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SIHER Seminar Series in Higher Education
Recent Seminar Topics
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
"Performing and Reforming Leaders: Gender and Leadership in Higher Education." Thursday, April 6: Jill Blackmore, Professor of Education in the School of Social and Cultural Studies at Deakin University, Australia.
Higher education is under reconstruction, whether to meet the needs of knowledge economies, as a form of academic capitalism, or both. Framed by the policy mixes that undertake this reconstructive work, leadership is seen to be critical, both within the managerial and academic fields of the university, often in contradictory and paradoxical ways. This paper draws from a forthcoming book of the same title that investigates the gendered restructuring of higher education in Australia, how gender is both foreground and background to comprehending how academic and managerial leadership identities are being worked over and worked on in performative universities, with a particular focus on a cohort of women middle managers who perform upwards and manage performance downwards. I consider how equity reform discourses articulate within/against managerial discourses within reconfigured systems of governance, and the consequences of reforming and performing on the aspirations, experiences, passions and futures of women leaders.
Jill Blackmore is a Professor of Education in the School of Social and Cultural Studies in the Faculty of Education. She is past president of the Australian Association of Research in Education(2002), past Managing Editor of the 'Australian Educational Researcher' and is currently Regional Editor of 'International Journal of Educational Leadership' , on the International Board for the 'British Educational Research Journal' and member of editorial panels of 'Globalisation, Societies, Education', The 'Practitioner Research Quarterly, Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations'. She undertakes significant professional development work with professional and community organizations (principal, teacher and parent groups) as well as consultancies with government, NGOs (eg Victorian Council of Social Services, Oxfam International) and local community organizations (eg president or member of school councils). She is on the Victorian Curriculum Committee of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority that governs all curriculum and assessment in Victorian schools. Her main research interests are in feminist approaches to globalisation and education policy, administrative and organisational theory, educational leadership and reform, organisational change and innovation, teachers' and academics' work, and all their policy implications from a feminist perspective. Publications include 'Troubling Women: Feminism, Leadership and Educational Change' (1999, Open University Press), 'Answering Back' with Jan Kenway, Sue Willis and Leonie Rennie (1998). Forthcoming publications include a co-authored book with Judyth Sachs called 'Performing and Re-forming Leaders: gender, educational restructuring and organisational change' with SUNY Press and an edited collection with Jan Wright 'Quality and Educational Research' AARE.
"Chicanas with PhD Aspirations: Understanding the Importance of Faculty of
Color as Role Models." Thursday, March 9: Miguel Ceja, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Administration at California State University, Sacramento. The presentation is drawn from a paper co-authored with Martha A. Rivas of the University of California, Los Angeles.
This study focuses on faculty of color as role models for Chicana students aspiring towards the PhD. Using one on one interviews, this study examines the graduate school choice process of 17 Chicana students. The findings from this study provide a qualitative perspective that indicate that both race and gender based role models are pivotal sources of institutional support for Chicana college students who are thinking about pursuing the PhD. Understanding the dynamics that characterize student-faculty relationships can prove helpful in identifying some of the reasons why Chicanas may not be successfully accessing and enrolling in doctoral programs.
Miguel Ceja is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy and Administration at Sacramento State University. Dr. Ceja teaches courses in higher education policy and leadership as well as courses in research design and quantitative analysis. Dr. Ceja is also a faculty researcher with the Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy at California State University, Sacramento. Dr. Ceja's research focuses largely on issues of access and equity in higher education, with a particular concentration on students of color and their experience at various points of the educational pipeline. His research interests also include the discourse surrounding race dynamics and the campus racial climate of colleges and universities and how such dynamics affect the experience of college students of color. He has authored and co-authored several papers, including, "Understanding the Role of Parents and Siblings as Information Sources in the College Choice Process of Chicana Students"; "Chicana College Aspirations and the Role of Parents: Developing Educational Resiliency"; "The College-Choice Process for Asian Pacific Americans: Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Class in Context"; and "Critical Race Theory, Racial Microaggressions and Campus Racial Climate and the Experience of African American College Students."
"Between the Disciplines: Growth and Distribution of Interdisciplinary
Programs in American Colleges and Universities, 1975-2000." February 13: Steven Brint, Professor of Sociology and Education at the University of California, Riverside, and Lori Turk-Bicakci, Department of Sociology graduate student at the University of California, Riverside.
