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Personal navigation and wayfinding for individuals with a range of disabilities
Eric E Sabelman, PhD; Charles G Burgar, MD; Gayle E Curtis, MS; Greg Goodrich, PhD; David L Jaffe, MS; Janice L McKinley, MA; Machiel Van der Loos, PhD; L Gene Apple, PhD
Office buildings, hospitals and other large structures can be difficult to navigate for anyone, particularly those with impaired vision or limited mobility. The layout of such structures is often complex and difficult to understand, and the actual location of the destination person or office may change from visit to visit. In addition, the location of ramps, elevators and other accessibility features may be difficult to determine for an infrequent visitor. A series of preliminary projects have addressed this need for wayfinding and navigation assistance, each taking a different approach.
Responsive Environment
EE Sabelman, CG Burgar, GE Curtis, GE Goodrich, DL Jaffe, JL McKinley, HFM Van der Loos
The objective of this project was to investigate the requirements and feasibility of a responsive environment as a means for providing navigation assistance to individuals having a range of disabilities. The Responsive Environment (RE) system would provide transparent navigation communication to a traveler in a large building complex or public facility by sensing their presence and communication needs and then responding accordingly. The RE would present information to the traveler in an appropriate modality, with voice messaging provided for a blind traveler, for example, and large-print displays provided for one with low vision.
To characterize the need and obtain feedback from potential users, we convened a focus group with clinicians, Orientation and Mobility specialists, and visually impaired individuals. In this focus group we described the proposed system and elicited comments and concerns from the participants. The group offered a number of general guidelines for someone finding their way in an unfamiliar place such as an airport, based on the experience of the O&M specialists and accomplished blind travelers. This group expressed the following guidelines for visually impaired travelers:
- Take the time to learn routes and cues for places you will travel frequently.
- To orient in a new place, use other senses, like the smell of a bookstore or restaurant.
- Gather information ahead of time to preplan the route.
- In complex environments, seek sighted assistance, such as at a ticket counter in an airport.
- Double check all along the way; verify the directions given.
- Have a fail-safe location to fall back on and get reoriented.
- If disoriented, find an open door where someone might give directions.
In addition, there was a general consensus that wayfinding assistance should be available at several levels of detail in order to be useful for a wide population and in a realistic range of situations. For example, a system might offer point-to-point prompting along a route as well as a map-like verbal description of the layout of the space and the potential for a detailed query-response dialog in which the traveler might ask, "Where am I? What's down here? What is behind this door?"
Sound Guides
GE Curtis, MS, JL McKinley, MA, DL Jaffe, MS
The Sound Guides system is based on the concept that a blind or visually impaired person might usefully follow a distinctive sound or musical phrase as it ripples through the hallways of a building toward a selected destination. The traveler selects the destination at the entrance to the building, using a touch-tone phone or a touch screen display. A sound is then transmitted to speakers mounted in the hallways, activating them in the correct sequence to give the impression of movement toward a particular destination.
In 1992 a demonstration system was installed at the Western Blind Rehabilitation Center at the time of the 25th Anniversary open house there. Figure 1 shows the control interface for specifying sounds and sequences in the installation.This demonstration showed the feasibility of providing real-time automated wayfinding assistance. It also exposed specific problems that would need to be addressed in future work, such as the strange quality and unfamiliarity of the sound phrases and the need to localize the sound in the environment so that other building occupants are not disturbed or distracted.
Due to software interface problems, "Figure 1. The path planning and control interface for Sound Guides." is regretably unavailable at this time Work on this project led us to look at other issues in wayfinding assistance, specifically those related to giving directions and the technologies that could be used to deliver such assistance. This approach would make use of the traveler's cognitive ability to form mental spatial models and to plan travel routes in advance of travel, relying on the technology to deliver directions information in spoken form as needed.
Directions by Phone
GE Curtis, MS, LE Apple, PhD, JL McKinley, MA
Blind and visually impaired travelers often need wayfinding assistance when traveling to an appointment in an unfamiliar medical center or office building. If reliable wayfinding assistance information could be provided in spoken form, on demand, and tailored to the needs of the traveler, these travelers could be much benefited. A number of technologies might be used to provide this assistance, and what is needed for them to be really effective is a better understanding of how to give directions P what information should be provided, how it should be structured, and the sequence and format of its presentation.
We have proposed a one-year project to formulate systematic guidelines for giving directions through a technology such as a computer-based telephone information system. We will develop these guidelines based on current understanding in cognitive psychology, linguistics and Orientation and Mobility best practice. As the guidelines are formulated, we will test them using a prototype telephone information system assembled from off-the-shelf components. The evaluation of these guidelines will also lead to the development of instruments and procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of such systems. In addition we will survey the demand for such capability within the VA.
The long term goal of this investigation is to identify and develop a technology that could provide useful navigation information for a visually impaired traveler on demand, describing environments and assisting the planning of travel routes within them. Such a technology could increase the accessibility of work environments, institutions, and public spaces for a blind or visually impaired person.
Republished from the 1994 Rehabilitation R&D Center Progress Report.