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January 27, 2006
U.S. Census Update: Hot Tip
FactFinder Download Center Lets You Download Data for All ZIPs
Callers constantly ask us about downloading data from the Census 2000 Summary Files for all ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) in the country. Up to now you were forced to go state by state in the American FactFinder (AFF), work with the challenging FTP files, or buy the data on DVD. Now salvation is at hand.
American FactFinder now has a new Download Center especially designed for users needing to download a whole set of tables for a whole category of geographic areas - such as counties, places, metro areas, or ZCTAs. The more areas the better, the more tables the better. You will be able download tables from Summary 1 or 3 for all these areas in one operation. Come to the Census Bureau home page and click on the American FactFinder. On the FactFinder page, click on the "Download Center," which then asks you to choose the data file. If you want ZCTA data, pick Summary File 1 or 3 and then "All 5-digit ZIP Code Tabulation Areas." Next decide whether you want all tables in the file or a subset of tables. AFF instructs you to "Start Download" after which you are prompted to open or save the data as a zipped file. After saving the file, open it in Excel and then you may have to divide the data into columns by accessing "Text to Columns" under "Data."
Posted by ronbo at 03:53 PM
January 26, 2006
NCES Newsflash: New web versions of the Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 7 Issues 1&2 have been released on the NCES website
You may browse Volume 7 of the Quarterly by visiting:
The Quarterly offers a comprehensive overview of work done across all of NCES. Each issue includes short publications and summaries covering all NCES publications and data products released in a given time period as well as notices about training and funding opportunities. In addition, each issue includes a featured topic with invited commentary, and a note on the topic from NCES. This is the final issue of the Quarterly being produced by NCES.
You may also view various tables and figures from the Quarterly and other NCES publications by visiting our Tables & Figures Search Tool:
This search tool lets you locate all tables/figures/charts published in the inventory of NCES' "Education Statistics Quarterly", the National Education Data Resource Center (NEDRC) Postsecondary Tables Library, the Condition of Education, the Digest of Education Statistics, and other NCES publications. Tables are constantly being added to this database.
Posted by ronbo at 02:01 PM
January 25, 2006
GIS: New Free Batch Geocoding Website
From Meredith Williams posted to the campus ESRI-Users list:
This site is offering a free, web-based service that usually is very expensive, batch geocoding. I imagine that this could be very popular in the Business School, or with anyone who doesn't have time to learn GIS, but needs to geocode multiple addresses. http://www.batchgeocode.com/ You can even view your points on a map at the end if you'd like.
Please pass this along to anyone that might use it.
Meredith Williams, GIS Manager
Branner Earth Science Library
Stanford University
Posted by ronbo at 06:28 PM
NCES Newsflash: Navigating Resources for Rural Schools
NCES has recently updated its rural education website, Navigating Resources for Rural Schools. The updated website is part of a series of new developments underway to increase access and make the data more consistent and useful to the rural education research community. The revised website is a first stop in finding statistics on rural education data that NCES collects. The site starts with a basic overview of how locale is defined in various NCES data collections. The section on students shows tables on enrollment and participation rates, assessment, progress through school, and expenditures and revenues per student. The section on teachers includes statistics on their credentials, salaries, attrition, and student/teacher ratios. Course offerings are found with school discipline, technology, and other measures in the section on the school environment. Sections on community and financial support provide data on parents’ satisfaction and engagement with schools, as well as customary measures of fiscal resources.
To view this website please go to:
Posted by ronbo at 05:45 PM
January 24, 2006
Roper Center Data Acquisitions Update, December 2005
Click here for a list of new additions to the Roper Center data archive that are now available to Center Members via Roper Express.
Stanford University Libraries maintains a membership to the Roper Center and Stanford faculty, staff, and students can now download data directly accessible via Roper Express. For instructions on requesting data not available via Roper Express, click on the "Data Services - Roper" link on our SSDS web site.
This month the attached PDF contains:
* 5 new CBS News/New York Times Polls conducted from January-September, 2005.
* 5 new Cable News Network/USA Today Polls conducted by the Gallup Organization from March-June, 2005.
* MTV/Gates Foundation Poll: High School and Beyond--Views on Education Among 14-24 Year Olds conducted by CBS News March 31-April 9, 2005.
* Rolling Up Their Sleeves--Superintendents and Principals Talk About What’s Needed to Fix Public Schools conducted by the Public Agenda Foundation July 21-September 2, 2003.
