« March 2005 | Main | May 2005 »
April 26, 2005
SSDS Workshop: Choosing Quantitative Software for Social Science Research
Wednesday, May 4, noon - 1:00 p.m.
Multimedia Room 121A
Social Sciences Resource Center (SSRC)
Bing Wing, Green Library
There are many software choices available to researchers who want to analyze numeric data. Which program is right for beginners? Which program has the best graphing capabilities? Can you use more than one statistical package on a single project? In this workshop, we introduce and demonstrate three of the most popular statistical software packages: SPSS, Stata and SAS.
Register for workshops at: http://library.stanford.edu/services/social_sci_data_soft/consulting_workshops.html
See full schedule of workshops for spring 2005:
Posted by ronbo at 05:36 PM
SSDS Workshop: Choosing Software for Qualitative Research
Wednesday, April 27, noon - 1:00 p.m.
Multimedia Room 121A
Social Sciences Resource Center (SSRC)
Bing Wing, Green Library
Many research projects involve the use of unstructured data such as interviews, text, audio or video. In this workshop, we introduce and demonstrate three of the most popular qualitative software packages that can help researchers organize and analyze non-numeric data: NVivo, ATLAS.ti, and SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys.
Register for workshops at: http://library.stanford.edu/services/social_sci_data_soft/consulting_workshops.html
See full schedule of workshops for spring 2005:
Posted by ronbo at 05:10 PM
Recent ICPSR updates and additions: April 22, 2005
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data
archive along with a list of released data collections that have been updated:
4188 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1960
4189 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1961
4190 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1962
4191 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1963
4192 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1964
4193 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1965
4194 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1966
4195 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1967
4196 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1968
4197 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1969
4198 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1970
4199 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1971
4200 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1972
4201 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1973
4202 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Offenses Known and Clearances by Arrest, 1974
3024 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), 1998
3314 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), 1999
4026 Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base, 2003
4203 National Judicial Reporting Program, 2002: [United States]
7676 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: Property Stolen and Recovered, 1966-1976.
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 02:47 PM
April 18, 2005
Recent ICPSR updates and additions: April 18, 2005
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data
archive along with a list of released data collections that have been updated:
2107 Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) XVIII: Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education for Fiscal Year 1983
3672 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), 2000
3884 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), 2001
4022 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), 2002
6104 Central and Eastern Euro-barometer 1: Public Opinion in Central and Eastern Europe, 1990
9028 Uniform Crime Reporting Program Data [United States]: 1975-1997
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 08:10 PM
Roper Center Data Acquisitions Update - March 2005
Click here for a list of new additions to the Roper Center data archive. By following the links associated with each study listed, you will find documentation files (PDF) for these studies. Stanford University Libraries maintains a membership to the Roper Archive and Stanford faculty, staff, and students can order data from the Archive. To request specific data files, click on the "Data Services - Roper" link for information on ordering Roper data.
This month the Update contains:
* NSF Trend Dataset--Surveys of Public Understanding of Science and Technology 1979-2001.
* Military Families Survey conducted by ICR for Kaiser Family Foundation/Washington Post/Harvard University January 7-February 12, 2004.
* 2004 HIV/AIDS Study conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates for the Kaiser Family Foundation March 15-May 11, 2004.
* 5 new Los Angeles Times Polls conducted from September, 2004-January, 2005.
These notices have been archived on the Roper Center website at:
Posted by ronbo at 12:10 PM
April 14, 2005
NELS:88 and ELS:2002 Databases Training Seminar II Announcement
Training will be conducted using the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) and the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002)
Wednesday, July 20, through Friday, July 22, 2005
Washington, DC
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, will sponsor a 2½-day advanced studies seminar on the use of longitudinal education databases for research and policy studies. This seminar will focus specifically on the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88) and the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002) databases. The design of NELS:88 and ELS:2002 permits the examination of education, work, and the socialization of youth in the United States and the influences of schools, teachers, community, and family in promoting growth and positive outcomes.
