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June 30, 2008
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - New Releases through 2008-06-29
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data archive along with a list of released data collections that have been updated:
New Additions
2446 Census of Population and Housing, 1990 [United States]: Subject Summary Tape File (SSTF) 7, Metropolitan Housing Characteristics
4372 Health Behavior in School-Aged Children, 2001-2002 [United States]
4706 Natality Detail File, 2003 [United States]
20140 Current Population Survey, September 2006: Volunteer Supplement
20403 Examination of Actuarial Offender-Based Prediction Assessments in Texas, 1993-1996
20625 Assessing the Validity of Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) Tools in a Jail Setting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2006
21180 Northwest Area Foundation Ventures Social Indicators Survey,
June-September 2005
22164 ABC News/Washington Post Pre-Election Poll #2, November 2006
22200 Location Information for National Longitudinal Study of the High
School Class of 1972 (NLS-72): Fifth Follow-Up Survey, 1986
22300 Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base, 2007
22324 Asia Europe Survey (ASES): A Multinational Comparative Study in 18 Countries, 2001
22441 Current Population Survey, September 2007: Volunteer Supplement
22600 Global Terrorism Database II, 1998-2004
22627 Immigration and Intergenerational Mobility in Metropolitan Los Angeles (IIMMLA), 2004
22780 The Analysis of Budget Consolidations: Concepts, Research Designs and Measurement
3804 Early Head Start Research and Evaluation (EHSRE) Study, 1996-2001: [United States]
3820 Community Tracking Study Physician Survey, 2000-2001: [United States]
4232 Afrobarometer: Round II Survey of Cape Verde, 2002
8256 County and City Data Book [United States], 1983
20240 Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys (CPES), 2001-2003
[United States]
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at
Posted by ronbo at 03:43 PM
New IPUMS-International data!
Dear IPUMS User:
The Minnesota Population Center is pleased to announce the latest expansion of the IPUMS-International data series. In June 2008 we added 32 new samples. The data release includes 9 new countries -- Austria, Canada, Egypt, Ghana, Iraq, Malaysia, Netherlands, Panama, and United Kingdom -- as well as additional samples for China, Colombia, Mexico, United States, and Venezuela. The data series now contains 263 million person records from 111 censuses in 35 countries.
In addition to adding more samples, we have constructed location-of-mother and location-of- father data for all samples in the data series. The parental locators identify the record number within the household of each person's mother or father.
Finally, we significantly improved the variable display and data extraction systems -- adding new features and giving users more viewing options.
You can read more about the expanded data series at http://international.ipums.org/international/news.html. As always, we welcome your feedback.
We are still accepting nominations for the best overall and best graduate student papers that use the IPUMS-International data. Deadline for submissions is July 15. Details are available at http://international.ipums.org/international/news.html#ipumsi_awards.
The IPUMS Team
Posted by ronbo at 03:38 PM
June 27, 2008
SPSS webcast: SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys demonstration
SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys demonstration Jul 9, 2008
United States
Begins at: 11:00 a.m. CT
Duration: 45 minutes
Maximize survey research value with open text responses.
Open-ended survey questions allow people to express themselves in their own words; and give researchers rich new insights into attitudes and preferences regarding service, purchase decisions, product design, employment, operations, whatever the issue under study.
If you’ve limited your surveys to close-ended questions due to the time and expense of reading and manually coding text responses, this session can be your organization’s first step toward maximizing the value of your survey data.
Created specifically for open-ended survey responses, SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys uses proven technologies in computational linguistics to make it far more powerful than typical text-coding procedures. It allows you to categorize hundreds, even thousands of responses in a fraction of the time it would take to do so manually. Then easily export results for further analysis and graphing.
Gather interested co-workers and register now for this SPSS survey research software demonstration. You’ll discover:
- How to turn text into quantitative data
- How to save even more time by automating the creation of categories and the coding of responses
- How to uncover category relationships using visualizations such as bar charts and tables
- How to export results to Excel, SPSS or other software for analysis
- And more!
Find out how easy it is to capture the power of text responses for your survey research.
Find out more, visit the organizer Web site: http://www.spss.com/textanalysis_surveys/
Posted by yan at 05:31 PM
SPSS Webcast: SPSS Statistics Base and SPSS Custom Tables
SPSS Statistics Base and SPSS Custom Tables Jul 8, 2008
United States
Begins at: 11 am CT
Duration: 45 minutes
SPSS Statistics Base is the heart of SPSS’ statistical software suite, offering a broad range of capabilities for data import, manipulation, analysis and graphics. SPSS Statistics Base is an approachable product that anyone with basic computing experience can learn to use; yet it is also widely regarded as an industry standard for analytics, with the ability to be expanded as needed for demanding analytic applications. SPSS Custom Tables allows you to create a report that summarizes results and tests for significance. You will see how easy it is to create multiple views of your data, cross-tabs and significance testing.
Topic covered in the webcast include:
- The SPSS graphic user interface
- Importing data
- Data exploration and manipulation
- Analysis with ease
- Reporting with Tables
- Analytics with depth
- Graphics
- Sharing results
- Automated reporting
For more details, visit SPSS - Events
Posted by yan at 05:29 PM
ANES Announces a New Associate Principal Investigator
The American National Election Studies is pleased to announce that Dr. Vincent Hutchings has been named Associate Principal Investigator. Dr. Hutchings has been a member of the ANES Board of Overseers since 2005. He will serve in this capacity for the rest of this year and throughout 2009. In this role, he will participate in all aspects of project planning.
