physical and chemical processes that maintain a bird's life
are called, collectively, its "metabolism." A flow of energy
is required to run the metabolism of any organism, and the
basic energy source for all birds is the sun. Green plants
"capture" the sun's energy in the process of photosynthesis,
and birds then acquire it by eating plants or by eating
other animals that eat plants. The energy is used to do the
work of building tissues, contracting muscles, manufacturing
eggs, processing information in the brain, and powering all
the other activities of a living bird. The entire metabolic process
is run by biological catalysts known as enzymes. They are
long, chain-like protein molecules that are twisted into
characteristic three-dimensional shapes. Enzyme molecules
function rather like templates to hold reacting molecules
together in the proper position to speed their interactions.
If your enzymes lose their shape ("denature"), they stop
functioning, your metabolism ceases, and you're dead. Birds
are no different. That's why boiling kills; it denatures
enzymes. To compare rates at which
different animals use energy, scientists calculate for each
the rate at which a resting animal under no stress consumes
oxygen. That consumption is then used to calculate the basal
metabolic rate, which is expressed as the number of
kilocalories of energy used per kilogram of body weight, per
hour. Small birds have proportionately larger surfaces
(through which heat is lost) in relation to their mass of
metabolizing tissue than do large birds. A Bushtit can
maintain a body temperature like a Tundra Swan's because it
has such a higher basal metabolism (i.e., uses
proportionately more energy). Hummingbirds, with their tiny
bodies and high levels of activity, have the highest
metabolic rates of any animals -- roughly a dozen times that
of a pigeon and a hundred times that of an elephant. To
maintain those rates, hummers have to consume about their
weight in nectar daily. In fact, a warm-blooded animal can't
be smaller than a hummer or a shrew. Further reduction in
size would make it impossible for the creature to eat fast
enough to maintain its body temperature. The basal metabolic rates of
nonpasserine birds are very similar to those of some
mammals. Passerines, however, tend to have 30-70 percent
higher metabolic rates than either nonpasserines or mammals,
for reasons that are not understood. Birds do not generally
use more energy than mammals to get the same job done --
indeed they often use less. Flying is faster and
energetically cheaper than walking or running for comparably
heavy animals. But, overall, birds and mammals are
metabolically very similar. When they are active, birds,
of course, have metabolic rates wen above their basal
metabolism. When hovering, hummingbirds are using energy at
as much as eight times the resting rate. At the other
extreme of their activity range, hummingbirds may become
torpid at night -- that is, they let their body temperature
drop, often until it is close to that of the surrounding
air. A torpid individual may have a temperature 50 degrees F
below its normal 104 degrees F, and a metabolic rate a third
that of the basal metabolism. Generally, the temperature of
torpid individuals is regulated at a level which may be
correlated with the environment, being higher in tropical
than in temperate zone species. Hummingbirds do not become
torpid every night. The ability to "lower their thermostats"
appears to have evolved as a device for conserving energy,
as when surviving periods of food shortage. At their active
metabolic rate, hummers are only a few hours from starving
to death; periods of bad weather threaten them severely even
at their basal rate. Some other birds, such as swifts and
poorwills, can also become torpid, but their lowered
metabolic states have not been as thoroughly studied as
those of hummingbirds. When you are observing
hummingbirds, you may see hummingbird (sphinx) moths
hovering around flowers and sucking nectar through their
long tongues. The parallels between the behavior of these
day-flying moths and the hummers are striking. The larger of
the sphinx moths are, in fact, heavier than the lightest
birds. Interestingly, both birds and moths operate at
similar body temperatures when hovering and feeding; the
moths use metabolic heat generated by vibrating their wing
muscles to raise their temperature to as high as 104 degrees
F The "warm-blooded" (endothermic) birds drop their
temperature during the night (when they are at rest) to
conserve energy. The "cold-blooded" (ectothermic) sphinx
moths become endotherms and use metabolic heat to raise
their temperature only when they must to reach operating
temperature for flight. In cold weather, all
nontorpid birds must operate at well above their basal
metabolic rates in order to maintain their body
temperatures. Small species, such as Black-capped and Boreal
Chickadees that overwinter in temperate and subarctic areas,
are at particular risk of freezing. They have
proportionately large surface areas through which to lose
heat and thus must eat continuously during short daylight
hours to stoke their metabolic fires. If they do not, they
will not reserve enough energy to see them through the long
night. A wintering chickadee living at forty degrees below
freezing must spend something like twenty times as much time
feeding per day as it would in the warmth of
spring. Birds have only slightly
higher body temperatures than mammals; avian temperatures
range from around the human level of 98.6 degrees F
(penguins, Whip-poor-wills) to 104 degrees (most resting
birds). But in general, the temperature ranges of the two
groups, like their overall metabolisms, are remarkably
similar, considering their different modes of life. Both
have evolved to function at temperatures just below those at
which the crucial protein enzymes begin to lose their
stability, change their shape, and cease to function
(denature). Maintaining constant body temperature is thus
not just a problem for birds trying to keep from chilling in
cold weather; it is an even more critical problem when the
air temperature rises above that of the body. Then birds
must avoid overheating and sudden death. The relatively
large body surfaces of small birds take in environmental
heat (and lose cooling water) quickly. That is one reason
few songbirds are evident at midday during heat waves; they
seek shade and become inactive. Soaring birds, in contrast,
may take advantage of thermals -- rising packets of warm air
-- to avoid midday heat and the denaturation of their
proteins in the cool air of high altitudes. Why do birds (and mammals)
run these risks of maintaining a high, constant temperature,
especially since it costs them to do so? A small bird must
consume many times more food than an ectothermal lizard of
the same weight that warms to operating temperature in the
sun and cools again at night. One obvious reason for the
constancy of their temperatures is so that birds and mammals
can be active at night and during cold weather -- they can
penetrate areas and take on activities from which reptiles
are barred. No had could feed alongside a Boreal Chickadee
in winter. Another advantage to constancy is that the
thousands of temperature-sensitive reactions that compose
the metabolism can be better coordinated if they are in a
relatively uniform thermal environment. But why are temperatures of
endotherms (and ectotherms when they are active) so close to
the point of overheating? High temperatures, besides
increasing the rate of chemical reactions, permit important
physical functions that depend on diffusion to go on more
rapidly. Heat speeds the diffusion of transmitter chemicals
in nerve connections; the hotter a bird can be, the more
rapidly vital information can be processed and commands sent
to the bird's muscles. This allows birds to react more
quickly. So high operating temperatures have clear
advantages for both avian predators and prey; and unlike
hands and other ectotherms, birds are not dependent on the
sun's warmth to attain those temperatures. It has also been
suggested that maintaining a constant high brain temperature
aids memory and facilitates learning. SEE: Temperature
Regulation and Behavior;
Foraging Bouts;
Postures. Copyright
® 1988 by Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobkin, and Darryl