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The following is a partial list of public presentations, addresses, lectures, and seminars either given by Rehab R&D Center members or featuring the Center or Center projects in the period 1989 - 1998.
Beaupré GS. Numerical methods for emulating stress-induced remodeling in the femur. First World Congress of Biomechanics, Univ of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 1990.
Beaupré GS. A comparison of uni-cortical and bi-cortical end screws in the attachment of fracture fixation plates. Founder's Day, Children's Hospital at Stanford, Stanford, CA, 1990.
Carter DR. Bone remodeling in response to mechanical stresses. Maurice Müller Institute for Biomechanics, Bern, Switzerland, 1989.
Carter DR. Bone remodeling with porous coated prostheses. Sulzer Medical Corp, Winterthur, Switzerland, 1989.
Carter DR. Distinguished lecturer. First Rae Jacobs Mem Symp on Orthopaedics and Engineering, Kansas City, MO, 1989.
Carter DR. Fracture healing and mechanical stresses; osteoarthrosis; mechanical stresses and bone remodeling (three seminars). Laboratory for Experimental Surgery, Davos, Switzerland, 1989.
Carter DR. The Orthopaedic Research Society as a group of individuals. Orthop Res Soc Presidential Address, Las Vegas, NV, 1989.
Carter DR. The role of mechanical stress in skeletal ontogeny and phylogeny. Keynote symposium lecturer, Los Angeles, CA, 1989.
Carter DR. Bone development and remodeling. Gordon Res Conf Bioeng & Orthop Science, Andover, NH, 1990.
Carter DR. Bone remodeling around orthopaedic implants. Richards Medical Company, Memphis, TN, 1990.
Carter DR. The effect of mechanical stress on tissue differentiation in the bony implant bed. Intl Workshop on the Bone-Biomaterial Interface, Toronto, Canada, 1990.
Carter DR. Influence of gravity and activity on muscle and bone, keynote presentation. NASA Symp on Musculoskeletal Ontongeny, Phylogeny, and Functional Adaptation, Moffett Field, CA, 1990.
Carter DR. Stress related bone remodeling around implants. Harrington Arthritis Res Inst Symp on State-of-the-Art In Total Joint Replacement, Scottsdale, AZ, 1990.
Carter DR. Computational models of skeletal adaptation. NASA Symp on Biocomputation, NASA Ames Res Ctr, Moffett Field, CA, 1991.
Carter DR. Mechanical and cellular factors mediating bone repair and remodelling in arthroplasty and fracture repair. Combined Mtg of ORS/CORS/JORS, workshop moderator, Banff, Canada, 1991.
Carter DR. Mechanical stresses in skeletal development and functional adaptation. Keynote speaker, Japanese Hip Society, Osaka, Japan, 1991.
Carter DR. The physical control of cellular response. Workshop, Orthop Res Soc 37th Ann Mtg, Anaheim, CA, 1991.
Carter DR, Orr TE. Functional regulation of bone cell biology by mechanical factors. Workshop, European Symp on Calcified Tissue XXII Mtg, Vienna, Austria, 1991.
Carter DR. Developmental and adaptational mechanics of the skeleton. NASA- ASEE Summer faculty Fellowship Program, Pacific Grove, CA, 1992.
Carter DR. Developmental mechanics and stress sheiding around skeletal implants. Harrington Arthritis Research Institute Symp on State-of-the-Art In Total Joint Replacement, Scottsdale, AZ, 1992.
Carter DR. Developmental mechanics of the skeleton. Mech Eng Dept Seminar, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1992.
Carter DR. Fatigue damage accumulation in bone. Invited speaker, NIA Workshop on Bone Quality, Wash. DC, 1992.
Carter DR. Modeling of bone healing. keynote speaker, International Society for Fracture Repair, Brussels, Belguim, 1992.
Carter DR. The physical control of cellular response. Workshop, Orthop Res Soc 38th Ann Mtg, Wash. DC, 1992.
Carter DR. Biomechanics in hip development and replacement. Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 1993.
Carter DR. Bone development and adaptation. Dept of Orthopaedics, Oxford Univ, Oxford, England, 1993.
Carter DR. Developmental and adaptational mechanics of the skeleton. Depts of Surgery and Organismal Biology and Anatomy, Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 1993.
Carter DR. Mechanical stress in bone remodeling. Biomechanica Symp, Technical Univ of Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany, 1993.
Carter DR. Mechanical stress in skeletal development and evolution. Museum of Paleontonogy, Univ of California, Berkeley, 1993.
Carter DR. Stress related bone remodeling around total hip arthroplasty and the control of skeletal regeneration by mechanical stress. Harrington Arthritis Research Institute Symp on State-of-the-Art In Total Joint Replacement, Scottsdale, AZ, 1993.
Carter DR. Mechanical stresses in bone ontogeny and phylogeny. Lecture, Dept Orthopaedics, Brigham & Womans Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 1994.
