33. For more on Cosquer Cave see http://www.showcaves.com/english/fr/caves/Cosquer.html (accessed 2004).

American Ornithologists’ Union, Check-List of North American Birds, 6th ed. (Lawrence, KS: Allen Press, 1983), 242; Guthrie, Nature of Paleolithic Art, 299.

35. More fully: “In northern European waters, Great Auks were also hunted. One Icelander expert in capturing them reported that ‘the wings are kept close to the sides when the bird is at rest, but a little out (so that light shows under it) when it begins to run. That is, run from humans.’” C. Cokinos, Hope Is the Thing with Feathers: A Personal Chronicle of Vanished Birds (New York: J. P. Tarcher/Putnam, 2000), 317. Is the Cosquer auk on land or in the water? We suspect that it is on land. Auks swim like ducks and dive like penguins. The bird in the drawing does not resemble a duck afloat, and the artist would have had difficulty watching a dive. R. Dale Guthrie sees it differently, however. Guthrie, Nature of Paleolithic Art, 447. See also Gombrich, “Miracle at Chauvet,” 10.

36. Fuller, Great Auk, 65–66, 68. Fuller quotes the observation by J. Allen, originally published in 1876: “The birds were then easily killed, and their feathers removed by immersing the birds in scalding water which was ready at hand in large kettles set for the purpose. The bodies were used as fuel for boiling the water.”

37. Clottes and Courtin, “Neptune’s Ice Age Gallery,” 65; Ruspoli, Cave of Lascaux, 28–30.