From Brint and Turk-Bicakci (2006): “Our primary interest in this paper is in the cultural change in colleges and universities represented by the growth of interdisciplinary programs, but we recognize that issues of organizational flexibility and commitment cannot be ignored in discussion of interdisciplinary programs. The programs serve organizational functions at the same time that they represent one indicator of the challenge the new emphasis on “creating the future” poses to discipline-centered institutions of higher learning. We cannot look at interdisciplinary programs through a single analytical lens.”
Steven Brint is Professor of Sociology and Education at the University of California, Riverside, and the director of the National Science Foundation-supported Colleges & Universities 2000 study. He works on comparative education, American higher education, the sociology of professions, and middle-class politics. He is the author of three books: The Diverted Dream (with Jerome Karabel) (Oxford University Press, 1989), In an Age of Experts (Princeton University Press, 1994), and Schools and
Societies (Pine Forge/Sage, 1998). He is also the editor of The Future of the City of Intellect (Stanford University Press, 2002). The second edition of Schools and Societies will be published in April, 2006 by Stanford University Press. The Diverted Dream won the American Education Research Association's "Outstanding Book Award" in 1991 and the Council of Colleges and Universities "Outstanding Research Publication" award the same year. His article, "Socialization Messages in Primary Schools: An Organizational Analysis" (with Mary F. Contreras and Michael T. Matthews), won the Willard Waller Award in 2002 from the American Sociological Association. His articles have appeared in The American Journal of Sociology, The Journal of Higher Education, Minerva, Sociology of Education, Sociological Theory, and Work and Occupations, among other
journals. His work has been translated into Dutch, French, Italian, and Japanese. He is currently at work on a new book, Creating the Future, about the rise of interdisciplinary initiatives in American research universities to create the technologies, modes of expression, and social relations of the future.
Lori Turk-Bicakci is a sociology graduate student at the University of California, Riverside specializing in the sociology of education (K-12 and higher education), organizations, and statistics/methodology. While attending UCR, she received a three-year Dean's Fellowship Award, was a research assistant for the School Improvement Research Group and is currently senior data manager for the Institutional Data Archive – College Catalog Project. In addition, she has co-authored two published papers in the area of higher education. Her Ph.D. thesis topic explores the development of women's and ethnic studies in American higher education from 1975 to 2000. She graduated from the University of California, Davis in 1991 with a BA in International Relations and in 1993 with a secondary teaching credential in Social Studies and English as a Second Language. She taught social studies at the middle school level until 1997.
"Four Crucial Policy Levers to Better Link Secondary and Postsecondary
Education." Thursday, February 2: Michael Kirst, Professor of Education, Business (by courtesy) and Political Science (affiliated) at Stanford University.
In Professor Kirst’s words, “if K–16 reform is to establish common ground between K–12 and postsecondary education, it must extend well beyond local or regional collaborative efforts. It must reach farther than joint meetings, new memoranda of understanding, or statewide course numbering systems. And it must be more substantial than tinkering with the organization of schools on the one hand, or of colleges and universities on the other. Rigorous K–16 reform must change the public policy environment—the policies that currently create and reinforce the chasm between K–12 and postsecondary education—in ways that improve how students make the transition from high school to college-level education.”
Professor Kirst’s work proposes four crucial policy levers that can bring the systems together to enhance college knowledge of secondary systems and enhance college completion.: 1. Alignment of coursework and assessments. States need to align the content of their courses and assessments from the early grades through Grade 14 or later; 2. State finance. Statewide goals for Grades K-16 should be integrated into state education finance systems; 3. Data systems. States must create high-quality data systems that span the K-16 continuum; 4. Accountability. States need to connect their accountability systems for K-12 and postsecondary education.
Michael Kirst is Professor of Education, Business (by courtesy) and Political Science (affiliated) at Stanford University. Professor Kirst brings years of personal experience in government education policymaking--at both federal and state levels--to his classrooms and research. He is co-director of Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), a research consortium including Stanford, UC Berkeley, and USC. In this capacity, Professor Kirst is at the forefront of the PACE agenda to provide analysis and assistance to California policymakers to help build an ongoing picture of California education, including information on student enrollment, performance, curriculum, human and fiscal resources, and school reform.
