Peer Reviewed Journal ArticlesAndriacchi T, Muendermann A: The role of ambulatory mechanics in the initiation and progression of knee osteoarthritis. Current Opinion in Rheumatology,18(5): 514-518, 2006. Balasubramanian CK, Bowden MG, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Relationship between step length asymmetry and walking performance in subjects with chronic hemiparesis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88(1):43-9, 2007. Beaupré GS, Lew HL: Bone Density Changes following Stoke. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 85(5):464-472, 2006. Bowden MG, Balasubramanian CK, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Anterior-posterior ground reaction forces as a measure of paretic leg contribution in hemiparetic walking. Stroke, 37(3):872-6, 2006. Chaudhari, A, Andriacchi, T: The mechanical consequences of dynamic frontal plane limb alignment for non-contact ACL injury, Journal of Biomechanics, 39(2):330-8, 2006. Chiu R, Ma T, Smith RL, Goodman SB. Polymethylmethacrylate particles inhibit osteoblastic differentiation of bone marrow osteoprogenitor cells. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 77:850-856, 2006. Corazza S, Muendermann L, Chaudhari A, Demattio T, Cobelli C, Andriacchi T: A markerless motion capture system to study musculoskeletal biomechanics: visual hull and simulated annealing approach, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34(6):1019-29, 2006. (figure selected as manuscript cover illustration). Draper CE, Besier TF, Gold GE, Fredericson M, Fiene A, Beaupré GS, Delp SL: Is Cartilage Thickness Different in Young Subjects with and without Patellofemoral Pain? Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 14(9):931-937, 2006. Fisher, D, Dyrby, C, Muendermann, A, Morag, E, Andriacchi, T: In healthy subjects without knee osteoarthritis the peak knee adduction moment influences the acute effect of shoe interventions designed to reduce medial compartment knee load, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, (Epub ahead of print, Jan 2007). Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza FM, Lindsey DP, Lee AT: Bone cement improves suture anchor fixation. Clinical Orthopedics, 451:236-41, 2006. Godin, L.M., Suzuki, S., Jacobs, C.R., Donahue, H.J., Donahue, S.W., Mechanically induced intracellular calcium waves in osteoblasts demonstrate calcium fingerprints in bone cell mechanotransduction. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Nov 6, Epub, 2006. Gosch C, Verrette R, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, Lehnert B: Comparison of initial compression force across the subtalar joint by two different screw fixation techniques. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery, 45(3):168-73, 2006. Guo, T.Z., Wei, T. Kingery, W.S., Glucocorticoid inhibition of vascular abnormalities in a tibia fracture rat model of complex regional pain syndrome type I, Pain,121: 158-167,2006. Henderson, JH, L de la Fuente, D Romero, CI Colnot, S Huang, DR Carter, and JA Helms, Mechanical Induction of Perichondrial Structures by Rapid Growth of Cartilage Rudiments, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 6(1-2):127-137,2007. Holzbaur, K.R.S., Murray, W. M., Gold, G. E., Delp, S. L. Upper limb muscle volumes in adult subjects. Journal of Biomechanics. 40:742-749, 2007. Iwata S, Yasunori S, Nagura T, Matsumoto H, Otani T, Andriacchi TP, Toyama Y: Clinical disability in posterior cruciate ligament deficient patients does not relate to knee laxity, but relates to dynamic knee function during stair descending, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, (Epub ahead of print, Sep 14, 2006). Johanson, M. E., Smaby, N., Hentz, V. R, Murray, W. M. Reduced activation in transferred brachioradialis muscles to restore lateral pinch in tetraplegia. Journal of Hand Surgery. 31:747- 53, 2006. Kim, C., You, L., Yellowley, C.E., Jacobs, C.R., Oscillatory Fluid Flow Induced Shear Stress Decreases Osteoclastogenesis Through Regulation of RANKL and OPG. Bone, 39:1043-1047, 2006. Kornaat PR, Koo S, Andriacchi TP, Bloem JL, Gold GE: Comparison of quantitative cartilage measurements acquired on two 3.0T MR imaging systems from different manufacturers, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (5):770-3, 2006. Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Gene Regulation Ex Vivo within a Wrap-Around Tendon. Tissue Engineering, 12(9):2611-8, 2006. Liang, Y., Guo, T.Z., Liao, G., Kingery, W.S., Peltz, G., Clark, D.J., Chronic pain and genetic background interact and influence opioid analgesia, tolerance, and physical dependence, Pain, 121: 232-240, 2006. Malone, A.M., Batra, N.N., Shivaram, G, Kwon, R, You, L., Kim, C., Rodriguez, J, Jair, K. Jacobs, C.R., The Role of the Actin Cytoskeleton in Oscillatory Fluid Flow Induced Signaling in MC3T3-E1 Osteoblasts. American Journal of Physiology-Cell, Jan 24, Epub, 2007. Miyanishi K, Trindada MCD, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, Carter DR, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Effects of hydrostatic pressure and transforming growth factor-beta3 on adult human mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis in vitro. Tissue Engineering, 12(6):1419-1428, 2006. Miyanishi K, Trindada MCD, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, Carter DR, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Dose- and time-dependent effects of cyclic hydrostatic pressure on Transforming Growth Factor-beta3-induced chondrogenesis by adult human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro. Tissue Engineering, 12(8):2253-2262, 2006. Muendermann, L, Corazza, S, Andriacchi, T: The evolution of methods for the capture of human movement leading to markerless motion capture for biomechanical applications. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 3(1):6, 2006 Murray, W. M., Hentz, V. R., Fridén, J., Lieber, R.L. The significance of surgical attachment length for hand and wrist function following brachioradialis tendon transfer. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 88:2009-2016, 2006. Nagura T, Matsumoto H, Kiriyama Y, Chaudhari A, Andriacchi T: Tibiofemoral joint contact force in deep knee flexion and its consideration in knee osteoarthritis and joint replacement. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 22(4): 305-313, 2006. Ramachandran R., Goodman SB, Smith RL. The effects of titanium and polymethylmethacrylate particles on osteoblast phenotypic stability. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A, 77:512-517, 2006. Rubin, J., Rubin, C., Jacobs, C.R., Mechanical signaling in bone. Gene, 367:1-16, 2006. Shin C, Chaudhari A, Andriacchi T: The influence of deceleration forces on ACL strain during single leg landing: a simulation study. Journal of Biomechanics, (Epub ahead of print, June 22, 2006). Siston RA, Giori NJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL: Intraoperative Passive Kinematics of Osteoarthritic Knees Before and After Total Knee Arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopedic Research, 24(8):1607-1614, 2006. Song Y, Greve J, Carter DR, Koo S, Giori NJ: Articular cartilage MR imaging and thickness mapping of a loaded knee joint before and after meniscectomy. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2006 14(8):728-37, 2006. Spangole JP, Miyanishi K, Ma T, Epstein NJ, Smith RL, Goodman SB. Comparison of VEGFproducing cells in periprosthetic osteolysis. Biomaterials, 27:3882-3887, 2006. Worthen LC, Kim CM, Kautz SA, Lew HL, Kiratli BJ, Beaupré GS: Key Characteristics of Walking Correlate with Bone Density in Individuals with Chronic Stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 42(6):761-768, 2005. In PressAndriacchi T, Muendermann A: The role of ambulatory mechanics in the initiation and progression of knee osteoarthritis. Current Opinion in Rheumatology, accepted for publication, June 2006. Chaudhari A, Lindenfeld T, Andriacchi T, Noyes, F: Knee and hip loading patterns at different phases in the menstrual cycle: implications for the gender difference in ACL injury rates. American Journal of Sports Medicine, accepted for publication, Sep 2006. Clark, D.J., Condliffe, E.G., Patten, C., Activation Impairment Alters Muscle Torque-velocity in Post-stroke Hemiparesis. in press, Clinical Neurophysiology. Haemer JM, Wang MJ, Carter DR, Giori NJ: Benefit of Single Leaf Resection for Horizontal Meniscus Tear in an Ovine Model. Clin Orthop in press. Accepted for publication on Oct 25, 2006. Henderson, JH, L de la Fuente, D Romero, CI Colnot, S Huang, DR Carter, and JA Helms, Mechanical Induction of Perichondrial Structures by Rapid Growth of Cartilage Rudiments, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, in press. Holzbaur, K. R. S., Delp, S. L., Gold, G. E., Murray, W. M. (in press) Moment-generating capacity of upper limb muscles. Journal of Biomechanics. Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Gene Regulation Ex Vivo Within a Wrap-Around Tendon. In Press: Tissue Engineering,12(9), 2006. McAdams TR, Lee AT, Centeno J, Giori NJ, Lindsey DP: Two ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction methods: The docking technique versus bioabsorbable interference screw fixation: A biomechanical evaluation with cyclic loading. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery in press. Accepted for publication December, 2005. Miyanishi K, Trindada MCD, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, Carter DR, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Effects of hydrostatic pressure and transforming growth factor-beta3 on adult human mesenchymal stem cell chondrogenesis in vitro. Accepted: Tissue Engineering. Siston RA, Giori NJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL: Surgical navigation for total knee arthroplasty: A perspective. Journal of Biomechanics in press. Accepted for publication on Oct 13, 2006. In ReviewChaudhari A, Andriacchi T: The Initiation and Progression of Osteoarthritis After ACL Injury, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, in review, December 2006. Draper CE, Santos JM, Kourtis L, Besier TF, Beaupré GS, Gold GE, Delp SL: Accuracy of measuring joint motion using real-time MRI: A phantom study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Submitted, Dec 2006. Haemer, JM, MJ Wang, DR Carter,, and NJ Giori: No Benefit of Sparing Single Leaf in Extensive Horizontal Meniscus Tears, Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research, submitted. Koo S, Giori NJ, Gold GE, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP: Accuracy of cartilage thickness measurement in MRI changes with cartilage thickness: Laser scanner based cartilage thickness validation of in vivo osteoarthritic cartilage. Submitted to Osteoarthritis and Cartilage on June 12, 2006. Koo S, Andriacchi T: A comparison of the influence of global functional loads vs. local contact anatomy on articular cartilage thickness at the knee, Journal of Biomechanics, submitted for publication, October 2006. Muendermann A, DeMarre JL, Muendermann L, Andriacchi TP: Increased trunk sway as an adaptive gait mechanism for knee OA. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, in review, September 2006. Muendermann A, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP: Estimating the mechanical axis alignment using skin markers on anatomical landmarks and anthropometric measurements, Arthritis and Rheumatism, in review, October 2006. Muendermann A, DeMarre JL, Muendermann L, Andriacchi TP: A mechanism to lower the knee adduction moment during walking: gait retraining as intervention for knee OA. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, submitted for publication July 2006. Sabsovich, I., Clark, D.J., Liao, G., Peltz, G., Lindsey, D.P, Jacobs, C.R., Yao, W., Guo, T.Z., Kingery, W.S., Bone microstructure and its associated genetic variability in 12 inbred mouse strains: uCT study and in silico genome scan, Submitted, Bone. Scanlan SF, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP: Relationship between tibiofemoral kinematics and compensatory moments during stair ascent for the ACL deficient knee, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, submitted for publication, June 2006. Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP: The patella ligament insertion angle influences quadriceps usage during walking of anterior cruciate ligament deficient patients, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, in review, November 2006. Siston RA, Goodman SB, Delp SL, Giori NJ: Intra-operative measurements of knee stability before and after total knee arthroplasty: Navigation as a unique research tool for clinical research. Submitted to Clinical Orthopedics on December 21, 2006. Siston RA, Goodman SB, Patel JJ, Delp SL, Giori NJ: The high variability of tibial component rotational alignment in total knee arthroplasty. Clinical Orthopedics, Nov;452:65-69, 2006. Steffin BD, Green-Riviere E, Giori NJ: Timing of tourniquet release in TKA when using a postoperative blood salvage