This seminar is open to researchers, education practitioners, and policy analysts from state and local education agencies and professional associations as well as advanced graduate students and faculty members from colleges and universities nationwide.
The overall goal of the seminar is to provide researchers with opportunities to gain access to some of the most comprehensive education resources in the nation and to use NELS:88 and ELS:2002 data in substantive research. The 2½-day seminar will include both lecture and hands-on instruction. Specifically, the seminar will include the following topics and activities:
* an overview of NELS:88 and ELS:2002 sample designs, data components, and coverage;
* methodological and technological issues relevant to data use;
* instruction and practice on how to analyze longitudinal data; and
* hands-on experience in conducting analyses.
National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88)
Beginning with an 8th grade cohort in 1988, NELS:88 provides trend data about critical transitions experienced by young people as they develop, attend school, and embark on their careers. Data were collected from students and their parents, teachers, and high school administrators as well as from existing school records such as high school transcripts. Cognitive tests (math, science, reading, and
history) were administered during the base year (1988), first follow-up (1990), and second follow-up (1992). The third follow-up data were collected in 1994. All dropouts were retained in the study. A fourth follow-up was conducted in the year 2000.
The following are examples of research issues that can be addressed with NELS:88:
* students' academic growth over time;
· the transition from 8th grade to high school;
* the process of dropping out of school, as it occurs from 8th grade on;
* the role of the school in helping the disadvantaged;
* school experiences and academic performance of minority students;
* students' pursuit of the study of mathematics and science;
* features of effective schools;
* access to and choice of postsecondary schools;
* attainment of education and career development;
* transitions to postsecondary education and work; and
* trend analyses with previous longitudinal studies (e.g., NLS-72 & HS&B).
For further information about NELS:88 and a list of available publications which can be downloaded or ordered, visit the NCES website (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/nels88).
Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002)
ELS:2002 began with a 10th grade cohort in 2002. In addition to students, school administrators, teachers (math and reading), school librarians, and parents were surveyed. A short survey on school facilities was completed by field interviewers. Math and reading cognitive assessment instruments were completed by the students. First follow-up data were collected in the Spring of 2004 when most survey respondents were seniors. Dropouts were followed with certainty. Hopefully, first follow-up data will be available for the seminar.
For further information about ELS:2002, visit the NCES website (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/els2002).
Participants attending this seminar should have a solid understanding of statistical methods, be experienced in using personal computers, and be proficient in the use of SAS or SPSS statistical software packages.
Applicants will be evaluated on four criteria:
* significance of the proposed research and potential benefit from participation in the seminar;
* consistency of the proposed research agenda with the data available in NELS:88 or ELS:2002;
* experience in educational research; and
* knowledge and skills in statistical analyses and the use of statistical computer packages. (Please see the attached application form for specific questions pertaining to your level of experience.)
Expected Outcome
At the conclusion of the seminar, participants will be asked to make a 5-minute presentation that summarizes analyses that the participant conducted during the seminar. This presentation will include a clear specification of study issues, rationale for the study, study approach (specifications of population, variables, design weights used, etc.), and preliminary analyses (using NELS:88 or ELS:2002).
Financial Support For the Seminar
There is no fee to attend this seminar. NCES will provide training materials as well as computers for hands-on practice. NCES will also pay for transportation, hotel accommodations, and a fixed per diem for meals and incidental expenses during the training seminar.
The seminar will be held in Washington, DC, Wednesday, July 20, 2005, through Friday, July 22, 2005. The exact location has not yet been confirmed. Accepted applicants will be sent information about both the meeting and lodging arrangements.
Application for Admission
If you are interested in attending the seminar, please complete and return the following documents:
1. The application form.
2. A copy of your resume.
3. A 1- to 2-page statement, clearly describing your research study and how the study can be furthered by your participation in the seminar.
