two species of cowbirds, Brown-headed and Bronzed, are found
in North America. Both cowbird species are generalist
parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of a wide range of
other species. The Bronzed Cowbird occurs only in the and
southwest and extends south into Mexico and through Central
America; it has been little studied because it occupies a
relatively restricted range in North America and a. somewhat
inhospitable habitat. The Brown-headed Cowbird, in contrast,
occupies most of our continent south of the Arctic. This
reflects the remarkable population explosion and range
expansion it has undergone during this century. It has
spread from its original home in the Great Plains as
humanity has converted forest lands into farms and pastures.
In fact, it is now sufficiently numerous to pose a major
threat to the continued survival of several species and
subspecies that it regularly parasitizes. As a result, much
research effort has recently been directed at understanding
the breeding biology of Brown-headed Cowbirds, and a
surprisingly complex and fascinating picture is
Although the nests of many
species are acceptable places for cowbirds to deposit eggs,
all of those species are not necessarily appropriate hosts.
Many parasitized species routinely recognize and reject
cowbird eggs (by either destroying the egg, rebuilding the
nest to cover the egg, or abandoning the nest), while many
others are simply inadequate as foster parents and never
successfully rear cowbird chicks. Blue-winged Teal,
Ferruginous Hawk, Virginia Rail, Killdeer, Spotted
Sandpiper, Upland Sandpiper, Wilson's Phalarope, California
Gull, Common Tern, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, and Red-headed
Woodpecker are among the species that fail as foster
parents. The Brown-headed Cowbird now has been recorded as
successfully parasitizing 144 of 220 species in whose nests
its eggs have been observed. The Bronzed Cowbird has been
successful with 28 of 77 species, and of those 28, only 18
occur north of Mexico.
Recent studies estimate that
only 3 percent of Brown-headed Cowbird eggs result in
adults. In spite of these tremendous losses, the
Brown-headed and Bronzed Cowbirds in North America and the
Shiny Cowbird in parts of South America and the Caribbean
continue to expand their breeding range and numbers. This
apparent paradox is explained by the unusual breeding
behavior and physiology of Brown-headed Cowbirds (behavior
presumably shared by the less-studied Bronzed
A female Brown-headed
Cowbird has a long reproductive period with an
extraordinarily short interval between clutches. In fact,
this cowbird is the only wild passerine ever reported not to
show regression of ovaries and oviducts following clutch
completion. Indeed, the physiological demarcation between
clutches sometimes is not at all clear, leading
ornithologists to characterize female cowbirds as "passerine
chickens!" Each female's laying cycle appears adapted to
take advantage of a continuous supply of host nests for
about a two-month period. An average female lays about 80
eggs, 40 per year for two years. About 3 percent of those 80
eggs end up as adults -- an average of 2.4 adults per
female. Clearly, such numbers more than compensate for the
excessive loss of eggs and young in the nests of
inappropriate hosts. Each pair of cowbirds replaces itself
with an average of 1.2 pairs which will double a cowbird
population in eight years.
The mating system of
Brown-headed Cowbirds shows similar flexibility, ranging
from monogamy, to a mixture of monogamy and polygyny, to
total promiscuity. The type of mating system seen in a given
area is influenced by the spatial distribution of host nests
and by the sex ratio (proportions of males and females) of
the local cowbird population. Although both sexes occupy
distinct breeding home ranges, these areas are not defended
and are not exclusive. Where host nests are dense, female
home ranges are small, enabling males to guard their mates
and resulting in monogamous or polygynous relationships.
Where host nests are widely dispersed, female home ranges
are rather large, resulting in promiscuous matings as
females move over large areas.
A Kirtlands
Warbler feeding a young Brown-headed Cowbird.
The cowbirds represent a majorthreat to this
rare warbler.
Female home ranges are
thought to overlap, since eggs of more than one female
frequently are found in a single host's nest; a cowbird
generally will lay only one egg per nest. Approximately
one-third of all parasitized nests hold more than one
cowbird egg. A female Brown-headed Cowbird often locates a
potential host nest during its construction. She then
regularly visits the nest prior to laying while the owners
are absent. One day prior to, or on the day she lays her
egg, the female cowbird usually removes (and occasionally
eats) one host egg from the nest. If only one host egg is
present, she does not remove it (otherwise the hosts might
abandon their now eggless nest).
Circumstantial evidence
indicates that in some areas, at least some female cowbirds
specialize in particularly vulnerable host species, to the
apparent exclusion of other species nesting nearby that
serve as common hosts in other parts of the cowbird's range.
A partial explanation could be that host species that have
been in contact with cowbirds for a long time have evolved
the ability to recognize the parasite or its eggs. As a
result, many of these otherwise suitable host species make
poor hosts because they aggressively attack female cowbirds,
eject or destroy cowbird eggs found in their nests, or
abandon their nests altogether upon detection of a
parasite's egg. In contrast, many of the most accepting and
most heavily affected host species may have been subjected
to cowbird parasitism for only a short time because their
ranges did not overlap prior to the cowbird's recent range
expansion. Examples of species that may have been recently
contacted and are now imperiled are Kirtland's Warbler and
the California subspecies of Bell's Vireo, the Least Bell's
Vireo. There is, however, little evidence as yet to support
these "time of contact" explanations.
The only adaptation for
parasitism seen in nestling and fledgling cowbirds is their
rapid development. Cowbird eggs usually hatch one day ahead
of the host's eggs. In addition cowbird nestlings usually
are larger and grow faster than the host's young, which
enable them to garner more than their fair share of the food
brought to the nest. Cowbird fledglings do not recognize
their foster parents as individuals, but respond positively
to all adults of their foster parents' species. Fledglings
receive more food than would the equivalent weight of host
young, probably because their loud and persistent calling
causes them to be fed more.
Even though some 97 percent
of cowbird eggs and nestlings fail to reach adulthood,
cowbird parasitism reduces production of young by the
parasitized species. Abandonment of a nest by a parasitized
host may preclude renesting and result in zero reproduction
for that pair that breeding season. The reproductive effort
of birds that suffer the presence of a cowbird chick in
their nest will be significantly lower than that of
unparasitized conspecifics in the same population. Because
the cowbirds represent a major threat to many species of
passerines, we have paid particular attention to the
relative frequency of cowbird parasitism for all documented
hosts in the species treatments, and we have designated the
frequency with which they are parasitized as "rare,"
uncommon," "common," and "frequent."
SEE: Brood
of Kirtland's Warbler;
of Eastern Songbirds.
® 1988 by Paul R. Ehrlich, David S. Dobkin, and Darryl