drain. Submitted to Journal of Arthroplasty on January 7, 2007. Wang, L., Zhao, R., Shi, X., Wei, T., Halloran, B.P., Clark, D.J., Jacobs, C.R., Kingery, W.S., Substance P regulates osteogenic activity of mouse bone marrow stromal cells, Submitted, Bone. You, L., Temiyasathi, S., Lee, P., Kim, C., Tummala, P., Yao, W., Kingery, W.S., Jacobs, C.R., Osteocytes as mechanosensors in the inhibition of bone resorption due to mechanical loading. Bone, Submitted. AbstractsAjit Chaudhari, Chris Dyrby, Darrell DLima, Cliff Colwell, Thomas P. Andriacchi: A direct test of the relationship between medial compartment load and the knee adduction moment using an instrumented knee, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Ajit Chaudhari, Sean Scanlan, Thomas P. Andriacchi: ACL reconstruction does not fully restore knee kinematics during walking, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Ajit Chaudhari, Seungbum Koo, Sean Scanlan, Thomas P. Andriacchi: ACL graft sagittal plane orientation influences anterior-posterior tibial translation during walking, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Anna-Maria Liphardt, N Backer, Anne Muendermann, Seungbum Koo, Thomas Andriacchi, J Zange, J Mester, M Heer: The potential of vibration training to affect the response of muscle, bone and cartilage during short term bed rest, 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July 2006. Invited Paper. Anna-Maria Liphardt, N Backer, Anne Muendermann, Seungbum Koo, Thomas Andriacchi, J Zange, J Mester, M Heer: Changes in Cartilage Morphology of the knee after 14 days of bed rest, 36th Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, July 2006. Annegret Muendermann, Seungbum Koo, Lise Worthen-Chaudhari, William Maloney, Thomas P. Andriacchi. A potential mechanical pathway for the initiation of osteoarthritis in the obese population, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Finalist contender for the American Society of Biomechanics Award. Besier TF, Gold GE, Delp SL, Beaupré GS: Patellofemoral cartilage stress is increased by femoral internal rotation. Trans Orthop Res Soc 31:249, 2006. Boyer KA, Beaupré GS, Andriacchi TP: Gender differences in hip joint kinetics in healthy older walkers as a consideration in treatment interventions for osteoporosis. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 32:1825, 2007. Chiu R, Ma T, Smith R, Goodman S. Differentiating osteoprogenitors are susceptible to irreversible inhibition by polymethylmethacrylate particles during the proliferation stage. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 31:0982, 2006. Choongsoo Shin, Ajit Chaudhari, Chris Dyrby, Thomas Andriacchi: Influences of patellar ligament insertion angle on quadriceps usage during walking: effect of an ACL deficit, VI International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons, Chicago, IL, March 18, 2006. Choongsoo Shin, Ajit Chaudhari, Thomas P. Andriacchi: The effect of lateral tibial tunnel movement of single bundle ACL reconstruction and the effect of double bundle reconstruction on the internal rotation during dynamic single-leg landing, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Chris Dyrby, D DLima, C Colwell, Thomas P. Andriacchi. Condylar lift-off does not occur during the deep squat, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Epstein N, Jones M, Smith R, Goodman S. Osteopontin response to UHMWPE particles is independent of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 31:0702, 2006. Erhart J, Dyrby C, Elspas B, Giori NJ, Andriacchi TP: Load-modifying footwear intervention does lower knee adduction moment in subjects with symptoms of medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting. Blacksburg, Virginia, September 6-9, 2006. Haemer JM, Giori NJ: A finite element method for articular cartilage mechanics from MRI of loaded joints. Proc 52nd Ann Mtg Orthopedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, 52:81, 2006. Haemer JM, Wang MJ, Giori NJ: Biomechanical Assessment of Single- versus Double-Leaf Resection Following Horizontal Meniscus Tear. Proc 73rd Ann Mtg American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Chicago, IL, 73:157, 2006. Jacobs C.,You, J., Reilly, G., Batra, N., Li, Y., Malone, A., Themiyasathit, S., Tang, J., Stearns, T., Anderson. C., Cellular Mechanotransduction in Bone: Moving Towards a Molecular Mechanism. European Cells and Materials Journal, 8:S3, p. 8, July 2006. Jessica L. DeMarre, Lars Muendermann, Thomas P. Andriacchi, Annegret Muendermann. A mechanism to lower the knee adduction moment during walking: gait retraining as intervention for knee OA, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Keenan KE, Kourtis L, Besier T, Lindsey DP, Gold GE, Delp SL, Beaupré GS: Web-based resource for the computation of cartilage biphasic material properties with the interpolant response surface method. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 32:603, 2007. Koo S, Andriacchi TP, The knee joint pivots on the lateral compartment during ambulation, 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Blacksburg, VA, September 2006. Koo S, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP, Increased joint loading over time can increase the rate of cartilage thinning in patients following ACL injury, 2006 ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 2006. Kwon, R.Y., Anyeni, O.A., Jacobs, C.R., Mechanics of Deformation of Osteoblastic Cells Exposed to Steady and Oscillatory Fluid Flow. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, p. 129, March 2006. Kwon, R.Y., Ayeni, O.A., Jacobs. C.R., Investigating the Mechanics of Fluid Flow Induced Deformation in Bone Cells. Proc Soc Physical Regulation in Medicine and Biology, p. 43, January, 2006. Lars Muendermann, Annegret Muendermann, Stefano Corazza, Ajit Chaudhari, Thomas P. Andriacchi. Phasing of trunk motion is critical for the efficacy of gait retraining aimed to reduce knee loads, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Lars Muendermann, Stefano Corazza, Anne Muendermann, Tina Lin, Ajit Chaudhari, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Gait retraining to reduce medial compartment load at the knee assessed using markerless motion capture, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Lateva ZC, McGill KC. Architecture of a series-fibered human muscle: EMG study of brachioradialis. Proc 16th Congress Intl Soc Electrophysiol Kinseiol (ISEK), 2006. Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Mechanobiological influences on tissue-engineered tendon implants in vitro. Trans Orthop Res Soc 30:399, 2005. Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith RL, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Gene Regulation Ex Vivo Within a Wrap-Around Tendon. Conditionally accepted to: Tissue Engineering, June, 2005. Litzenberger, J.B., Tummala, P., Powell, C., Jacobs. C.R., Inhibition of Beta-1 Integrin Signaling in Bone Cells Decreases Mechanosensitivity. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, p. 1023, March 2006. Ma T, Nelson E, Mawatari T, Oh K, Larsen M, Smith R, Goodman S. Effects of local infusion of OP-1 on particle or NSAID-mediated bone formation in vivo. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 31:0688, 2006. Malone A.M., Anderson, C.T., Tummala P., Stearns, T., Jacobs. C.R., Are Primary Cilia Mechanosensory Organelles in Bone Cells? Proc Soc Physical Regulation in Medicine and Biology, p. 50, January, 2006. Malone, A.M., Cheng, Beam, M., Tummala, P., Jacobs, C.R., Fak Mediated ERK ½ Phosphorylation with Exposure to Oscillatory Fluid Flow. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, p. 1022, March 2006. Marateb HR, McGill KC. Knowledge-based automatic decomposition of EMG signals. Proc 16th Congress Intl Soc Electrophysiol Kinesiol (ISEK), 2006. Mawatari T, Lindsey D, Kajiyama G, Suenaga E, Goodman, D, Schurman, D, Maloney W, Smith RL. Effect of tensile strain/fluid flow on human osteoarthritic articular cartilage. Mawatari T, Nakamichi I, Lindsey D, Kajiyama G, Suenaga E, Goodman, D, Schurman, D, Maloney W, Omary B, Smith RL. Heme oxygenase-1 in human osteoarthritic articular cartilage. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 31:1485, 2006. Oshtory R, Mirza FM, Lindsey DP, Lee AT, Giori NJ: Bioabsorbable cement improves suture anchor fixation. Fourth SICOT/SIROT Annual International Conference Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23-26 August 2006. Paul Briant, Scott Bevill, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Collagen organization in the superficial layer of articular cartilage relative to the mechanical environment within the joint, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. First Place Award for the student Ph.D. competition. Paul Briant, Scott Bevill, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Topological differences in the cartilage superficial layer of the porcine knee, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. S. Iwata, Y. Suda, T. Nagura, H. Matsumoto, T. Otani, Y. Kiriyama, Y. Toyama, T. Andriacchi: Knee laxity in extension relates subjective symptoms in isolated PCL deficient knees, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Scott Bevill, Paul Briant, Peter Torzilli, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Topological variations in chondrocyte morphology: a consideration , ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Sean Scanlan, Ajit Chaudhari, Chris Dyrby, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Compensatory muscle moments in ACL-deficient subjects reduce anterior tibial translation during stair ascent, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Seungbum Koo, Chris Dyrby, John Kang, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Effect of cartilage contact stress on cartilage thickness determination, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Seungbum Koo, Thomas P. Andriacchi. The knee joint pivots on the lateral compartment during ambulation, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Seungbum Koo, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Time, BMI and gender influence spatial patterns of tibial cartilage degeneration after ACL rupture, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Siston RA, Daub AC, Giori NJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL: Evaluation of methods for determining the center of the ankle for computer-assisted total knee replacement. Clin Orthop 2005 439:129- 135. Siston RA, Giori NJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL: Abnormal passive kinematics after TKA: In-vivo analysis with computer navigation. Proc 52nd Ann Mtg Orthopedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, 52:610, 2006. Siston RA, Giori NJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL: Intraoperative Passive Kinematics of Osteoarthritic Knees before and after Total Knee Arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopedic Research 2006 24(8):1607-1614. Siston RA, Giori NJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL: Surgical navigation for total knee arthroplasty: A perspective. J Biomech 2007;40(4):728-735. Siston RA, Patel JJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL, Giori NJ: High variability of femoral rotational alignment in total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2005 87-A:2276-2280. Siston RA, Patel JJ, Goodman SB, Delp SL, Giori NJ: The High Variability of Tibial Rotational Alignment in Total Knee Arthroplasty. Proc 73rd Ann Mtg American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Chicago, IL, 73:P116, 2006. Smith RL, Dhulipala L, Kajiyama G, Goodman S, Maloney W, Schurman D. Osteoarthritic chondrocyte metabolism: Effects of shear stress on interleukin-6 and nitric oxide synthase expression. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 31:1532, 2006. Song Y, Greve J, Carter DR, Giori NJ: MR measurement of cartilage deformation in a cyclically loaded intact knee joint. Proc 52nd Ann Mtg Orthopedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, 52:1519, 2006. Song Y, Greve J, Carter DR, Giori NJ: Time Dependent Deformational Behavior of Cyclically Loaded Articular Cartilage in a Meniscectomized Knee Joint. 2006 ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Spanogle J, Smith RL, Ma T, Epstein N, Goodman S. VEGF increase in periprosthetic osteolysis is secondary to increased numbers of macrophages at the bone-implant interface. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 31:0090, 2006. Stefano Corazza, Lars Muendermann, Ajit Chaudhari and Thomas P. Andriacchi. A framework for the functional identification of joint centers using markerless motion capture, validation for the hip joint, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Finalist contender for the American Society of Biomechanics Microstrain Award. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 31:1486, 2006. Venook RD, Matter NI, Ramachandran M, Ungersma SE, Gold GE, Giori NJ, Macovski A, Scott GC, Conolly SM: Prepolarized MRI: Reducing Susceptibility Artifacts Around Metal Orthopedic Implants Without Sacrificing Image Quality. 