4. A letter of recommendation from your faculty advisor if you are a graduate student.
Your proposed research study should include specifications of issues, rationale, and study approach. Space is limited for the seminar. Only completed applications will be considered, and only two applicants from the same organization or institution can be accepted.
NOTE: Applicants are allowed to attend no more than two NCES sponsored seminars within a 6-year period.
Application Deadline
All applications should be received no later than June 6, 2005. Applications will be reviewed and selected candidates will be informed by June 21, 2005. Selected candidates will receive the seminar agenda and information about travel arrangements.
Applications should be returned to: Joy Butler, Synectics for Management Decisions, Inc., 1901 N. Moore Street, Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22209. Contact Joy Butler through e-mail at joyb@smdi.com, by telephone at (703) 807-2315, or by fax
at (703) 528-2857, if you have any questions regarding this seminar.
Posted by ronbo at 05:09 PM
April 08, 2005
Announcement of ICPSR Prize Competition: Best Instructional Module in the Social Sciences
The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) announces a prize competition for the best instructional module or instructional innovation in the social sciences and in social science history. The competition is open to faculty and academic staff at member institutions of ICPSR. The winner will receive a cash prize of $500; the winner's institution will receive a credit of $500 toward the next year's ICPSR membership dues; and the winner will be invited to present their work to the 2005 Official Representatives meeting of ICPSR, October 22, 2005.
FAQs about the ICPSR Prize Competition for Best Instructional Module in the Social Sciences:
Question: What is an "instructional module?"
o Answer: Teaching material, primarily for the undergraduate classroom, that has students working with ICPSR datasets, working with data analysis, statistics, and research design and methodology.
o For example, an instructor teaching a course on "Religion in Contemporary America" asks students to work with data from a subset of the General Social Survey (GSS) and construct an index of religiosity and then to the use the index to predict and analyze answers to other clusters of issue questions in the GSS. The instructional module includes the GSS subset data and the assignment sheet given to students.
o For example, an instructor teaching a course in "Political Parties, Elections, and Voting" asks students to work with data from a subset of the American National Election Series (ANES) to track the strength of party identification among women voters over time, by age cohort and by region. The instructional module includes a subset of the Cumulative ANES and the assignment sheet given to students.
o For example, an instructor teaching a survey level course on "U.S. History since 1865" asks students to work with data from the aggregate federal population census between 1870 and 1930 to track the origins, numbers, and proportions of immigrants in the population of selected counties and states. The instructional module includes a subset of ICPSR Study # 0003 and Study # 2896—the aggregate census—and the assignment sheet given to students.
o Additional examples of instructional modules archived at ICPSR's Site for Instructional Materials and Information are available at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/SIMI/search.html
Question: Who is eligible?
o Answer: Faculty and academic staff at member institutions of ICPSR. A list of the more than 350 member institutions of ICPSR is available at
Question: Who is not eligible?
o Answer: Members of the Advisory Committee to the ICPSR Site for Instructional Materials and Innovation (ICPSR-SIMI) and ICPSR Staff.
Question: How will the award be determined?
o Answer: The ICPSR Council has appointed a jury, consisting of Paula Lackie (Carleton College), co-chair, Jim Oberly (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), co-chair, Don Davison (Rollins College), Jan Reiff (UCLA), and Ed Nelson (California State University-Fresno) for this competition.
Question: What are the benefits to the winner?
o Answer: The winner will receive a cash award of $500 and an invitation to present the instructional module at the 2005 Official Representatives meeting in Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 22nd.
Question: What are the benefits to the winner's Official Representative to ICPSR?
o Answer: The OR's institution will receive a $500 credit on the next dues payment to ICPSR. The OR will also be honored at the 2005 Official Representatives meeting on October 22nd, along with the winner.
Questions: Deadlines? Notification Date?
o Answer: The competition is open to submissions between April 1, 2005 and August 31, 2005. The jury will convene after September 1, 2005 to review the submissions. The winner and the OR from the winner's institution will be notified by September 15, 2005.