"The Role of Advanced Placement and Honors Courses in College Admissions" Thursday, November 3: Saul Geiser, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California, Berkeley. The presentation is drawn from a paper co-authored with Veronica Santelices of the University of California, Berkeley.
This study examines the role of Advanced Placement (AP) and other honors-level courses as a criterion for admission at a leading public university, the University of California, and finds that the number of AP and honors courses taken in high school bears little or no relationship to students’ later performance in college. AP is increasingly emphasized as a factor in admissions, particularly at selective colleges and universities. But while student performance on AP examinations is strongly related to college performance, merely taking AP or other honors-level courses in high school is not a valid indicator of the likelihood that students will perform well in college. These findings suggest that institutions may need to reconsider the use of AP as a criterion in “high stakes” admissions, particularly given the marked disparity in access to AP and honors courses among disadvantaged and underrepresented minority students.
Saul Geiser is a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California, Berkeley and serves as a research consultant to the Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools, the UC faculty committee responsible for setting admissions policy. Dr. Geiser received his Ph.D. in sociology at UC Berkeley and was Director of Admissions Research for the UC system until he retired in 2003. His research has contributed to numerous UC admissions initiatives, including UC's policy on Eligibility in the Local Context, which makes eligible the top four percent of graduates from each high school in California. Dr. Geiser's research on the predictive validity of the SAT II achievement tests in college admissions was a significant factor in the College Board's recent decision to redesign the SAT I in favor of a more curriculum-based test. In addition to admissions research, Dr. Geiser has directed the statewide evaluation of UC's outreach programs to disadvantaged students and schools in California.
“The Educational Knowledge Domain as an Interactive Networked System: Toward SPIN (a Scholar-Practitioner Information Network)” Monday, May 2, a talk by Daniel A. McFarland, Assistant Professor of Education and (by
courtesy) Sociology, Stanford University, on work co-authored with Eric Klopfer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The educational knowledge domain may be understood as a system composed of multiple, co-evolving networks that reflect the form and content of a cultural field. This paper describes the educational knowledge domain as having a community structure (form) based in relations of production
(authoring) and consumption (referencing), and a cognitive structure
(content) based in relations of ideas and concepts. We propose developing an on-line interactive system whereby the vast array of available knowledge artifacts can be mined for information reflective of these networks, and which can be visualized, measured, and explored over time. We argue that the creation of such a system will benefit the field of education manifold:
it will greatly enhance individual learning of on-line materials; create more efficient searches; open access to knowledge creation and consumption to a wider public; enable greater practitioner involvement; facilitate direct study of the educational knowledge domain; and identify various means towards accelerated innovation. Such a system is not science fiction and is already being developed in piecemeal fashion within other disciplines and universities. We illustrate these developments and propose a means by which they can be synthesized into a multi-network, interactive system for the field of education.
“The Second Wave of Integration – Methods for Teaching Gender Theories in Business Schools.” Monday, February 28th at 4:45pm, Assistant Professor Charlotte Holgersson Associate Professor Anna Wahl Assistant Professor Pia Höök.
Fosfor, Stockholm School of Economics
The project draws on previous experience of integrating gender theories at the Stockholm School of Economics, a male dominated elite business school in Sweden. This project consists of four parts where different methods for integrating gender theories in teaching organization studies in a business school setting. The parts are:
“Gender in team building,”
“Faculty’s experience of integrating gender theories,” “Student reflections in a learning process,” and “Using film in teaching gender theories.”
We know from research and our own experience that the study of gender theories encompasses a complex learning process. Gender theories often challenge both faculty’s and students’ perceptions and power relations, thus provoking resistance. The goal of the methods explored in this project is to facilitate both teaching and learning processes since the interdependence of these two processes is crucial when disseminating knowledge on gender and power.
The project is financed by the Council for the Renewal of Higher Education in Sweden and is headed by Associate Professor Anna Wahl at the Stockholm School of Economics. Other staff members are Assistant Professors Pia Höök and Charlotte Holgersson and PhD candidates Sophie Linghag, Jenny Lantz and Klara Regnö
“From Orphan to Favored Child: The Rise of Interdisciplinarity in Academic Strategic Plans” Monday, January 31st at 4:30pm, a talk by Irwin Feller, Senior Visiting Scientist, American Association for the Advancement of Science and Professor Emeritus of Economics at Pennsylvania State University
Nationally, interdisciplinarity has gone from being an orphan to a favored child in university strategic plans. Common reasons are found for this changed status: the internal dynamics of science; external funding opportunities, and changing career trajectories for graduate students.
