Assisting in VA evaluations
While the responsibility for conducting an evaluation within the VA
rests with the Evaluation Unit in the VA Central Office, it is obvious
that no one knows the product to be evaluated better than the
Investigator. It isn't surprising that the Investiga tor will be called
upon to perform one or more of the following activities. Because your time
is valuable, be sure that the time you give to these activities has
been budgeted and that your assistance is "at arm's length,"
avoiding any appearance of bia s in the evaluation itself.
- Supply drawings and other construction details from project files,
and indicate changes in design that are required in the evaluation
- If appropriate, suggest criteria for the selection of a manufacturer.
- Suggest an approximate range of costs, and share information about
the sources and availability of components.
- Develop a set of specifications or standards against which the
manufactured product will be compared.
- Describe the specific clients, conditions, or applications for which
the product is meant to be used.
- Act as a resource for information for the Evaluation Unit that is
responsible for testing the product if they request assistance.
In general, you should be prepared to assist at the time of contracting
for prototypes, but you should not directly assist in the conduct of
Investigator |
Transfer Officer |
Center Director |