Question: How to submit an instructional module to the competition?
o Answer: Send submissions to Dieter Burrell, ICPSR, P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248. Tel: 734-647-5000. Email: dburrell@icpsr.umich.edu
Posted by ronbo at 02:35 PM
Recent ICPSR updates and additions: April 8, 2005
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data archive, and a list of released data collections that have been updated.
4070 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Degrees and Other Awards Conferred by Title IV Eligible, Degree-Granting Institutions, 1997-1998
4078 North Carolina Highway Traffic Study, 2000-2001
4115 Rural and Urban Trends in Family and Intimate Partner Homicide in the United States, 1980-1999
3140 National Crime Victimization Survey, 1992-2000
3428 National Crime Victimization Survey, 1992-2001
3691 National Crime Victimization Survey, 1992-2002
3995 National Crime Victimization Survey, 1992-2003
Posted by ronbo at 02:08 PM
Summer Institute for Public Health Practice
From the NW Center for Public Health Practice:
"We are writing to provide you an update on the Summer Institute for Public Health Practice at the University of Washington and send you an electronic copy (pdf) of our 2005 brochure, which includes the complete schedule and registration form. The Institute will be held August 22-26 in Seattle with the theme Public Health Preparedness: Tools for the Frontline.
We are offering five tracks this year, including:
1. Introduction to Epidemiologic Methods
2. Intermediate Epidemiologic Methods
3. Public Health Management: A Case-Based Approach
4. Leadership Challenges During Public Health Emergencies
5. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
In addition, five nationally recognized public health leaders will address topics of general concern during the plenary sessions.
Plenary Speakers and their topics are:
Mary Selecky, Secretary, Washington State Department of Health
Topic: A View from State Health Agencies
John Agwunobi, MD, MBA, MPH, Secretary of Health and State Health Office, Florida Department of Health
Topic: Natural Disasters
George A. Strait, Jr., MA, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs, University of California, Berkeley
Topic: Risk/Media Communications
Dori B. Reissman, Senior Advisor for Disaster, Terrorism, and Mental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Topic: Psychosocial Aspects of Disasters
Mark W. Oberle, MD, MPH, Associate Dean for Public Health Practice in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington
Topic: Tsunamis and Emergency Preparedness: A Firsthand Account
Continuing education credit will be offered for various professions based on approximately 25 hours of instruction.
Your help in disseminating the information to public health professionals in your area would be most appreciated!
***SPACE IS LIMITED to about 20-25 people per track
so register early***
For more information, and for registration materials, please see our Web site at http://nwcphp.org/niphp. Early registration tuition (on or before June 17) is $1,000 ($1,300 for the GIS track, which includes a copy of Caliper Maptitude® software)."
Posted by ronbo at 02:05 PM
April 04, 2005
Roper Center Newsletter - April 2005
The Roper Center newsletter is now being sent to iPOLL subscribers as well as to members. iPOLL subscribers have access to all of the features on the Roper Center web site, including Public Opinion Matters and on-line descriptions and codebooks for data held by the Roper Center. Members are also entitled to order up to 50 data sets per year at no additional charge. We hope you will find this newsletter both interesting and informative, and a valuable enhancement to your membership with the Roper Center.
Tip of the Month: Where can you find key data on public understanding and attitudes towards science and technology?
The Roper Center is pleased to announce the acquisition and release of The National Science Foundation Surveys of Public Understanding of Science and Technology, 1979-2001. This set of surveys is sponsored by The National Science FoundationScience Resources Statistics. The core questions from the past eleven surveys (1979, 1983, 1981, 1985, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, and 2001) have been combined into one easy to use data set.
Public Opinion Matters!--"Illegal Drugs"
How big a problem are drugs in your family? How much is government spending on the illegal drug problem? What about drugs in school and drugs among our youth? Find out in this months POM--illegal drugs.