Professor Hutchings' research interests include public opinion, elections, voting behavior, and African American politics. His book entitled "Public Opinion and Democratic Accountability: How Citizens Learn About Politics" focuses on how, and under what circumstances, citizens monitor (and consequently influence) their elected representative's voting behavior. Professor Hutchings also studies how the size of the African American constituency in congressional districts can influence legislative responsiveness to Black interests. The most recent product of this research has been published in the Journal of Politics.
Professor Hutchings is also interested in the ways that campaign communications can "prime" various group identities and subsequently affect candidate evaluations. This research examines how campaign communications can subtly---and not so subtly---prime voter's racial (and other group-based) attitudes and subsequently affect their political decisions. Research from this project has been published in the American Political Science Review and Public Opinion Quarterly. This project is currently being developed into a book-length manuscript.
ANES welcomes Professor Hutchings in his new role and is grateful for his ongoing contributions to the ANES.
Jon A. Krosnick and Arthur Lupia
ANES Principal Investigators
The ANES is a collaboration of the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan and the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences (IRiSS) at Stanford University, with funding by the National Science Foundation.
Posted by ronbo at 04:13 PM
Save the Date for MEPS Data User Workshop
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
AHRQ will conduct a two-day hands-on HCUP and MEPS Data Users Workshop in Rockville, MD on September 24-25, 2008. Registration materials would be available on MEPS website mid-July.
AHRQ is sponsoring a workshop to facilitate use of two of its important data resources: the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) and the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). The workshop, which will take place at AHRQ headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, will provide health services researchers with information on the components and capabilities of the two databases. Participants will be taught how to extract data for research projects from their choice of either MEPS or HCUP. For MEPS, a working knowledge of SAS is required. For HCUP, familiarity with SAS is recommended but not required. There is no fee for the workshop.
Day 1 of the workshop will consist of lectures designed to provide a general overview of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) and the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP).
Day 2 will be the participant’s choice of in-depth computer-based training on either MEPS or HCUP. For MEPS, participants will apply the knowledge gained from the first day's lectures to formulate a research plan that utilizes the various MEPS-HC files and linkage capabilities. Each participant will construct an analytic file and begin to conduct analyses. For HCUP, participants will learn how to use HCUP databases, e.g., Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), and software tools, e.g., HCUPnet. In both workshops, participants will have the opportunity to pose specific research questions. Computers will be available for all day 2 attendees.
Note: The day 2 sessions will be separate concurrent hands-on workshops run for MEPS and HCUP. Those attending MEPS hands-on session on 2nd day could bring a CD with their active MEPS project and get expert help on their research questions. Programmers and AHRQ staff will be available to provide assistance.
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) collects data on the specific health services that Americans use, how frequently they use them, the cost of these services, and how they are paid for, as well as data on the cost, scope, and breadth of private health insurance held by and available to the U.S. population. For more information about MEPS, please visit: http://www.meps.ahrq.gov
The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) is a family of powerful health care databases, software tools, and products. HCUP data enable research on a broad range of topics related to health care, including cost and quality of health services, medical practice patterns, access to health care programs, and outcomes of treatment at the national, State, and local market levels. In addition, HCUP makes available at no charge a number of software tools to facilitate use of HCUP and other administrative data. For more information about HCUP, please visit http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov
For any other questions email workshopinfo@ahrq.hhs.gov.
Posted by ronbo at 04:12 PM
New IES report from the National Center for Education Statistics: Technology-Based Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students: 2002-03 and 2004-05 (NCES 2008-008)
The National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences has released the report "Technology-Based Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students: 2002-03 and 2004-05 (NCES 2008-008)."
This report details findings from "Technology-Based Distance Education Courses for Public Elementary and Secondary School Students: 2004-05," a survey that was designed to provide policymakers, researchers, and educators with information about technology-based distance education courses in public elementary and secondary schools nationwide. This report also compares these findings with baseline data collected in 2002-03, and provides longitudinal analysis of change in the districts that responded to both the 2002-03 and 2004-05 surveys. For these two surveys, distance education courses were defined as credit-granting courses offered via audio, video, or Internet or other computer technologies to elementary and secondary school students enrolled in the district, in which the teacher and students were in different locations.
Findings indicate that 37 percent of public school districts and 10 percent of all public schools nationwide had students enrolled in technology-based distance education courses during 2004-05. During 2002-03, 36 percent of districts and 9 percent of schools had students enrolled in technology-based distance education courses. About a quarter (26 percent) of school districts that existed in both 2002-03 and 2004-05 had students enrolled in technology-based distance education in both school years, 11 percent did not have students in this type of education in 2002-03 but had such enrollments in 2004-05, and an equal percentage of districts (11 percent) had students enrolled in technology-based distance education in 2002-03 but not in 2004-05.
The number of enrollments in technology-based distance education courses increased from an estimated 317,070 enrollments in 2002-03 to 506,950 in 2004-05. The number of enrollments varied considerably among districts, although the majority of districts (57 percent) reported between one and 20 technology-based distance education enrollments in 2004-05. Distance education was more commonly offered by high schools than by schools at any other level, with 61 percent of technology-based distance education enrollments at the high school level. Seventy-one percent of districts with students enrolled in technology-based distance education courses in 2004-05 planned to expand their distance education courses in the future.
To view, download and print the report as a PDF file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 04:11 PM
June 26, 2008
2008 Joint Statistical Meetings
The 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings will be held August 3 - 7, 2008 at the Colorado Convention Center located at 700 14th Street, Denver, CO 80202.