* 2 new ABC News/Washington Post Polls conducted March-April, 2005.
* 12 new Time Magazine studies conducted by Schulman, Ronca, & Bucuvalas, Inc. from July, 2004-January, 2005.
These notices have been archived on the Roper Center website at:
If you have any questions about these data collections please do not hesitate to contact the Roper Center at rcweb@ropercenter.uconn.edu.
Posted by ronbo at 11:36 AM
January 20, 2006
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - January 20, 2006
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data archive along with a list of released data collections that have been updated:
4150 Current Population Survey, August 2001: Veterans Supplement
4168 Current Population Survey, December 2003: Food Security Supplement
4217 Current Population Survey, June 2004: Fertility Supplement
4218 Current Population Survey, September 2004: Volunteer Supplement
4272 Current Population Survey, November 2004: Voter Supplement
4337 Assessing Mental Health Problems Among Serious Delinquents Committed to the California Youth Authority, 1997-1999
4340 Assessing Police Officers
4343 Puerto Rico Census Project, 1910
4344 Puerto Rico Census Project, 1920
2142 Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) X: Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred Between July 1, 1974 and June 30, 1975
3167 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: County-Level Detailed Arrest and Offense Data, 1999
3169 Current Population Survey, February 2000: Displaced Workers, Employee Tenure, and Occupational Mobility Supplement
3451 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: County-Level Detailed Arrest and Offense Data, 2000
3721 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: County-Level Detailed Arrest and Offense Data, 2001
4009 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: County-Level Detailed Arrest and Offense Data, 2002
4360 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: County-Level Detailed Arrest and Offense Data, 2003
7869 British Election Study: June 1970 - February 1974 Panel Survey
7871 British Election Study: October 1974 Scottish Cross-Section
7872 British Election Study: EEC Referendum Study, 1975
13666 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Young Adult Self Report, Wave 2, 1997-2000
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 05:52 PM
NCES Newsflash: NCES Education Statistics Quarterly-Vol. 7 Issues 1&2
The NCES 'Education Statistics Quarterly' offers a comprehensive overview of work done across all of NCES. Each issue includes short publications and summaries covering all NCES publications and data products released in a given time period as well as notices about training and funding opportunities. In addition, each issue includes a featured topic with invited commentary, and a note on the topic from NCES. This is the final issue of the Quarterly being produced by NCES.
To download, view and print the publication as a pdf file, please
Posted by ronbo at 05:47 PM
NCES Newsflash: Public Elementary and Secondary Students, Staff, Schools, and School Districts: School Year 2003-04
This report contains data from the Common Core of Data (CCD) non-fiscal 2003-04 state, local education agency, and school surveys. The report presents data about the students enrolled in public education, including the number of students by grade and the number receiving special education, migrant, or English language learner services. Some tables disaggregate the student data by racial/ethnic group or community characteristics such as rural - urban. The numbers and types of teachers, other education staff, schools, and local education agencies are also reported.
To download, view and print the publication as a pdf file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 03:02 PM
January 18, 2006
GIS: Free Live Web Training Seminar
Understanding Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS 9
Thursday, January 26, 2006
9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., or 3:00 p.m. Pacific standard time
Learn about the spatial statistics tools included as core functionality with ArcView 9, ArcEditor 9, and ArcInfo 9. This seminar will be archived and available for viewing on the Virtual Campus following the live broadcast.
Seminar overview
Using GIS software to perform spatial statistical analysis can be useful for a broad range of application areas including epidemiology, crime analysis, wildlife biology, archaeology, retail analysis, and demographics. ArcGIS 9 software introduces a new set of tools for performing spatial statistical analyses. The ArcGIS spatial statistics geoprocessing tools extend traditional GIS spatial analysis techniques with methods that examine feature distributions (e.g., identifying the geographic center of a set of features or measuring the dispersion of features around their geographic center), analyzing spatial patterns (e.g., determining if a set of features forms a clustered or a dispersed spatial pattern), and mapping spatial clusters or anomalies (e.g., finding hot spots or spatial outliers). This seminar introduces some of the spatial statistics tools included as core functionality with all ArcGIS 9 Desktop licenses (ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo).
