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Collaborating Institutions
Individual staff members at the Rehab R&D Center currently collaborate
with a variety of other institutions. Some interactions are formalized by
contracts and co-authorships, while others take place on an informal one-on-one
The following is a partial list of collaborating institutions.
VA Health Care System
- Brain Injury Unit
- Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center
- Diagnostic Radiology Center
- Geriatric Research and Education Center
- Hand Center
- Orthopaedic Surgery Service
- Rehabilitation Medicine Service
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Service
- Spinal Cord Injury Center
- Voluntary Services
- Western Blind Rehabilitation Center
Stanford University
- Aeronautics and Astronautics Department
- Center for Design Research , Mechanical Engineering Department
- Center for Research in Disease Prevention
- Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit
- Computer Science Department
- Developmental Biology
- Functional Restoration Department: Orthopaedic, Plastic and Reconstructive;
Hand Surgery; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Lucas MRI Center, Radiology Department
- Medicine Department
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- Neurology Department
- Orthopaedics Research Laboratory, Functional Restoration Department
- Radiology Department
- Robotics Laboratory, Computer Science Department
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities Office
Bay Area Institutions
- Disabled Programmers, Inc., San Jose
- Immersion Corp., San Jose
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center
- Advanced Plans and Programs Office
- Extravehicular Systems Branch
- Intelligent Mechanisms Group
- Life Sciences Division
- Packard Children's Hospital: Rehabilitation Engineering Center
- Paarkinson's Institute, Sunnyvale
- R.K. Davies Medical Center, San Francisco
- Samuel Merritt College, Oakland: Department of Physical Therapy
- Santa Clara Valley Medical Center: Model System for Care for Spinal Cord
- Shriner's Hospital for Crippled Children, Davis
- The Technology Center of Silicon Valley, San Jose
- University of California, Berkeley: Department of Integrative Biology
- UCSF/SFSU Graduate Program in Physical Therapy, San Francisco
Other Institutions
- Beth Israel Hospital, Orthopaedic Biomechanics Laboratory, Harvard
- Biomechanical Engineering Program, School of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Cornell University
- Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN: Orthopedic Biomechanics Laboratory
- Northwestern University
- Paralyzed Veterans of America - Spinal Cord Research Foundation
- Portland Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center: Neurological Sciences
- Salt Lake City VAMC
- San Francisco State University
- San Jose State University
- University of Basel, Switzerland: Dept of ORL
- University of California, Davis: Mechanical Engineering Department
- University of Maryland: Electrical Engineering Department
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Department of Exercise Science
- University of Santa Clara
- University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- Virtual Technologies, Inc.