Noticeable differences in implementation of interdisciplinary initiatives exists across research universities and disciplines. These differences pose questions both about the evolving structure of the American research university system. Also at issue given recent events in Federal Research & Development priorities is the staying power of initiatives to date.
Irwin Feller is Senior Visiting Scientist, American Association for the Advancement of Science and Professor Emeritus of Economics at Penn State.
His areas of interest include science and technology policy, economics of higher education and program evaluation. He has published extensively on organizational and economic aspects of university technology transfer programs, and the competitive structure of the American research university system. His current research projects relate to performance indicators for basic research, interdisciplinarity in research universities, and earmarking of federal academic research funds. He currently chairs the National Science Foundation's Advisory Committee to the Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences and the National Research Council's Committee to Assess the Vitality of the Behavioral and Social Sciences with Respect to Aging.
"Curiosities about diversity, friendship, and segregation among college
students" Thursday, November 11 at 4:30 p.m.
A talk by Anthony Antonio, Assistant Professor of Education, SSPEP/APA and
Assistant Director, Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research
Dr. Antonios presentation will be an extension of his recently published
Review of Higher Education article. The abstract for the article follows.
This qualitative study explores how male students from different racial
backgrounds experience racial diversity within racially diverse or
homogeneous friendship groups. Based on an inductive analysis of purposive interviews, the author found that diverse friendships among men may result from both an attitude of intentionality with regard to diversity as well as
a complete dismissal of difference. Similarly, racial homogeneity among
friends is not always intentional, nor does it necessarily lead to racial
"Ivory Basement Leadership: Power and Invisibility in the Changing
Thursday, October 21st at 4:30pm. A talk by Joan Eveline, Senior Lecturer of Organisational and Labour Studies
(School of Economics and Commerce) at the University of Western Australia.
From Dr. Evelines new book: Many people fear that the ivory tower is crumbling. Of urgent concern are
deteriorating standards, fewer jobs, waning professional prestige and
continuing inequity. Leadership in the tower is easy to spot. It is
hierarchical, detached and mostly male. In this highly-readable book, Joan
Eveline turns her acute gaze to the ivory basement, where the workers,
mostly women, are struggling against a greedy organisation that
cannibalises their efforts and energy. Voices from the basement - of the
University of Western Australia, but it could be any other in Australia -
speak about the devaluing of their work. As the university's attention to
diversity and equity grows, Eveline finds a new linkage, through shared
experience, of administrative staff, research assistants and the lower
order of academics. And she discerns a courageous and almost invisible
exercise of leadership. This 'post-heroic' leadership values personal
relationship, teaching, loyalty, and, above all, collaborative innovation.
Ivory Basement Leadership will hearten those dismayed by the restructuring
pandemic. For ivory basement workers - in corridors, departments,
laboratories and offices - are forging a leadership model that can revive
our ailing universities.
About the author:
Dr. Joan Eveline teaches Organisational and Labour Studies at the University
of Western Australia Business School. Her research on women's investments in
change agency, on gendered organizations and on citizenship at work has
examined primary, secondary and service industries, including mining, call
centres, policing, and higher education. She is joint editor of Carrying
the Banner: Women, Leadership and Activism in Australia (UWAP, 1999).
"The Impact of Public Policy and Demographic Changes on Higher Education Access." Wednesday, May 26, 2004. Mario C. Martinez, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
In this presentation, Mario Martinez will use U.S. Census age projections to illustrate how demographics can help predict future higher education demand and the resource challenges likely to emerge over the next 15 years. Professor Martinez argues that the changes in the traditional and adult student populations will vary by state, signaling that state-level strategies for financing, governing, and supplying educational services may need to adjust for such variations. Increasing demand - which is sure to occur - must be accompanied by expanded supply. The seminar will include a discussion with Professor Martinez around what specific policy strategies states might explore to ensure continued and expanded access to higher education in the future.