Key points
The presenter will discuss:
* An overview of spatial statistics
* Measuring geographic distributions
* Spatial autocorrelation
* Hot spot analysis
Intended audience
This seminar is designed for those who want to explore the new spatial statistics tools included with ArcGIS 9 software. Participants should be familiar with the ArcGIS geoprocessing framework and basic statistical concepts.
Posted by ronbo at 12:58 PM
January 09, 2006
NCES Newsflash: 1993/03 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:93/03) Methodology Report
This report describes the procedures and results of the full-scale implementation of the B&B:93/03 study. Students who earned a bachelor's degree in 1992-93 were first interviewed in 1993 and then subsequently in 1994 and 1997. This is the final follow-up interview of the B&B:93 cohort, 10 years following completion of the bachelor's degree. The results of this study offer an opportunity to assess the value of a baccalaureate degree at a time when sample members are becoming established in their careers. Specific topics of interest include length of time to complete a baccalaureate degree, the pursuit of additional postsecondary education beyond a bachelor's degree, and employment outcomes.
To download, view and print this report as a PDF file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 02:11 PM
NCES Newsflash: Two New NCES Reports Released Today!
Teacher Professional Development in 1999–2000: What Teachers, Principals, and District Staff Report
This report uses data from the 1999-2000 Schools and Staffing Survey to address how teacher professional development was organized and managed, what kinds of activities were available to teachers, and which ones they participated in. Major topics covered include planning and implementation of professional development, selection and evaluation of professional development activities and support for teacher professional development. In 1999-2000 most schools (92 percent) provided their teachers with time for professional development during regular contract hours. According to district staff, primary responsibility for deciding the content of professional development activities rests most commonly with district staff or principals rather than teachers or outside providers. In each topic area, more than one-half of all teachers who had participated thought that the activities were very useful.
To download, view and print this report as a PDF file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 10:47 AM
January 06, 2006
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - January 06, 2006
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data archive along with a list of released data collections that have been updated:
4100 Chicago Lawyers Survey, 1994-1995
4151 Current Population Survey, August 2003: Veterans Supplement
4167 Current Population Survey, October 2003: School Enrollment and Computer Use Supplement
4223 Final Assessment of the Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI) in New Haven, Connecticut, 1994-2001
4238 ABC News Ohio State Poll, October 2004
4239 ABC News/WASHINGTON POST Monthly Poll, December 2004
4244 Current Population Survey, March/April 2000 Match File: Child Support
4308 Risk Management of Sexually Abusive Youth in Massachusetts, 1998-2004
4356 Testing the Effects of Selected Jury Trial Innovations on Juries
6903 Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) XIII: Institutional Characteristics of Colleges and Universities, 1978-1979
3665 Current Population Survey, January 2002: Displaced Worker, Employee Tenure, and Occupational Mobility Supplement
4312 Current Population Survey: Annual Social and Economic (ASEC) Survey, 2005
8218 Chicago Lawyers Survey, 1975
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 03:02 PM
January 05, 2006
NCES Newsflash: Employees in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2004, and Salaries of Full-Time Instructional Faculty, 200405
This E.D. TAB presents findings from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Winter 2004–05 data collection, which included two required survey components: Employees by Assigned Position (EAP) for fall 2004 and Salaries (SA) for academic year 2004–05; the Fall Staff (S) component was optional for fall 2004. These data were collected through the IPEDS web-based data collection system. Title IV institutions in the United States employed over 3.3 million individuals in fall 2004, of which, 315,000 were employed in medical schools. About 1.2 million full-time professional employees were employed by Title IV institutions (except medical schools) in the United States in fall 2004. Of those, 51 percent had faculty status. Among the 183,000 full-time professional employees in medical schools, 45 percent had faculty status.
To download, view and print the report as a PDF file, please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 05:11 PM
Roper Center Newsletter, January 2006
Tip of the month!!
Remember another benefit of membership--
Let us know which of the valuable studies in our collection you want to see made available via RoperExpress! Our team includes you--help us to determine priorities for upgrading our collections!
Data Archive Graduate Assistantships
Two Data Archive Graduate Assistant positions are now open to graduate students of the University of Connecticut beginning January, 2006. Students in these positions will be directly involved in processing (checking, verifying and cataloging) public opinion survey datasets into the Roper Center archives and will gain experience in basic data handling and analysis methods. Learn more about the Data Archive Graduate Assistant positions.
