Some considerations concerning transfer through
One possible route for transfer of a product you have developed is
through a process of formal evaluation within the VA system. There is
ample precedent for this and the procedures are well established. Briefly,
they include these procedures:
- You decide you are ready to move into the evaluation stage. (You must
have a working prototype.) Complete and submit a Request for Evaluation
to the Evaluation Unit through the same channels as Merit Review
- The VA may then announce in the Commerce Business Daily (CBD) a
competition for a manufacturer for the evaluation models.
- A manufacturer will be chosen, based on the proposals received.
- The Investigator and the Evaluation Unit set up the protocol for
evaluation. This is a joint effort.
- The Evaluation Unit will analyze the data obtained in the field.
- The manufacturer will be paid to make any necessary changes in the
- Re-evaluation will then begin and iterations made until the design is
- The same manufacturer may then be contracted for manufacture of
production models for VA use (unless their performance was
It should be noted that this strategy for transfer offers an advantage
to the manufacturer who builds the prototypes because it underwites much
of the cost for tooling and redesign to meet marketing requirements. On
the other hand, the process can takes up to a year or even longer.
Investigator |
Transfer Officer |
Center Director |