Mario Martinez is currently an associate professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His work has focused on finance, governance, and state higher education policy. Professor Martinez has worked on national and international projects with the National Center for Public Policy (NCPPHE), The Education Commission of the States, and New York University and was one of fourteen original advisory board members for the Measuring Up report card project for the NCPPHE. He served as a professional speaker for National Seminars Group for three years. His new book, Postsecondary Participation and State Policy: Meeting the Future Demand, by Stylus, will be available in June 2004.
"Balancing Acts: The Scholarship of teaching and Learning in Academic Careers." Wednesday, March 10, 2004. Mary Taylor Huber, Senior Scholar, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Note, the seminar will talk place at the Carnegie Foundation.
Mary Taylor Huber will be joining us to discuss her new book, Balancing Acts, which is hot off the presses of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the American Association of Higher Education. Her central question is "How can faculty integrate the scholarship of teaching and learning into their academic careers?" She explores the issues of the scholarship of teaching and learning through case studies of faculty in a broad range of fields - psychology, chemistry, engineering, and literature. In particular, Dr. Huber's work addresses the impact a devotion to teaching and learning has had on their careers, including tenure and promotion. Further description of the book and ordering information can be found at
Mary Taylor Huber is a senior scholar at The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, where she works with the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) and Carnegie's Initiatives in Liberal Education. Trained as a cultural anthropologist, Dr. Huber directed the research program on Cultures of Teaching in Higher Education, which gave birth to both Balancing Acts and to her co-edited volume, Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2002). Dr. Huber has been involved in research at the Carnegie Foundation since 1985 and is co-author of Scholarship Assessed (1997), the Foundation's report following Scholarship Reconsidered (Boyer, 1990), to which she also contributed.
"Impact of Federal Science and Research Policy on the Universtiy-wide management of research." Wednesday, February 24, 2004. Arthur Bienenstock, Vice Provost and Dean of Research and Graduate Policy. Professor at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory. Prefessor of Materials Science & Engineering and of Applied Physics.
Arthur Bienenstock has served at Stanford since 1967 and was appointed Vice Provost and Dean of Research and Graduate Policy in 2003. An applied physicist (Ph.D., Harvard, 1962), he is Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science and Engineering. He has also held the posts of Director of the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Director of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, and Associate Director of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. In addition, Prof. Bienenstock served as Associate Director fro Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (1997-2001). Built on this experience, SIHER will welcome Prof. Bienenstock's remarks on federal research policy and its implications for higher education administration.
"How Market Logics enter the University: Evidence and Arguments from the Diffusion of 'Enrollment Management' in the U.S. Universities, 1975-2002." Thursday, January 29, 2004. Marc Ventresca, University of California, Irvine and Stanford University
For our first seminar of 2004, we warmly welcome a discussion with Marc Ventresca, who is serving this year as a visiting scholar at SIHER and the Stanford University School of Education. Concurrently, he is a visiting faculty member at the University of California, Irvine, Graduate School of Management and a research associate at the Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation there. His research investigates institutional conflict and change mechanisms, the emergence of new organizational forms and infrastructures in industry entrepreneurial fields, and environmental and social change initiatives. His current empirical work explores several issues in higher education governance. His Ph.D. is from Stanford University, Department of Sociology. He served previously on the faculty at Northwestern University and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Paper Abstract:
"This research investigates how contending institutional logics (particularly market logics) enter and become established in institutional fields through the adoption of structural innovations. Institutional logics propose modes and models of governance, as well as establish the criteria for evaluating effectiveness. Logics are incarnate in organizational forms and in the activity of organizations. We develop and test arguments that focus on contending logics. We track the spread of a particular market-oriented structure called "enrollment management" through American higher education over the past 25 years using detailed time series data on over 1200 colleges and universities. Analyses examine the field, field-segment, and organization level antecedents of the adoption of enrollment management structures. Our findings underscore the interplay of mechanisms promoting and preventing adoption at multiple levels and support continued attention the effects of the entry and implanting of market logics in fields with established logics of governance."