Public Opinion Matters!--"Human Rights"
How do you feel about the abuse of Prisoners by US soldiers? What about Saddam Hussein and his abuse of Human Rights to the Iraqi people? Find out about how Americans feel about these subjects and more human rights issues in this month's POM--Human Rights.
Based on a new topic each month, POM offers a generous free sampling of related polling data and details of survey datasets held by the Roper Center, along with articles previously published in Public Perspective magazine.
Experience the depth of information housed in the Roper Center archives - The complete list of "Public Opinion Matters!" topics. http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/cgi-bin/hsrun.exe/Roperweb/pom/pom.htx;start=HS_pom_list
Newly spotlighted datasets http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/cgi-bin/hsrun.exe/roperweb/Catalog40/Catalog40.htx;start=HS_surveyspot
Updated as of January 3, 2005
Special studies of interest recently added to iPOLL. The database now contains nearly a half million questions!
Title: Health Poll Report Poll [October,2005]
Source: Survey by Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Methodology: Conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International, October 4-October 9, 2005 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,200
Search for: Organization: 'Kaiser'; Date: '10/04/2005 to 10/04/2005'.
Title: The Effects of Energy Costs on US Adults Survey [October,2005]
Methodology: Conducted by AARP, October 26-October 31, 2005 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,000. Interviews were conducted by ICR-International Communications Research.
Search for: Organization: 'AARP'; Date: '10/26/2005 to 10/26/2005'.
Additional resources - Web sites with special survey samples
ABC News Poll in Afghanistan
Philip Morris USA Teenage Attitudes and Behavior Study
Pew Hispanic Center Survey of Mexican Migrants
ABC News/Time magazine Poll in Iraq
MTV/CBS State of Youth Poll
Survey Research Center in the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan Monitoring the Future Survey of Students in Grades 8-12 http://monitoringthefuture.org/index.html
Posted by ronbo at 05:05 PM
January 03, 2006
NCES Newsflash: New NCES Publication on Background Characteristics, Work Activities, and Compensation of Instructional Faculty and Staff: Fall 2003
Background Characteristics, Work Activities, and Compensation of Instructional Faculty and Staff: Fall 2003 (NCES 2006-176)
This publication is the second from the 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04), a study of faculty and instructional staff in public and private not-for-profit 2-year-and-above postsecondary institutions in the United States. This report describes the background characteristics, work activities, and compensation of instructional faculty and staff in fall 2003, by employment status, institution type, and program area. The results show that the majority (57 percent) of instructional faculty and staff were employed full time in fall 2003. Women made up a larger proportion of part-time than full-time instructional faculty and staff (47 percent vs. 38 percent). The average basic salary from the institution for full-time instructional faculty and staff in all types of institutions was $66,800, and the average basic salary for part-time instructional staff was $11,000 in 2003.
To downloaded and view this publication please visit:
Posted by ronbo at 07:52 PM
Recent ICPSR updates and additions - December 20, 2005
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data
archive along with a list of released data collections that have been
3889 American Community Survey (ACS): Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), 2000
3890 American Community Survey (ACS): Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), 2001
3954 Survey of Program Dynamics (SPD), 2002: Cross-Sectional File
4148 Current Population Survey, March/April 1996 Match File: Child Support
4175 Current Population Survey, March/April 1998 Match File: Child Support
4284 White Attitudes Toward Black Civil Equality in the Nineteenth Century: Iowas
4365 Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System [United States]: CJEE Extracts File, 2002
4366 Expenditure and Employment Data for the Criminal Justice System [United States]: CJEE Extracts File, 2003
2042 Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) VII: Institutional Characteristics of Colleges and Universities, 1972-1973
2408 Current Population Survey, February 1997: Contingent Work Supplement
3334 Aging, Status, and Sense of Control (ASOC), 1995, 1998, 2001 [United States]
3454 Current Population Survey, August 1995: Veterans Supplement
3930 Eurobarometer 59.1: The Euro and Parental Leave, March-April 2003
4063 Candidate Countries Eurobarometer 2003.1, March-May 2003
4263 Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (8th- and 10th-Grade Surveys), 2004
4264 Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2004
6879 Current Population Survey, February 1996: Displaced Workers
6984 Current Population Survey, October 1995: School Enrollment
13640 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Oppositional Defiance Disorder (Primary Caregiver), Wave 2, 1997-2000
13641 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN): Oppositional Defiance Disorder (Subject), Wave 2, 1997-2000
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 04:18 PM