14th International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Seattle, WA, May 6 12, 2006. You, L., Temiyasathit, C., Jacobs. C., Osteocytes are Mechanosensors in the Inhibition of Bone Resorption due to Mechanical Loading. Proc Soc Physical Regulation in Medicine and Biology, p. 56 January, 2006. You, L., Temiyasathit, C., Lee, P., Kim, C.H., Tummala, P., Yao, W., Kingery W., Jacobs. C., Osteocytes as Mechanosensors in the Inhibition of Bone Resorption due to Mechanical Loading. Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, p. 382, March 2006. Meetings and PresentationsAjit Chaudhari, Chris Dyrby, Darrell DLima, Cliff Colwell, Thomas P. Andriacchi: A direct test of the relationship between medial compartment load and the knee adduction moment using an instrumented knee, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Ajit Chaudhari, Sean Scanlan, Thomas P. Andriacchi: ACL reconstruction does not fully restore knee kinematics during walking, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Thomas P. Andriacchi Guest Speaker: Bay Area Knee Society Conference, Symposium: Knee Arthritis Following Sports Injury: Current Concepts. Topic title: "The patho-mechanics associated with development of knee arthritis following ACL injury", San Francisco, CA, September 29-30, 2006. Thomas P. Andriacchi Invited Speaker: The Interaction of Mechanics and Biology in Knee Joint Restoration and Regeneration. Session Topic: Knee Kinematics and Kinetics, Berlin, Germany, June 29-July 1st, 2006. Thomas P. Andriacchi Keynote Lecture: 2006 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting (ACSM), Steadman Hawkins Foundation, Featured Science Session entitled The structure and function of articular cartilage and the initiation, progression, treatment and rehabilitation of knee osteoarthritis; Keynote Lecture Title: Biomechanical Framework for the In Vivo Initiation and Progression of Knee Osteoarthritis, Denver, CO, May 31-June 3, 2006. Thomas P. Andriacchi Keynote Speaker: 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Biomechanics of Ligaments and Tendons Symposium. Invited Papers: In Vivo Knee Kinematics following ACL Injury and Premature Osteoarthritis and A New Era in the Capture of Human Movement: Markerless Capture of Human Movement, Munich, Germany, July 29-August 4, 2006. Thomas P. Andriacchi, J Zange, J Mester, M Heer: Changes in Cartilage Morphology of the knee response of muscle, bone and cartilage during short term bed rest, 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, July 2006. Invited Paper. Anna-Maria Liphardt, N Backer, Anne Muendermann, Seungbum Koo, Thomas Andriacchi, J Zange, J Mester, M Heer: Changes in Cartilage Morphology of the knee after 14 days of bed rest, 36th Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, July 2006. Annegret Muendermann, Seungbum Koo, Lise Worthen-Chaudhari, William Maloney, Assembly, Beijing, China, July 2006. Carter, DR, Northeastern University Dept of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, "Mechanobiology of Bone Morphogenesis", Boston, MA, November 2006. Carter, DR., Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, "Connective Tissue Mechanobiology" Ottawa Canada, May 2006. Choongsoo Shin, Ajit Chaudhari, Chris Dyrby, Thomas Andriacchi: Influences of patellar ligament insertion angle on quadriceps usage during walking: effect of an ACL deficit, VI International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons, Chicago, IL, March 18, 2006. Chris Dyrby, D DLima, C Colwell, Thomas P. Andriacchi. Condylar lift-off does not occur during the deep squat, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Draper C, Kourtis L, Santos J, Besier T, Gold G, Beaupré G, Delp S: Feasibility of using realtime MRI to measure joint kinematics. Presented at the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, poster # 4642, July 29 Aug 4, 2006. Draper CE, Besier TF, Beaupré GS, Delp SL, Gold GE: Males have Thicker Load-bearing Patellofemoral Joint Cartilage than Females. Presented at the 14th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, May 6-12, 2006. Epstein NJ, Besier TF, Draper CE, Yoon K, Fredericson M, Beaupré GS, Delp SL, Gold GE: MRI analysis of patellar and femoral rotation during