Monday, November 3, 2003, Patricia Gumport, Professor of Education, Stanford University & Executive Director, Stanford Institute of Higher Education and the National Center for Postsecondary Improvement
Monday, October 13, 2003, Donald Brenneis, Professor of Anthropology, UCSC & President, American Anthropological Association
"An Accountability Framework for California Higher Education: Informing Public Policy and Improving Outcomes"
Nancy Shulock
Director, Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy
California State University, Sacramento
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
"Betraying the College Dream: How Disconnected K-12 and Postsecondary Education Systems Undermine Student Aspirations"
Michael W. Kirst
Professor of Education and Business Administration
Stanford University
Director, The Bridge Project
Associate Director, Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research
Anthony Lising Antonio
Assistant Professor of Education
Stanford University
Assistant Director, Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research
Andrea Venezia
Project Director, The Bridge Project
Andrea Conklin Bueschel
Researcher, The Bridge Project
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
SIHER held a special series for Winter Quarter 2003, "Institutional Perspectives on Statewide Higher Education Planning". This series featured representatives from each of California's three higher education segments - the California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California. Each guest has shared perspectives on the 2002 California Master Plan for Education, with insights on how the plan will affect their institutions, especially in the context of the state's current budget crisis. (The Master Plan for Education can be found here)
C. Judson King
Provost and Senior Vice President - Academic Affairs
University of California
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Our third and final guest was C. Judson King, who serves as Provost and Senior Vice President - Academic Affairs for the University of California System, as well as a Professor of Chemistry at UC Berkeley. His office coordinates academic planning and research policies throughout the ten campus UC system and the three national laboratories, as well as outreach to the state's K-12 system of schools, teachers, and prospective college students. He has been a professor at Berkeley since 1963 and has served as that campus's Provost for professional schools, dean of the College of Chemistry, and Chair of Chemical Engineering. Provost King is currently a member of the National Academy of Engineering and obtained his bachelor's degree from Yale and graduate degrees from MIT.
Peter Smith
Founding President
California State University, Monterey Bay
Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Our second guest was Peter Smith, who has served as President of California State University, Monterey Bay since the institution's founding in 1994. President Smith's career in public service has included elected office in Vermont as a state senator, lieutenant governor and U.S. Congressman. In higher education, he has been president of the Community College of Vermont, vice president of Norwich University, and dean of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development at George Washington University. President Smith earned his undergraduate degree from Princeton University and a master's and doctorate in education from Harvard University.
Bernadine Chuck Fong
Foothill College
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
Our first guest was Bernadine Chuck Fong, who is serving in her eighth year as President of Foothill College in Los Altos Hills. Her academic background is in the fields of psychology and child development, with current research interests in academic leadership, organizational development, and community colleges. President Fong's innovations at Foothill include online credit courses, overseas studies programs, partnerships with the industries of Silicon Valley, and a five-year campus facilities upgrade. Her presidency has had a particular focus on the profession of education, with Foothill College developing the Center for Innovations, a high-tech professional development resource center for area K-12 teachers. She has served on numerous boards, including the Stanford University Board of Trustees, where she has also been a visiting professor and scholar in the School of Education. President Fong receiver her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Stanford University.
back to top 2002
SIHER held a special series for Autumn Quarter
2002 with three of Stanford's former chief executives:
"First Tuesdays with Stanford's Presidents:
Issues for Leadership and Scholarship"
A monthly series featuring the insights of former Stanford University
Presidents Gerhard Casper (1992-2000), Donald Kennedy (1980-1992),
and Richard Lyman (1970-1980)
Donald Kennedy, President Emeritus
Bing Fellow of Environmental Science
Senior Fellow at the Institute for International Studies
Stanford University
Tuesday, December 3, 2002
Our third guest was Donald Kennedy, who joined Stanfords
faculty in biology in 1960, where he chaired the Department of Biology
(1964-1972) and the interdisciplinary Program in Human Biology (1973-1977).
Professor Kennedy was appointed Commissioner of the Food and Drug
Administration for two and a half years of the Carter administration
before returning to Stanford as the Vice President and Provost in
1979. Professor Kennedy then served as President from 1980-1992,
during the Universitys centennial. Although later absolved
of any wrongdoing, Stanford came under intense national scrutiny
during Kennedys presidency in relation to accounting for indirect
costs of federal research. Since stepping down in 1992, Professor
Kennedys research and teaching has been in biology and environmental
policy. He obtained his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from
Harvard University.
