the promise of new life."
web producer's note: Glendon Mellow at Scientific American discusses this painting. Take a look. |