Wednesday, December 2, 2009
China's Remote Sensing Technology
and the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
Zikuan Zhou, Vice General Manager
Beijing Earth Observation Inc.
CSDGC Visiting Scholar
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Yang & Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building (Y2E2)
Room 300
Since the 1970s, civilian satellite remote sensing technology in China have been widely used, especially in areas such as agriculture, forestry, land, mining, water conservancy, oceanography, and disaster monitoring. With the development of high-resolution satellite, remote sensing data services have seen fast growth in Chinese market.
This seminar will be given by Zikuan Zhou, a visiting scholar from China’s largest remote sensing data provider - Beijing Eastdawn Information Technology Co. Ltd.
Mr. Zhou will talk about the company's remote sensing business and service. He will also use 2008 Wenchuan earthquake as an example and give a brief introduction of China's remote sensing technology integrated application. |