JSM (the Joint Statistical Meetings) is the largest gathering of statisticians held in North America. It is held jointly with the American Statistical Association, the International Biometric Society (ENAR and WNAR), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the Statistical Society of Canada. Attended by over 5000 people, activities of the meeting include oral presentations, panel sessions, poster presentations, continuing education courses, exhibit hall (with state-of-the-art statistical products and opportunities), career placement service, society and section business meetings, committee meetings, social activities,and networking opportunities.
For more information, visit 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings.
Posted by yan at 10:18 PM
From Statalist: Stata Journal and SSC Archive
The contents of Stata Journal, vol. 8 issue 2, are now indexed in
RePEc at
In accordance with the publisher's 'moving wall', links to Stata
Journal vol. 5 issue 2 are now freely available. All articles up to
and including this issue may be downloaded in full text, gratis.
Thanks again to StataCorp for making the back issues available to all.
Posted by ronbo at 03:22 PM
From Census Product Update (June 26, 2008): Hot Tip - Three Ways To Search the Census Web Site
In the upper right-hand corner of the Census web page, click "FAQs," for the Question and Answer Center. Here you can search hundreds of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) or submit your question online.
Second, in the upper right hand corner of the Census home page you can type your search terms into the white text box and click "Go." This produces a search of the entire Census Bureau web site, along with the first several FAQs related to your search terms.
Third, click "Subjects A-Z" for hyperlinks to hundreds of Census subject areas and concepts.
With these methods of locating data on the web site, you will be on your way toward locating Census data!
Posted by ronbo at 09:26 AM
New IES report from the National Center for Education Statistics: Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States: 2005-06 (NCES 2008-339)
The National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences has released the report "Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States: 2005-06 (NCES 2008-339)."
This annual report provides basic information from the Common Core of Data about the nation's largest public school districts in the 2005-06 school year. The data include such characteristics as the numbers of students and teachers, number of high school completers and the averaged freshman graduation rate, and revenues and expenditures. Findings include: In 2005-06, these 100 largest districts enrolled 23 percent of all public school students and employed 22 percent of all public school teachers. The districts produced 20 percent of all high school completers (both diploma and other completion credential recipients) in 2004-05. Across the districts, the averaged freshman graduation rate was 69.5 percent. Three states -- California, Florida, and Texas -- accounted for almost half of the 100 largest public school districts. Current per-pupil expenditures in fiscal year 2003 ranged from a low of $5,104 in the Puerto Rico School District to a high of $18,878 in the District of C
olumbia Public School District.
To view, download and print the report as a PDF file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 09:24 AM
June 25, 2008
From IES Newsflash: New IES report from the National Center for Education Statistics
The National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences has released the report "Trends Among High School Seniors, 1972-2004 (NCES 2008-320)."
Using questionnaire and transcript data collected in 1972, 1980, 1982, 1992, and 2004, this report presents information on five cohorts of high school seniors. The analysis addresses overall trends, as well as trends within various subgroups defined by sex, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (SES). Key findings of the report include the following:
* The proportion of Black seniors who were in the highest SES quartile doubled from 1972 to 1992 (from 5 percent to 10 percent), and increased overall from 5 percent in 1972 to 14 percent in 2004.
* The percentage of seniors enrolling in calculus during their senior year grew from 6 percent to 13 percent between 1982 and 2004. The percentage of seniors taking no mathematics courses during their senior year declined from 57 percent to 34 percent over this time period.
* Seniors increased their senior-year enrollment in advanced science courses (chemistry II, physics II, and advanced biology) from 12 percent in 1982 to 25 percent in 2004.
* In each class of seniors, most of those who planned further schooling intended to attend four-year postsecondary schools, with the proportion of students planning to attend four-year schools rising from 34 percent in 1972 to 61 percent in 2004.
* In all years, higher percentages of Asian high school seniors, and lower percentages of Hispanic seniors (except in 1992), compared to other racial/ethnic groups, planned attendance at four-year institutions.
* No difference was observed between 1972 and 2004 between the percentage of seniors expecting a bachelor's degree as their highest level of education. Instead, growth between these two time points was greatest in expectations for a graduate or professional degree: 13 percent of seniors expected to attain this level of education as their highest in 1972, compared to 38 percent of seniors in 2004.
* In 1972, males expected to earn a graduate degree as their highest educational level in greater proportions than did females (16 percent versus 9 percent); however, in 2004, females expected to earn a graduate degree more often than males (45 percent versus 32 percent).
* Seniors increasingly expected to work in professional occupations (growing from 45 percent of seniors in 1972 to 63 percent of seniors in 2004 expecting to work in a professional field).
To view, download and print the report as a PDF file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 05:53 PM
From IES Newsflash: Just Released: National Indian Education Study - Part II: The Educational Experiences of American Indian and Alaska Native Students in Grades 4 and 8
This report presents information about the educational, home, and community experiences of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) fourth- and eighth-grade students that was collected during the National Indian Education Study (NIES) of 2007. AI/AN students represent about 1 percent of the student population in the United States. Approximately 10,000 AI/AN students in 1,700 schools at grade 4 and 11,000 AI/AN students from 1,800 schools at grade 8 participated in the study. Students, their teachers, and their school administrators completed the surveys.
The three major areas of findings described in this report include: characteristics of AI/AN students, characteristics of their teachers and schools, and the integration of native language and culture in their homes and schools.
Social and demographic information from the survey provides insights into the AI/AN student population. Highlighted below are only a few of the major findings.
