Thursday March 24, 2016
Towards Smart Production
Dr.-Ing. Juergen Jasperneite, Professor
Director of Fraunhofer IOSB-INA and Institute Industrial IT
Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Yang & Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building (Y2E2)
Room 300
Future production systems must be characterized by high adaptability, resource-efficiency and user friendliness. Such a smart factory considers all components of a production system: the product, the resources, the people in the factory as well as customers and suppliers. For a smart factory the usage of Information and Communication technologies and intelligent automation is of high importance. This talk shows how the needed intelligence comes into the technical systems at the factory floor. Some examples of the leading edge technology cluster "intelligent technical systems OstWestfalen-Lippe it’s OWL" are introduced. In this cluster, which is an integral part of German’s high-tech strategy, 178 partners from research and industry are working on solutions for the smart factory and smart products. Based on real-world industrial applications methods and technologies for the self-configuration and self-optimization of machines and systems are presented. Last but not least still open issues are identified where further research and development effort is needed.
About the Speaker: Since September 2005 Prof. Jasperneite is a Full Professor for Computer Networks in the faculty Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the OWL University in Lemgo, Germany. 2009 he founded the Fraunhofer IOSB-INA, which was expanded to the first Fraunhofer Application Center since beginning of 2012. Prof. Jasperneite is one of the two initiators of the Centrum Industrial IT (CIIT), which is Germans first Science-to-Business Center in the field of industrial automation. For the demonstration and the transfer of Cyber-physical systems (CPS) in production systems he initiated the Smart Factory OWL. |