Applying to Graduate School (updated 11/20/03)

If you apply to Stanford as a graduate student in psychology, you should determine which area (or areas) of psychology to apply under. Four areas admit students: personality (which is now closer to emotion), social, developmental, and cognitive. I am primarily affiliated with personality and secondarily with cognitive. There is also a neuro section but that section spans the other four areas. Together, these areas admit from 10-12 graduate students a year.

The faculty within an area split grad students, so personality typically admits 2-3 per year. However, there are at least twice as many personality faculty (7) as admits per year, so one student typically joins our lab every other year. Part of this limit has to do with the fact that all admitted students receive four years of funding, and thus do not have to rely on grant support. Here is a link offering more detail on how to apply as a graduate student to Psychology. Julie Behn, the graduate admissions administrator, can also answer detailed questions on the application process.

Alternatively, you could apply to Stanford as a neuroscience student. There is no neuroscience department, but there is an interdepartmental neuroscience consortium. This program also admits approximately 10-12 graduate students a year, however those students are shared among more faculty, due to the interdepartmental nature of the program.