June 26, 2020 (June 27, 2020 in India)
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program
with E-Squared Learn with Leaders
A Focus Group activity for high school students in India in advance of future YCISL events in the region. Organized in collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders.
Venue: Online

A select group of high school students from across India, representing 13 different high schools, were invited to join in a Focus Group special event and help shape future YCISL events. The Focus Group activity exposed students to mini-versions of YCISL workshop exercises designed with the purpose of raising awareness of creative leadership life lessons, skills and mindsets.
Key elements of the focus group included:
- Introduction to the YCISL program and worldview
- Sketch Your Neighbor Icebreaker
- Brainstorming Mini-Exercise
- Teach Anything Mini-Exercise
- A Message To Your Future Self Mini-Exercise
- Q&A
This was an online activity using videoconferencing.
Visit the E-Squared Learn with Leaders web site for more information on this program.