* Fifty-six percent of AI/AN fourth-graders and 54 percent of eighth-graders attended schools in the South Central and Mountain regions. In the Mountain region, higher percentages of AI/AN students attended "high density schools" -- in which at least 25 percent of the students were AI/AN -- than attended "low density" schools.
* A higher percentage of AI/AN students in high density schools than in low density schools reported that a language other than English was spoken in their homes all or most of the time.
* Fifty-five percent of fourth-graders and 64 percent of eighth-graders in high density schools attended schools where more than three-quarters of the student body was eligible for free/reduced-price school lunch.
* Although nearly 90 percent of AI/AN students overall had teachers who provided instruction entirely in English, a higher percentage of students in high density schools than in low density schools had teachers who reported occasional use of AI/AN language in their instruction.
Find out more at
For each of the Findings, you can access related results in PDF format by clicking in the colored box.
Read the executive summary, and print the report at
The study is sponsored by the Office of Indian Education (OIE) and conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics for the U.S. Department of Education.
NAEP, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences.
Posted by ronbo at 05:51 PM
June 24, 2008
From IES Newsflash: Coming on June 25: National Indian Education Study - Part II: The Educational Experiences of American Indian and Alaska Native Students in Grades 4 and 8
The National Indian Education Study (NIES) is a two-part study designed to describe the condition of education for American Indian and Alaska Native students in the United States.
Part I of the 2007 NIES provides in-depth information on the academic performance of fourth- and eighth-grade American Indian and Alaska Native students on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in mathematics and reading. Part I was released on May 14. Explore Part I at
Part II of NIES was conducted through a survey to explore the educational experiences of these students who participated in the NAEP assessments. The survey focused on the integration of native language and culture into school and classroom activities. Part II will be released on June 25, at 10 a.m.
The study is sponsored by the Office of Indian Education (OIE) and conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics for the U.S. Department of Education.
NAEP, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences.
Posted by ronbo at 05:30 PM
Stata NetCourse schedules
NetCourse 101 | ![]() |
Introduction to Stata |
Course length: | 6 weeks (4 lectures) | |
Dates: | September 12–October 24, 2008 | |
Enrollment deadline: | September 11, 2008 | |
Price: | $95.00 |
NetCourse 151 | ![]() |
Introduction to Stata Programming |
Course length: | 6 weeks (4 lectures) | |
Dates: | September 12–October 24, 2008 | |
Enrollment deadline: | September 11, 2008 | |
Price: | $ 125.00 |
NetCourse 152 | ![]() |
Advanced Stata Programming |
Course length: | 7 weeks (5 lectures) | |
Dates: | October 10–November 28, 2008 | |
Enrollment deadline: | October 9 | |
Price: | $150.00 |
NetCourse 461 | ![]() |
Introduction to Univariate Time Series with Stata |
Course length: | 7 weeks (4 lectures plus overview of multivariate methods) | |
Dates: | October 10–November 28, 2008 | |
Enrollment deadline: | October 9 | |
Price: | $295.00 |
For detailed schedule and description of each course, go to Stata website: NetCourse schedules
Posted by yan at 12:47 PM
June 21, 2008
From IES Newsflash: For NAEP Researchers: New Training Opportunities, Data Available
Both are three-day advanced studies seminars on the use of NAEP data for education research and policy analysis. These seminars are aimed at faculty and advanced graduate students from colleges and universities. Education researchers and policy analysts with strong statistical skills from state and local education agencies and professional associations are also welcome. June 23 is the application deadline for both.
Using NAEP for Research and Policy Analysis: NAEP Database Training Seminar -- July 30 to August 1
The main NAEP database contains nationally representative achievement scores of students in grades 4, 8, and 12, from public and non-public schools in a variety of academic subjects. The database also contains background information on the students who were assessed and their learning environment.
For more information and to register:
Take a look at the variety of published data in the NAEP Data Explorer:
HSTS Database Training Seminar: Use of the NAEP High School Transcript Study (HSTS) 2005 Data -- August 4-6
The NAEP High School Transcript Study collects transcripts from representative samples of America's public and private high school graduates. The most recent study was conducted in 2005, in conjunction with grade 12 NAEP assessments in mathematics and science. The database includes information on students' coursetaking, course credits earned, grade point average, performance on the NAEP assessment, and student and school background characteristics.
For more information on the seminar and to register:
For more information on the NAEP HSTS, see
Take a look at the published HSTS data in the NAEP Data Explorer:
Data for all long-term trend (LTT) mathematics and reading assessments through 2004 are now available on CD-ROM to researchers in organizations holding licenses from NCES. See which variables are available:
For more information on the long-term trend assessment, see
Take a look at the published data in the NAEP Data Explorer:
NAEP, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences.
Posted by ronbo at 02:29 PM
June 19, 2008
QSR hosted eDemo: Nvivo 8
Title: QSR Hosted eDemo: NVivo 8Event Type: Webcast
Venue: Conducted via the Internet
This is a free interactive web demonstration conducted by QSR. Participants will be provided with an overview of the key features of our NVivo 8 software and their potential use in the research process. There will also be an opportunity for questions during the session.
Places are limited and Internet connection and phone is required.
Dates and Times in July, 2008:
08 July 2008 - 10.00am (US Eastern Standard Time)
10 July 2008 - 4.00pm (US Eastern Standard Time)
22 July 2008 - 10.00am (US Eastern Standard Time)
24 July 2008 - 4.00pm (US Eastern Standard Time)
29 July 2008 - 10.00am (US Eastern Standard Time)
31 July 2008 - 4.00pm (US Eastern Standard Time)
For more details and the enrollment form, visit: QSR Conferences & Events webpage
Posted by yan at 06:10 PM
June 16, 2008
CSES Announcement: Help Shape the Future of CSES
Note to Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) User Community
The Module 3 Planning Committee is now nearing the end of its work, and a new Module 4 Planning Committee will take its place in 2009. The current Planning Committee met in Warsaw on 26 April and outlined the next steps in the transition.
