The micromodel of technology transfer in the PAVA RR & D
Center provides a conceptual foundation of the process at the
Center level. Elements in this model show
- the fact that the mission of the Center, influenced by social and
economic factors, should inspire the initiation and conduct of specific
research and development projects in the Center
- the twin avenues of opportunity - scientific inquiry and applied
engineering - and the general outcomes of those efforts
- the description of four "stages" of research and
development that characterize the activities in the Center
- the intermediate and ultimate consumers of the Center's products,
processes, and findings.
In interpreting this model, it is important to note that Stage 1, which
involves research to answer theoretical questions, may or may not lead
directly to development activities aimed at specific applications.
Similarly, the typical "flow" of product development proceeds
over three stages of preliminary investigation, prototype development, and
field evaluation. However, specific projects may begin or end at different
points along that three-stage continuum.
Investigator |
Transfer Officer |
Center Director |