June 08, 2009
From QSR: QSR launches NVivo teaching grants worth US$20,000
Are you a professor teaching qualitative research methods at an American or Canadian university? Or perhaps you are a student who would like to learn how to use software to assist you with your qualitative research?
QSR International has launched a new NVivo Teaching Grant Program which is aimed at helping professors to incorporate qualitative data analysis software into their undergraduate or graduate course.
If you are a full time professor working at an academic institute in the United States or Canada, you could be eligible for one of two grants valued at US$10,000 each. The grants consist of a tailored package and can include a combination of NVivo 8 Software Licenses*, NVivo 8 Workbooks and QSR hosted training and support services.
*Based on education pricing, some exclusions apply.
[ For more information, including how to apply. ]
Posted by ronbo at 05:22 PM
January 16, 2008
From Statalist-digest V4 #2942 (1/15/08): Journal of Statistical Software [JSS]
The JSS, an electronic publication of the American Statistical Association, is now indexed in RePEc. All contents of the JSS may be freely downloaded (there are no subscriptions). See for example
Bob Yaffee's review of Stata's time series and forecasting capabilities is available on that site. Other software reviews of elements of Stata are in the works. Please see the Journal's website (http://jstatsoft.org) if you would like to consider JSS as an outlet for your work.
Kit Baum
associate editor, JSS
Posted by ronbo at 11:00 PM
November 01, 2007
Upcoming Insightful Training Courses - Statistical Models in S-Plus
Nov 14 - 16 • San Francisco, CA
This three-day course covers the modeling methods available with the latest version of S-PLUS. We present a brief introduction and background of several modeling methods, which include linear, ANOVA, generalized linear, generalized additive, tree based, nonlinear, mixed effects, and survival models. Using real world data, we will focus on fitting a model and interpreting the results.
A brief introduction to model fitting at the graphical user interface provides an illustration of the ease with which model fitting can be done in this environment.
See Details
Register Now
Posted by ronbo at 06:20 PM
September 21, 2007
GAUSS upgraded to 8.0 on Stanford Unix
GAUSS upgraded to 8.0
(Matrix-based data analysis)
The GAUSS Mathematical and Statistical System is an easy to use data analysis environment based on the fast and powerful GAUSS Matrix Programming Language. GAUSS has been used by technical professionals in all fields for everything from basic statistical analysis to solving real world optimization and data analysis problems of exceptionally large scale.
The above information was taken from the GAUSS web site.
See http://www.aptech.com/GAUSS_8.0.html for details.
Posted by yan at 02:01 PM
Stata/SE upgraded to version 10.0 on Stanford Unix
Stata/SE upgraded to 10.0
(Statistics Analysis Package)
Stata is an environment for manipulating and analyzing data using statistical and graphical methods. Stata is an integrated package - not a collection of separate modules. You can intersperse data management, statistical, and graphical commands.
The above is taken from the Stata website.
See http://www.stata.com/stata10/ for details.
Posted by yan at 01:57 PM
Stat/Transfer upgraded to version 9.3 on Stanford Unix
Stat/Transfer upgraded to 9.3
(Statistical data transfer and conversion)
Stat/Transfer is designed to simplify the transfer of statistical data between different programs.
Data generated by one program is often needed in another context, either for analysis, for cleaning and correction, or for presentation. However, not only must the data be transferred, but in addition, the variables generally must be re-described for each program with additional information, such as variable names, missing values and value and variable labels. This process is not only time-consuming, it is error-prone. For those in possession of data sets with many variables, it represents a serious impediment to the use of more than one program.
Stat/Transfer removes this barrier by providing an extremely fast, reliable and automatic way to move data. Stat/Transfer will automatically read statistical data in the internal format of one of the supported programs and will then transfer as much of the information as is present and appropriate to the internal format of another.
See http://stattransfer.com/html/new.html for new features.
Posted by yan at 01:51 PM
May 07, 2007
Upcoming S-PLUS Courses and Web Casts
Advanced Programming Methods in S-PLUS®
May 17-18, Philadelphia, PA
Oct 8-9, San Francisco, CA
This two-day hands-on course includes a blend of theory, concepts and practical examples. We discuss efficient programming, debugging, graphics, simulations, object-oriented programming, help files, creating libraries for others, and other topics...
Bootstrap Methods and Permutation Tests
May 21-22, Philadelphia, PA
Oct 10-11, San Francisco, CA
This two-day hands-on course begins with a graphical approach to bootstrapping and permutation testing, illuminating basic statistical concepts of standard errors, confidence intervals, p-values and significance tests. We consider graphical and numerical diagnostic checks for the validity of traditional Gaussian-based inferences...
For a complete training schedule go to the Insightful Training page.
Posted by ronbo at 10:49 PM
March 30, 2007
The Latest Research and Software News From QSR (NVivo)
Welcome to our first 'QSR News' communication for 2007. It's been an exciting beginning to the year for qualitative research and research software, and we're pleased to bring you the latest news. In the March 2007 edition of our NSight newsletter, you'll read about our new partnership with Japanese firm Hulinks. This partnership will change the way researchers are able to conduct global projects. We also take a look at what's new in Windows Vista and what the implications are for qualitative research. You can read about how Econnect Communication has adopted NVivo 7 to evaluate the impact of communication strategies. And you'll catch the first glimpse of our new website - being launched in mid 2007.
Download a free PDF of the March edition here
Fourth Service Pack for NVivo 7 Now Available!