The transition affords two opportunities for you to help shape the future of CSES: by suggesting potential members for the new Module 4 Planning Committee, and by suggesting possible substantive themes for Module 4.
The CSES rules specify a 50 percent turnover of members on the Planning Committee from one module to the next, and that a Nominating Committee be established to consider the composition of the new Committee. A Nominating Committee has been established consisting of Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Social Science Research Center, Berlin), Jacques Thomassen (University of Twente, Netherlands), and myself.
One purpose of this note is to ask you, as a member of the CSES user community, if you wish to nominate anyone for membership on the Module 4 Planning Committee. Please send nominations to me at: ian.mcallister@anu.edu.au
The composition of the new Module 4 Planning Committee will be brought to a CSES Plenary Meeting in 2009. Planning for that meeting is underway, although no date and venue have been decided.
In order to begin the process of identifying a topic for Module 4, a Task Force has been established, co-ordinated by Jack Vowles (Exeter University, UK), with support from Andre Blais (University of Montreal, Canada), Kees Aarts (University of Twente, Netherlands) and Gabor Toka (Central European University, Budapest).
The Task Force will identify gaps in the research that Module 4 might address, and canvass possible substantive themes for the new module. The second purpose of this note is to ask you, as a member of the CSES user community, to suggest possible themes that the Task Force should investigate. Please direct suggestions and comments for Module 4 to Jack Vowles at: J.Vowles@exeter.ac.uk
The Task Force will prepare a report about the ideas suggested and present the report at the CSES Plenary Meeting in 2009 for feedback and discussion.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in these endeavours, and for your ongoing support of the CSES project.
Ian McAllister
Chair, Module 3 Planning Committee
The Australian National University
Posted by ronbo at 08:49 PM
From Census Product Update (June 13, 2008): Hot Tip - Business "Births," Deaths," "Expansions" Tracked
A Census Bureau web site tracks business births, deaths, and expansions from one year to the next. The Statistics of U.S. Business uses the Business Information Tracking Series (BITS) to link establishments from year to year. Using this file, we are able to tabulate data for establishment births and deaths and employment expansions and contractions. In 2004, for example, there were 10,008 logging establishments; by 2004 the number had dropped by 413 establishments to 9595. In 2004, births numbered 1,155; deaths, 1,185. Employment saw a 1.9 percent drop from 2003 to 2004. Similar information is available for industries (4-digit NAICS level) for states and metro areas.
Posted by ronbo at 08:44 PM
From IES Newsflash: For NAEP Researchers: New Training Opportunities, Data Available
Both are three-day advanced studies seminars on the use of NAEP data for education research and policy analysis. These seminars are aimed at faculty and advanced graduate students from colleges and universities. Education researchers and policy analysts with strong statistical skills from state and local education agencies and professional associations are also welcome. June 18 is the application deadline for both.
1. Using NAEP for Research and Policy Analysis: NAEP Database Training Seminar -- July 30 to August 1
The main NAEP database contains nationally representative achievement scores of students in grades 4, 8, and 12, from public and non-public schools in a variety of academic subjects. The database also contains background information on the students who were assessed and their learning environment.
For more information and to register:
Take a look at the variety of published data in the NAEP Data Explorer:
2. HSTS Database Training Seminar: Use of the NAEP High School Transcript Study (HSTS) 2005 Data -- August 4-6
The NAEP High School Transcript Study collects transcripts from representative samples of America’s public and private high school graduates. The most recent study was conducted in 2005, in conjunction with grade 12 NAEP assessments in mathematics and science. The database includes information on students’ coursetaking, course credits earned, grade point average, performance on the NAEP assessment, and student and school background characteristics.
For more information on the seminar and to register:
For more information on the NAEP HSTS, see
Take a look at the published HSTS data in the NAEP Data Explorer:
Data for all long-term trend (LTT) mathematics and reading assessments through 2004 are now available on CD-ROM to researchers in organizations holding licenses from NCES. See which variables are available:
For more information on the long-term trend assessment, see
Take a look at the published data in the NAEP Data Explorer:
NAEP, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences.
Posted by ronbo at 08:32 PM
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - New Releases through 2008-06-15
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data archive along with a list of released data collections that have been updated:
New Additions
21660 New York Police Department (NYPD) Stop, Question, and Frisk Database, 2006
22163 ABC News/Washington Post Pre-Election Poll #1, October 2006
22167 Washington Post District of Columbia Poll, July 2006
22402 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Police Employee (LEOKA) Data, 2006
22541 Global Terrorism Database 1.1, 1970-1997
22680 Pandemic Economics: The 1918 Influenza and Its Modern-Day Implications
22681 A Primer on the Empirical Identification of Government Spending Shocks
22682 The Federal Response to Home Mortgage Distress: Lessons from the Great Depression
22683 Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Consensus Forecasts
22684 Forecasting Inflation and Output: Comparing Data-Rich Models with Simple Rules
6843 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1979
6845 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1982
7639 Juvenile Detention and Correctional Facility Census, 1973
9319 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) 1986 Panel
9958 Euro-Barometer 37.2: Elderly Europeans, April-May 1992
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at
Posted by ronbo at 07:59 PM
June 10, 2008
IRiSS in Focus--June 2008 issue
From the Director: Congratulations to the recipients of the first IRiSS seed grants and faculty fellow awards! Read on for details about the awards as well as other notable accomplishments within our social science community. For more information on IRiSS research services and other recognition, news, and activity, visit the unabridged version of IRiSS in Focus.