upright, weight- bearing knee flexion. Presentation # 002, 106th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, May 1, 2006. Gold GE, Besier TF, Draper CE, Santos JM, Fredericson M, Butts Pauly K, Beaupré GS, Delp SL: Patellofemoral Pain: Analysis with Upright Real-Time MRI and 3D Finite Element Modeling. Society of Computed Body Tomography and Magnetic Resonance, April 3-7, 2006. Winner of the SCBT/MR Lauterbur Award for outstanding scientific paper on cross sectional imaging. Holzbaur, K.R.S., Delp, S. L., and Murray, W. M. (2006) Moment-generating capacity of upper limb muscles. Abstracts of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics. Munich, Germany. J Biomech 39, Supplement 1:S85. Holzbaur, K.R.S., Gold, G. E., Johanson, M. E., and Murray, W. M. (2006) MRI-based estimation of muscle volume and length following tendon transfer surgery. Abstracts of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics. Munich, Germany. J Biomech 39, Supplement 1:S84. Jessica L. DeMarre, Lars Muendermann, Thomas P. Andriacchi, Annegret Muendermann. A mechanism to lower the knee adduction moment during walking: gait retraining as intervention for knee OA, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. LaRoque, E.S., Murray, W. M., Langley, S., Ladd, A. L. Effect of Radial Malunion on Moment Arms in the First Dorsal Extensor Compartment: A Cadaver Study. 73rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Chicago, IL. 2006. Lars Muendermann, Annegret Muendermann, Stefano Corazza, Ajit Chaudhari, Thomas P. Andriacchi. Phasing of trunk motion is critical for the efficacy of gait retraining aimed to reduce knee loads, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Lars Muendermann, Stefano Corazza, Anne Muendermann, Tina Lin, Ajit Chaudhari, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Gait retraining to reduce medial compartment load at the knee assessed using markerless motion capture, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Paul Briant, Scott Bevill, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Collagen organization in the superficial layer of articular cartilage relative to the mechanical environment within the joint, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. First Place Award for the student Ph.D. competition. Paul Briant, Scott Bevill, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Topological differences in the cartilage superficial layer of the porcine knee, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. S. Iwata, Y. Suda, T. Nagura, H. Matsumoto, T. Otani, Y. Kiriyama, Y. Toyama, T. Andriacchi: Knee laxity in extension relates subjective symptoms in isolated PCL deficient knees, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Scott Bevill, Paul Briant, Peter Torzilli, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Topological variations in chondrocyte morphology: a consideration , ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Sean Scanlan, Ajit Chaudhari, Chris Dyrby, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Compensatory muscle moments in ACL-deficient subjects reduce anterior tibial translation during stair ascent, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Seungbum Koo, Chris Dyrby, John Kang, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Effect of cartilage contact stress on cartilage thickness determination, 52nd Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2006. Seungbum Koo, Thomas P. Andriacchi. The knee joint pivots on the lateral compartment during ambulation, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Seungbum Koo, Thomas P. Andriacchi: Time, BMI and gender influence spatial patterns of tibial cartilage degeneration after ACL rupture, ASME Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island, FL, June 21-25, 2006. Stefano Corazza, Lars Muendermann, Ajit Chaudhari and Thomas P. Andriacchi. A framework for the functional identification of joint centers using markerless motion capture, validation for the hip joint, American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Blacksburg, VA, September 6-9, 2006. Velisar, A., Murray, W. M. Passive joint coupling in the upper limb: multiarticular muscle function in the forearm and hand. Podium presentation at the BMES 2006 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. October 11-October 14th. 2006. |