Based on a new topic each month, POM offers a generous free sampling of related polling data and details of survey datasets held by the Roper Center, along with articles previously published in Public Perspective magazine.
Experience the depth of information housed in the Roper Center archives - The complete list of "Public Opinion Matters!" topics. http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/cgi-bin/hsrun.exe/Roperweb/pom/pom.htx;start=HS_pom_list
Newly spotlighted datasets http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/cgi-bin/hsrun.exe/roperweb/Catalog40/Catalog40.htx;start=HS_surveyspot
Updated as of April 1, 2005
Special studies of interest recently added to iPOLL. The database now contains nearly a half million questions!
Title: Free Trade Survey [February, 2005]
Source: Survey by Americans for Fair Trade.
Methodology: Conducted by Ipsos-Public Affairs and Ayres, McHenry & Associates, February 1-February 6, 2005 and based on telephone interviews with a national registered voters sample of 800.
Search for: Keyword: 'trade'; Organization: Ipsos; Date: '02/01/2005 to 02/01/2005'
Title: Social Security Reform Survey [March,2005]
Methodology: Conducted by Ayers, McHenry & Associates, March 6-March 8, 2005 and based on telephone interviews with a national registered voters age 55 & older sample of 800.
Search for: Keyword: Social & Security'; Date: '03/06/2005 to 03/06/2005'
Title: Hispanics and the Social Security Debate Survey [February,2005]
Source: Survey by Pew Hispanic Center.
Methodology: Conducted by ICR-International Communications Research, February 15-March 5, 2005 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult hispanics sample of 1,001.
Search for: Keyword: 'hispanics'; Date: ' 02/15/2005 to 02/15/2005'
Title: Public Attitudes Towards and Understanding of Science and Technology Trend Survey [February,2001]
Source: Survey by National Science Foundation.
Methodology: Conducted by ORC-Macro during February, 2001 and based on telephone interviews with a national adult sample of 1,574. The principal investigator was ORC-Macro. Susan Carol Losh of Florida State University produced the cumulative trend data file from which these results came
Search for: Keyword: 'science'; Date: '02/01/2001 to 02/28/2001'
Additional resources - Web sites with special survey samples
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 year olds
Pew Hispanic Center Survey of Mexican Immigrants Part 1 & 2
John S. & James L. Knight Foundation Future of The First Amendment Survey of Youth
News Worthy
We've added a new section to our web site called Academic Research that serves as a quick guide to past and current research using the resources of the Roper Center. We will continue to add material--particularly identifying new work being done with public opinion data. Please let us know if you would like to add to our growing list of bibliographical citations or works in progress using Roper Center materials. http://www.ropercenter.uconn.edu/research/index.html
Job Opportunities at the Roper Center!
The Center is seeking a Coordinator of the Data Library to lead the transformation of its digital and paper files to these state-of-the-art data delivery systems. If you are looking for an opportunity to work with dedicated professionals, click here to read more...
The University of Connecticut is seeking a distinguished quantitative social scientist to serve as the Director of the Institute for Social Inquiry (ISI) and the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, Inc. For more information about this position click here.
Posted by ronbo at 03:18 PM
April 01, 2005
Recent ICPSR updates and additions: April 1, 2005
Below is a list of new data collection additions to the ICPSR data
archive along with a list of released data collections that have been
2978 French National Election Panel Study, 1967-1969
4069 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Degrees and Other Awards Conferred by Title IV Eligible, Degree-Granting Institutions, 1996-1997
4160 CBS Monthly News Poll, July 2004
4203 National Judicial Reporting Program, 2002: [United States]
4220 National Hospital Discharge Survey, 2003
3520 Eurobarometer 57.0: Agriculture, Energy, and Discrimination Issues, February-April 2002
6406 National Crime Victimization Survey, 1992-1999
8290 Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), 1982: Financial Statistics
You can also view a list of all studies added and updated in the last
ninety days by visiting the ICPSR Web site at http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/.
Posted by ronbo at 03:39 PM