Karen Cook, IRiSS Director and Ray Lyman Wilbur Professor and Chair of Sociology
News From IRiSS Centers
Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS):
Rob Reich will become a co-director of the Center as of September 2008, joining Woody Powell and Deb Meyerson.
2009 PACS Fellows: The following six PhD candidates have been selected as the 2009 PACS Fellows: Tara Béteille (economics of education), Christopher Bryan (social psychology), Roy Elis (political science), Paul Gowder (political science), Kaisa Snellman (organizational sociology), and Megan Tompkins (education, sociology). For more on their research projects, visit the unabridged version of IRiSS in Focus.
Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality (CPI):
Pathways: The second issue of Pathways will be coming out in August, with a special focus on whether anti-recession economic policy in the U.S. can deliver stimulus and fight poverty and inequality at the same time.
Stanford Poverty Count: A new initiative to release a Stanford Poverty Count is being launched by CPI. The initiative, which received seed funding from H&S, aims to provide a more accurate measure of poverty in the U.S.
Grant Announcements
IRiSS Seed Grants: IRiSS is pleased to announce the first recipients of its new seed grant and faculty fellow programs. A total of eight seed grants as high as $10,000 were awarded to social science faculty undertaking high-risk, high-return research projects. The seed grants offer the potential to boost extramural funding. The awardees are:
Nick Bloom, Max Floetotto, Nir Jaimovich (Economics)
Melissa Brown & Marcus Feldman (Anthropology)
Jennifer Eberhardt (Psychology)
Petra Moser (Economics)
Susan Olzak (Sociology)
Michael Rosenfeld (Sociology)
Rob Reich (Political Science)
Jonathan Rodden, Karen Jusko, and Alberto Diaz-Cayeros (Political Science)
Paul Sniderman (Political Science)
First class of IRiSS faculty fellows announced: The faculty fellows program welcomed eight faculty from multiple departments who are exploring cutting-edge research questions, with the goal of creating and communicating new knowledge through research publications and in the classroom. For specifics on all proposals, visit the IRiSS Web site. The faculty fellows are:
Melissa Brown (Anthropology)
Henning Hillman (Sociology)
Karen Jusko and Jonathan Rodden (Sociology)
Dan McFarland, Woody Powell, Chris Manning, Dan Jurafsky (School of Education, departments of Computer Science and Linguistics)
The Methods of Analysis Program in the Social Science (MAPSS) Awardees: Congrats to the first group of students who completed the MAPSS methods certification program: Laurel Harbridge, Josh Pasek, Daniel Schneider, Pantipa Tachawachira, Xin Wei, and Michael Weiksner. The MAPSS graduate certificate recognizes Stanford PhD students who have developed methodological skills with advanced cross-disciplinary training in research methods--either quantitative or qualitative or both.
For more information on recent awards and recognition, research support services, and other useful items, please visit the unabridged version of IRiSS in Focus. Thanks for your interest--comments or suggestions for IRiSS in Focus are always welcome and may be directed to IRiSS Communications Manager Tanya Brugh.
Posted by ronbo at 07:54 PM
June 09, 2008
From IES Newsflash: State Education Reforms Website updated
The National Center for Education Statistics within the Institute of Education Sciences has expanded the State Education Reforms (SER) website. The site was based on the report "Overview and Inventory of State Education Reforms: 1990 to 2000," and is updated periodically to incorporate new data on state education reform activities.
The SER website, which draws primarily on data collected by organizations other than NCES, compiles and disseminates data on state-level education reform efforts in four areas: standards, assessment, and accountability; school finance reforms; resources for learning; and state support for school choice options. Specific reform areas include student and teacher assessments, adequate yearly progress, statewide exit exams, highly qualified teachers, open enrollment laws, and charter schools.
In the Standards, Assessment, and Accountability area of the website, three tables were updated and two new tables were added. Three tables were updated in the Resources for Learning area. To locate these tables on the SER site, please look for the "New!" and "Updated!" tags next to the table titles.
To view the site, please visit: http://nces.ed.gov/programs/statereform/
Posted by ronbo at 03:27 PM
June 05, 2008
Roper Center Newsletter, June 2008
The Mitofsky award carries a cash prize and recognizes outstanding research or reporting that uses The Roper Center’s public opinion data archive. The 2008 award prize is $1,000. The award acknowledges important work on public opinion or survey methodology that has been published in a book, journal, magazine, or newspaper, or presented at a professional conference. Special consideration will be given to work that is based on data obtained by the researcher or author directly from the Roper archive, as well as to work that utilizes multiple data sources or compares survey results over time.
For full consideration nominations must be received by June 30, 2008. Please send nominations to:
Robert Y. Shapiro
Columbia University
Dept. of Political Science
420 W. 118th St., 730 IAB
New York, NY 10027
E-Mail: rys3@columbia.edu
Topics at a Glance!--"Election 2008"
This year's historical presidential election is heated. Here you can find data on the current Democratic Nomination. Find out public opinion on important issues driving the vote, the horse race and the sitting President's approval rating. Click here to get more public opinion data on this month's Topic at a Glance--Election 2008!
