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Brief Project Description:
The Tiltcycle is a bicycle ergometer that has been modified to accomodate persons with lower limb and balance deficits. Its unique seating system adapts to many disabilities, and it measures and displays pedal forces and lower limb kinematics for performance feedback. It provides a stable backboard against which a person can lie flat or be tilted into progressively more vertical positions. When used as an adjunct to conventional ambulation training, the Tiltcycle has been shown to be an effective way to improve lower limb strength and weight-bearing capability. All populations seeking conditioning and strengthening are viable markets, as well as persons undergoing rehabilitation from orthopedic, neurological, or cardiovascular problems.

Core Technology:
The essential technology associated with the Tiltcycle involves the unique seating system that can accomodate persons with a wide range of disabilities. In addition, pedal forces and lower limb kinematics can be directly measured and displayed for purposes of providing performance feedback. A new version of the Tiltcycle will have the added technology of a dual-fly-wheel, and the capabillity of providing more complex pedaling exercise trajectories.

Specific Technology Transfer Opportunities:
There is a wide range of opportunities for technology transfer. Most generally, the device can be used as a challenging exercise tool for general conditioning and strengthening in all populations. More specifically, the device is well-suited for persons undergoing rehabilitation from orthopedic, neurological, or cardiovascular problems that have resulted in ambulation deficits.

Related Work:
The Tiltcycle: A Therapeutic Assessment and Exercise Device
Use of Bicycle Ergometry in Lower Limb Movement Deficits
Graded Weight-Bearing Exercise for Improving Ambulation after Stroke
Design and Fabrication of "Tilt III" Tilting Cycle Ergometer

For additional information contact Douglas F. Schwandt, MS.

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