Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Latest Development of Chinese Entrepreneurship in IT and Green Energy Industry
Zhiyan Feng, Director of Division II, Department of Management Sciences
National Nature Science Foundation of China
CSDGC Visiting Scholar
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Yang & Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building (Y2E2)
Room 180
Silicon Valley (SV) is the most successful high-tech industry cluster in the world, and it has created an “SV-way” characterized principally by innovation and entrepreneurship. Since more Chinese are accessing higher education overseas, it is very meaningful to study the newest Chinese entrepreneurs in SV, and the relationship between returnees to China and the development of local industry there.
This seminar will introduce our study of the newest Chinese entrepreneurs, and their backgrounds and accomplishments in SV, Taiwan Hsinchu Science Park (HSP) and Beijing Shangdi Sci. & Tech. Park (SSTP). This research is based on (a) micro-level factors such as entrepreneurial, (b) industry-level factors such as the mechanisms of industry radiation, especially IT industry and green energy industry, and (c) macro-level factors such as policy research. The research group interviewed more than 20 people related to the subject and 13 Chinese entrepreneurs in SV. Their start-up experience will be presented. This seminar will also emphasize our findings in regards to motivation of and opportunities for Chinese entrepreneurs, technology, leadership and financial support. |