Based on a new topic each month, TAG offers a generous free sampling of related polling data and details of survey datasets held by the Roper Center, along with articles previously published in Public Perspective magazine.
Experience the depth of information housed in the Roper Center archives - The complete list of "Topics at a Glance!" http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/cgi-bin/hsrun.exe/Roperweb/pom/pom.htx;start=HS_pom_list
Newly spotlighted datasets http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/cgi-bin/hsrun.exe/roperweb/Catalog40/Catalog40.htx;start=HS_surveyspot
Updated as of June 3, 2008
Special studies of interest recently added to iPOLL. The database now contains nearly a half million questions!
Title: George Washington University Battleground 2008 Survey [May, 2008]
Source: Survey by George Washington University.
Methodology: Conducted by Tarrance Group & Lake Research Partners, May 11-May 14, 2008 and based on telephone interviews with a national likely voters sample of 1,018. Likely voters are registered voters who said they are somewhat/very/extremely likely to vote in 2008.
Search for: Searched iPOLL for: Organization: 'Tarrance'; Date: '05/11/2008 to 05/11/2008'
Title: Public Agenda Confidence in US Foreign Policy Index Poll [March,2008]
Source: Conducted by Public Agenda Foundation, March 18-April 1, 2008 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,006.
Search for: Searched iPOLL for: Organization: 'Public Agenda Foundation'; Date: '03/18/2008 to 03/18/2008'
Title: The Economic Slowdown's Impact on Middle-Aged and Older Americans Survey [April,2008]
Source: Survey by AARP.
Methodology: Conducted by Woelful Research, April 12-April 23, 2008 and based on telephone interviews with a national adults age 45 and older who are currently working/looking for work/retired sample of 1,002.
Search for: Searched iPOLL for: Organization: 'AARP'; Date: '04/12/2008 to 04/12/2008'
Title: Nuclear Energy Institute Poll [April,2008]
Source: Survey by Nuclear Energy Institute.
Methodology: Conducted by Bisconti Research and Gfk NOP, April 10-April 13, 2008 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,000.
Search for: Searched iPOLL for Keyword: 'energy', Date: '04/10/2008 to 04/10/2008'
Title: Confidence in Leadership Survey [September, 2007]
Source: Survey by Center for Public Leadership of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, U.S. News & World Report.
Methodology: Conducted by TSC, a division of Yankelovich, September 4-September 17, 2007 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,207.
Search for: Searched iPOLL for: Organization: 'Yankelovich'; Date: '09/04/2007 to 09/04/2007'
Title: Confidence in Leadership Survey [September, 2006]
Source: Survey by Center for Public Leadership of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, U.S. News & World Report.
Methodology: Conducted by TSC, a division of Yankelovich, September 5-September 17, 2006 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,604.
Search for: Searched iPOLL for: Organization: 'Yankelovich'; Date: '09/05/2006 to 09/05/2006'
Additional resources - Web sites with special survey samples
Youth Vote Survey by Greenburg Quinlan Rosner Research and Public Opinion Strategies for Democracy Corps
The Rural American Battleground Survey by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research/Greener and Hook for the Center for Rural Strategies
Public Agenda Foundation New Teachers Lessons Learned Survey
Posted by ronbo at 02:23 PM
June 03, 2008
Spanish and Mandarin coming to NVivo!
Announcement from QSR International - Spanish and Mandarin coming to NVivo!
Date: 4 June 2008
NVivo 8 will be launched in Mandarin and Spanish in August 2008.
While NVivo has always been able to work with data in virtually any language, for the first time the software’s user interface will be fully translated into Spanish and Mandarin. Users will be able to switch seamlessly between Spanish, Mandarin and English interfaces and support materials at any time, without affecting their projects or data.
Read complete announcement here.
Posted by yan at 11:45 PM
NVivo 8 workbook set now available
Announcement from QSR International - NVivo 8 workbook set now available
NVivo 8 workbook set now available
Date: 8 May 2008
A set of two workbooks is now available for those learning our NVivo 8 software. Authored by QSR’s own expert trainers, these workbooks are the definitive resource for those new to NVivo 8.
Our NVivo 8 workbooks provide step by step instructions and illustrative screen shots for working with NVivo 8. Most chapters also include additional activities to allow you to apply what you’ve learnt. The workbooks are only sold as a set:
‘NVivo 8 Fundamentals’ covers the essentials of NVivo 8 including how to create a new project and import your materials including Word documents, PDF documents, videos, audio files and photos. It also covers the coding process, which allows you to gather together all material related to a topic. After working through this book you should be able to start working with your material in NVivo 8.
View the ‘NVivo 8 Fundamentals’ table of contents
‘Moving on in NVivo 8’ helps you to move on from setting up your project, and assists you to explore, visualize and present your material. You’ll learn how to group and link your information and explore it through ‘find’ features, queries, models and charts. Presenting your information in reports and working in teams is also covered. After working through this book you should be able to use NVivo 8 effectively.
Posted by yan at 11:28 PM
Service Pack 1 released for NVivo 8
Announcement from QSR International - Service Pack 1 released for NVivo 8
Service Pack 1 released for NVivo 8Date: 26 May 2008
Category: AnnouncementsOur first scheduled service pack is now available free to all NVivo 8 software users. It delivers a range of enhancements that improve the usability and stability of NVivo 8, plus new features including the ability to work with Word 2007 (.docx) documents and two new charts.