We're also pleased to report that the fourth service pack for NVivo 7 was released on 16 March 2007. It contains a range of enhancements that will further improve the stability and performance of your software and it will also enable NVivo 7 to work with Windows Vista. For further information or to download the service pack, visit the QSR website.
New XSight Tutorials Released
There are also now five tutorials for the latest version of our XSight software. These tutorials are animated demonstrations that show you how to:
Create and set up a project Map your ideas Set up an analysis framework Work with queries Prepare reports and presentations
Click here to visit the XSight page on the QSR website and view these tutorials for free.
More Research and Software News
Interested in more research and software news? The March edition of our NSight newsletter also gives you tips on painting the big picture with 'maps' in XSight and stories about:
UK based international market research firm, GfK NOP's experiences with using XSight for the analysis of bulletin board posts Using NVivo 7 to analyze how training opportunities attract and retain employees in the music industry
We hope you enjoy our newsletter and from all of us here at QSR, we wish you all the best with your research in 2007.
Best wishes,
QSR International Pty Ltd
2nd Floor, 651 Doncaster Road | Doncaster Victoria 3108 Australia
T +61 3 9840 1100 F +61 3 9840 1500
info@qsrinternational.com | www.qsrinternational.com
Posted by ronbo at 03:37 PM
February 09, 2007
Online seminar 2/13/07 & 2/28/07: SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys demonstration
SPSS is offering the following seminar online:
SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys demonstration
Feb 13, 2007
United States
Begins at: 11:00 a.m. CT
Duration: 45 minutes
Register for this date
Feb 28, 2007
United States
Begins at: 1:00 p.m. CT
Duration: 45 minutes
Register for this date
Maximize survey research value with open text responses.
Open-ended survey questions allow people to express themselves in their own words; and give researchers rich new insights into attitudes and preferences regarding service, purchase decisions, product design, employment, operations, whatever the issue under study.
If you’ve limited your surveys to close-ended questions due to the time and expense of reading and manually coding text responses, this session can be your organization’s first step toward maximizing the value of your survey data.
Created specifically for open-ended survey responses, SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys uses proven technologies in computational linguistics to make it far more powerful than typical text-coding procedures. It allows you to categorize hundreds, even thousands of responses in a fraction of the time it would take to do so manually. Then easily export results for further analysis and graphing.
Gather interested co-workers and register now for this SPSS survey research software demonstration. You’ll discover:
# How to turn text into quantitative data
# How to save even more time by automating the creation of categories and the coding of responses
# How to uncover category relationships using visualizations such as bar charts and tables
# How to export results to Excel, SPSS or other software for analysis
# And more!
Find out how easy it is to capture the power of text responses for your survey research.
For future dates of the same demonstration, visit the organizer Web site: http://spss.com/events/view_more.cfm?type=Product&ID=127
Posted by yan at 06:59 PM
December 19, 2006
Availability of Social Science Software
Major statistical software (e.g., SAS, SPSS, Stata) and qualitative software (e.g., Nvivo) are widely available to people with valid SUNet IDs on public computers in the Meyer Library classrooms and clusters, Tresidder cluster, and Residential Computing clusters. Some software are also available on Unix through remote access.
Below is a quick summary of availabilit of the main software packages that SSDS provides assistance with on a regular basis. For details and availability of all other software, please see Academic Computing: Software Listings and IT Services: Index of Leland Software.
Statistical Software
PC: version 9.1
Unix: version 9.1
PC: version 13
Mac: version 13
* Stata
PC: version 9.2
Mac: version 9.2
Unix: version SE 9.0
Qualitative Software
* Nvivo
PC: version 7
* Atlas.ti
PC: version 5 (only available for evaluation purposes in 120F, Bing Wing, Green Library)
Data Conversion Software
* Stat/Transfer
Unix: version 8.0
* DBMS/Copy
Unix: version 8.0
Here's a screenshot of the Qualitative and Statistical Software menu list on campus PCs:
Posted by yan at 10:25 PM
November 10, 2006
From TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog): Free MATLAB Intel Beta for Students
by Erica Sadun
Filed at TUAW under: Software
Are you big into applied math? Or are you merely forced to be doing applied math by the cruel and uncaring sadists in your graduate program? Software developers MathWorks are offering a free student version beta of their flagship MATLAB product. The beta, which only runs on Intel Macs, includes MATLAB, Simulink, the Maple-like Symbolic math function package and documentation. MATLAB, which has been around since the late '70s, provides all kinds of numeric computing aids for computer algebra systems. As for me? I am no longer a student and do not qualify for this offer. Just my quick visit to their site to gather information for this post brought back enough student-anxiety memories to torment me for the entire afternoon. The beta does not include a stipend for psychotherapy bills induced by the use of the software.
Posted by ronbo at 04:28 PM
March 17, 2006
From the GeoDA list: GeoDa html based help system available (Luc Anselin)
Thanks to Julia's extensive efforts over the summer, the (draft) help system for GeoDa is now available from https://geoda.uiuc.edu/support.php. You can open it up as a separate window on line, or download the whole thing as a zipped file to run on your own system. Open the index.html file in your browser and you can run it side by side with GeoDa.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome, remember this is still a draft and we continue to fine tune it. Btw, last week we crossed the 10,000 mark in terms of unique GeoDa downloads from our site. Thanks for your continued support.
Posted by ronbo at 02:26 PM