feet, like bills, tell us a great deal about the taxonomic
relationships, behavior, and ecology of birds. More than
half of the 9,800 species of birds, for example, are
passerines, birds characterized largely by the form of their
feet. The Passeriformes, or perching birds, have feet with
four separate toes, three of them directed forward, and one
(first, or inner, the homologue of our big toe) directed
backward. All four passerine toes join the leg at the same
level. Foot structure varies among the other major taxonomic
groups. Some swifts have all four toes pointing forward;
kingfishers have the middle and outer toes fused for part of
their length; woodpeckers have two toes pointed forward and
two backward (except for the "three-toed" woodpecker, in
which the first toe has been lost). The four toes of raptors
are highly separated. Owls can turn their fourth (outer) toe
either forward or backward. Many waterbirds and shorebirds
have three toes pointed forward, but the hind toe is often
greatly reduced and raised so that it joins the leg above
the level of the other toes and loses contact with the
ground. The toes of some are completely webbed, and those of
others, including such shorebirds as American Avocets, are
partially webbed.
These differences, of
course, are related to the life-styles of the birds. The
independent, extremely flexible toes of the passerines,
along with the completely opposed first toe, are ideal for
grasping perches. All swifts have strong claws for clinging
to vertical surfaces. In some, like the White-throated, the
toes all point forward in a dead individual, but in life the
inner two actually work against the outer two in grasping
the soft materials the swifts use in making their nests. The
fused toes of kingfishers help in excavating nest tunnels;
the opposing toes of woodpeckers aid in clinging to tree
Birds of prey have powerful
feet, strong, sharp, highly curved claws and roughened pads
on the undersides of their toes to help them to readily
grasp prey. The fish-eating Osprey also has spines on the
pads on the soles of its toes for holding on to slippery
fishes. Birds that spend a lot of time walking tend to have
flat feet with a reduced backward-pointing toe; and if, like
shorebirds, they often walk on soft surfaces, they usually
have some webbing between the toes. And those, such as game
birds, that scratch a great deal have blunt, thick claws
attached to powerful legs. Ptarmigans, which walk on snow,
have heavily feathered (highly insulated) feet that function
as snowshoes. Ravens in the arctic have up to six times
thicker, horny insulating soles on their feet than do
tropical ravens. Birds with bare legs, especially those with
webbed feet, avoid problems of heat loss from their
extremities by circulatory adaptations.
Top to bottom:
passerine, kingfisher (right), swift (left),
wood-pecker, Osprey, grebe (right),ptarmigan
(left), jacana (left), duck.
Birds that swim generally
have webbing between their toes so that the feet can be used
to paddle. Lobes, rather than webbing, are often found on
the toes of birds, such as American Coots, that divide their
time between swimming and walking on mud. Jacanas have
extremely long toes that spread their weight enough to
permit them to walk on floating aquatic vegetation,
including lily pads -- giving them the common name lily
SEE: Swimming;
Regulation and Behavior;
and Songbirds.
® 1988 by Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobkin, and Darryl