If you’re already using NVivo 8, we encourage you to download NVivo 8 Service Pack 1. You’ll see improvements to the usability and stability of NVivo 8, including the:
- New ability to directly import and work with Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) documents
- Introduction of two new charts for viewing attribute values, such as demographic information, across several sources (like documents and audio files), and across several themes or nodes
- Ability to customize the columns within List Views
- New ability to preview the information within List Views before printing
- Improved word frequency query allowing you to view word frequencies as percentages, plus the ability to restrict results to only words longer than a user-defined limit
- Improvements to importing of PDF, video and audio files
- New option to hide or show the Find tool bar, giving you more space on the screen and the flexibility to work your way
You’ll find the full list of enhancements in the ‘readme’ file, which can be accessed from the Help menu in your software after downloading the service pack.
Service Pack 1 is available free to all NVivo 8 users, including those using trial software. To download and install it, click on the link below, or follow the instructions you’ll receive via your NVivo 8 software. The service pack file is 100MB in size and on a 512k broadband connection it will take approximately 30 minutes to download.
Service Pack 1 simply updates your existing software – there is no need to uninstall or reinstall NVivo 8 and your projects are not affected. If you have further questions about the service pack or how to install it, please contact our Support team
Posted by yan at 11:12 PM
NVivo 8 reviewed
from QSR International's website: NVivo 8 reviewed
NVivo 8 reviewed
Author: Tim Macer
Publication: Research magazine
Date: 5 May 2008
Related Product: NVivo 8
Tim Macer reviews NVivo 8 in UK publication Research and determines if NVivo 8 will “deliver on its promise to allow users greater freedom”.
Tim writes, “NVivo, the stalwart of academic qualitative researchers, has suddenly embraced multimedia files with a passion, and in doing so widened its appeal to a much broader spectrum of qual researchers.”
“While video recordings of qualitative interviews and groups are now commonplace, handling video is often unwieldy and can force researchers to fall back on textual transcripts that fail to capture expression or nuance.”
“The breakthrough with NVivo 8 is its ability to import a wide range of source materials and make these easy for researchers to tag with comments and observations, including video and audio. You can also import Word files and even PDFs, and you can link them together if you have a full transcript and a video of your group.”
The review also includes a client perspective from Silvana Di Gregorio, an independent qualitative analysis consultant and owner of SDG Associates. Silvana says “NVivo 8 has made an extraordinary leap forward, with the ability to analyse videos, audio and graphics. I think it can revolutionise ways of analysis.”
Read the full article: NVivo 8 reviewed (pdf)
Posted by yan at 11:08 PM
June 02, 2008
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - New Releases through 2008-06-01
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data archive along with a list of released data collections that have been updated:
New Additions
3020 Census of Population and Housing, 2000 [United States]: 1998 Dress Rehearsal, 100-Percent Summary Files for 11 Counties in South Carolina, Sacramento, California, and Menominee County, Wisconsin
4488 CBS News Campaign Fundraising Poll, March 1997
4489 CBS News/New York Times Campaign Fundraising/Movies Poll, April 1997
4490 CBS News/New York Times Women's Health Poll, May 1997
4549 The 500 Family Study [1998-2000: United States]
20840 Malawi Diffusion and Ideational Change Project (MDICP), 1998 and 2001
20862 Latino National Survey (LNS), 2006
21181 Northwest Area Foundation Horizons Social Indicators Survey, 2004-2005
21741 Chinese Household Income Project, 2002
22166 Washington Post Maryland Elections Poll, June 2006
22400 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 2006
22520 Census of Population and Housing, 2000 [United States]: State Legislative District Summary File, 100-percent
2872 New York Times New York State Catholic Poll, November 1999
3764 Community Tracking Study Household Survey, 2000-2001: [United States]
4481 CBS News Telenoticas Survey, October 1996
8637 ABC News/Washington Post Poll, September 1986
9688 Census of Population and Housing, 1990 [United States]: Summary Tape File 1B
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at
Posted by ronbo at 09:12 AM
June 01, 2008
From MAPSS list: Social Science at Google
Google Quantitative Researcher Vani Henderson discusses Google data and measurement tools as social science resources this Tuesday (June 3rd).
Tuesday, May 3rd
12:15 PM
Education Building (Cubberley) - Room 128
Google as a Measuring Tool
Most people know Google as a search engine: a tool to connect them with the information they're looking for on the World Wide Web. But through its aggregated, anonymous data--and tools that make sense of the data--Google can also provide invaluable insights into user behavior, trends, and response to both on- and offline advertising. This talk will provide an overview of the data and tools that Google makes available to users, from the average searcher to major advertisers.
Vani Henderson is a researcher in the quantitative marketing group at Google. She was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Stanford Prevention Research Center in 2006-07 and earned a Ph.D. in communication from the Annenberg School at the University of Pennsylvania. Previously, she was a senior strategic planner at advertising agency Foote, Cone, & Belding in New York City. Her research in the area of media effects has been published in journals including Media Psychology, Journal of Adolescent Health, and Personality and Individual Differences. At Google, her work focuses on understanding user behavior and advertising effects.
MAPSS is an interdisciplinary methodology program designed to expose researchers to diverse modes of data collection and analysis from across the social sciences. MAPSS offers a colloquium series, a workshop, a graduate certificate program, and various research resources. If you would like to learn more about the Methods of Analysis Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS), please check out our website at mapss.stanford.edu.
All members of the Stanford community are invited to attend and to RSVP in advance to reserve food.
Lunch will be served at 12:00 for those who have RSVP'd; the talks start at 12:15.
For more information, please contact mapss-info@lists.stanford.edu.
The Methods of Analysis Program in the Social Sciences is a program of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences.
Posted by ronbo at 11:27 AM