Richard Lyman, President Emeritus
J. E. Wallace Sterling Professor in the Humanities
Senior Fellow at the Institute for International Studies
Stanford University
Tuesday, November 5, 2002
Our second guest, Richard Lyman, served as the universitys
seventh president from 1970-1980, after serving three years as vice
president and provost. A professor of history at Stanford beginning
in 1958, he left Stanford in 1980 to serve as president of the Rockefeller
Foundation. In 1988 he returned as the inaugural director of the
Institute for International Studies where he served until retirement
in 1991. Professor Lyman is currently completing a book chronicling
the student unrest experienced on the Stanford campus during his
Gerhard Casper, President Emeritus
Peter and Helen Bing Professor in Undergraduate Education
Senior Fellow, Institute for International Studies
Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science (by courtesy)
Stanford University
Tuesday, October 1, 2002
Our first guest was Gerhard Casper, who brought
insights culled from his eight years as the university's ninth president.
The seminar provided an opportunity for those involved in higher
education research to discuss how that work can be informed by and,
in turn, support administration. Prior to coming to Stanford, Professor
Casper served as provost at the University of Chicago, subsequent
to serving as dean of the Law School where he was on the faculty.
As a scholar, Professor Casper has primarily focused on constitutional
law, constitutional history, comparative law, and jurisprudence. back to top
"The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: An Action Agenda
for Higher Education"
Pat Hutchings
Vice President
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
"Reengaging the University: A Case Study of the University
of Alaska, 1998-2002"
James R. Johnsen
Chief of Staff
University of Alaska System
Visiting Scholar, Center for Studies in Higher Education
University of California Berkeley
Wednesday, May 1, 2002
"Inside California's Master Plan: The Politics of Reauthorization"
Rafael Ramirez
Consultant, Student Learning Group, Joint Committee
for the Development of the Master Plan: Kindergarten through University
Thursday, April 11, 2002
"Defining the Role for Large-Scale, Merit-Based Financing:
Evidence from Georgia's HOPE Scholarship Program"
Gary Henry
Professor of Policy Studies and Political Science
Georgia State University
Director of Evaluation and Learning Services
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Monday, March 11, 2002
"Graduate Student Unionization"
Daniel J. Julius
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
University of San Francisco
Thursday, January 17, 2002
back to top
"Higher Education in the Age of Money"
David L. Kirp
Professor of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley
Monday, December 3, 2001
"If I Had It to Do Over Again"
David Davenport
President Emeritus, Pepperdine University
Wednesday, November 7, 2001
Instruction in Higher Education"
Bernard Gifford
Professor of Education and Dean Emeritus
University of California at Berkeley
Wednesday, October 10, 2001
"Women in Higher Education: A View from the Inside"
Film Presentation
"Exclusions and Awakenings: The Life of Maxine Greene"
Monday, July 9, 2001
"Academic Program Accreditation and Evaluation in Higher Education"
Martin Trow
Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Education
University of California, Berkeley
Thursday, May 10, 2001
"German Higher Education: Humboldt Reconsidered"
Gero Lenhardt
Research Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Visiting Scholar, Stanford University School of Education
Thursday, April 19, 2001
"Black Students, White Universities, and Higher Educational Reform"
Joy A. Williamson
Assistant Professor of Education, Stanford University
Monday, March 19, 2001
"How Universities Change, and Why They Don't: Reflections on the Politics
of Reform in German Higher Education"
Hans N. Weiler
Rektor (President) and Professor of Comparative Politics, Emeritus
Europa-Universitat Viadrina, Frankfurt, Germany
Professor Emeritus of Education and Political Science, Stanford University
Wednesday, February 21, 2001
back to top
"Recalibrating Merit in College Admissions"
R. Richard Banks
Assistant Professor of Law, Stanford University
Thursday, December 14, 2000
"Accumulative Advantage Across Public and Private Science: Patenting by
Research One Universities"
Jason D. Owen-Smith
Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University School of Education
Tuesday, October 24, 2000
"Civic Responsibility in Higher Education"
Thomas R. Ehrlich
Senior Scholar, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Thursday, September 28, 2000
"Service Learning in Higher Education"
Timothy K. Stanton
Senior Fellow and Former Director, Haas Center for Public Service
Wednesday, May 24, 2000
"Revisiting the Carnegie Classification System for Higher Education"
Alexander C. McCormick
Senior Scholar, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Thursday, February 24, 2000
"How Scholars Trumped Teachers"
Larry Cuban
Professor, Stanford University School of Education
Visiting Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
Wednesday, January 26, 2000
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