Carter DR. Developmental mechanics of the skeleton. Lecture, Dept Mech Eng, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1994.
Carter DR. Mechanical stresses in skeletal ontogeny, phylogeny, and functional adaptation. German Osteology Soc Ann Mtg, Munich, Germany, 1995.
Carter DR. Mechanical regulation of bone development and remodeling. Visiting Professor Lecture, College de France, Paris, France, 1997.
Carter DR. Mechanical factors in skeletal development and evolution. Lecture, Department of Comparative Anatomy, University of Paris VII, Paris, France, 1997.
Carter DR. Mechanobiology of skeletal regeneration. Invited talk, Assoc Bone and Joint Surgeons Workshop on Fracture Repair Augmentation, 1997.
Carter DR. Mechanobiological factors regulating skeletal development. Southwest Mechanics Lecturer, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA; Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX; Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX; University of Texas, Arlington, TX, 1997.
Carter DR. Mechanobiological regulation of osteogenesis and arthrogenesis. AAOS/NIH Workshop on Skeletal Morphogenesis and Growth (invited presentation). Howey-in-the-Hills FL, May, 1997.
Carter DR. Mechanobiology in skeletal development and regeneration. Invited talk, Orthop Res Soc Ann Mtg, Symp on bone development and regeneration, 1998.
Curtis GE, Van der Loos HFM, Ascencion M, Bayle M. The daily living robot. Interactive educational exhibit, Technology Center of Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA, 1990.
Goodrich GL. Art, visual perception, and low vision. Seminar, Low Vision Center of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, 1989.
Goodrich GL. Activities in vision rehabilitation research. Rehab Psychol News 17: 4, 1990.
Jaffe DL. Adaptive technology developments. Presentation to the Santa Clara Chapter of the Occupational Therapy Assn of Calif, San Jose, CA, 1991.
Jaffe DL. Enhancing the user interface. Instructional Course, 14th Ann RESNA Conf, Kansas City, MO, 1991.
Jaffe DL. The role of the engineer in rehabilitation. Footsteps Program, Presentations in Bay Area Public Schools, 1991.
Jaffe DL. Research Developments Fostering Independence - A presentation at 2nd Annual Rehabilitation Engineering Conference: "The Bridge to Independence". 1991.
Jaffe DL. Enhancing the user interface. Instructional Course, 15th Ann RESNA Conf, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1992.
Jaffe DL. The role of interfaces in the design and development of devices for people with disabilities. Rehab Management Magazine, 1992.
Jaffe DL. The relationship of interfaces for people with disabilities and multimedia. NSF / Multimedia '95 Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Technologies for People with Disabilities, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
Jaffe DL. Introduction to the internet. Morning seminar, 19th Ann RESNA Conf, Salt Lake City, UT, 1996.
Jaffe DL. Introduction to the Internet. Workshop, 10th Ann Natl Symp on Information Technology, Myrtle Beach, SC, 1996.
Jaffe D. Interfaces for people with disabilities. Lecture, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 1997.
Jaffe D. Interfaces for people with disabilities. Lecture, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 1998.
Kovacs GTA, Rosen JM. Neural interface devices: an overview. NATO Advanced Robotics Workshop, Il Ciocco, Italy, 1989.
Kovacs GTA, Storment CW, Belzinski C, Nguyen K, Hentz VR, Rosen JM. The Stanford/VA neuroprosthesis project. NIH Sponsored Neuroprosthesis Workshop, ed. Bethesda, MD: 1990.
Leifer LJ, Toye G, Van der Loos HFM. Tele-Service-Robot: Integrating the socio-technical framework of human service through the InterNet-World-Wide-Web. Intl Workshop on Biorobotics, Tuskuba, Japan, 1995.
Rosen JM. Development of a man machine interface for control of a bioprosthesis. Nato ARW on Bionics, ed. Tuscany, Italy: 1989. Rosen JM. The Stanford/VA neuroprosthesis project. NIH Sponsored Neuroprosthesis Workshop, Bethesda, MD: 1989.
Rosen JM. Surgical simulations: past, present and future. Biological Photography Assoc, ed. Scottsdate, AZ: 1991.
Sabelman EE, Gadd JJ, Kenney DE, Winograd CH. New apparatus for analysis of loss-of-balance and falling in the elderly. American Federation for Clinical Research, Washington, DC, 1992.
Sabelman EE, Gadd JJ, Kenney DE, Winograd CH. Balance analysis for the fall- prone elderly. 45th Annual Meeting, Gerontological Society of America, Washington, DC, 1992.
Sabelman EE, Diep N, Lineaweaver W. Collagen/hyaluronic acid matrices for connective tissue repair. First Smith & Nephew Intl Symp on Advances in Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials. York, UK, July, 1997.
Smith RL. Effects of NSAIDs on bone and joint disease: new insights. Syntex Symp on The Effect of Naproxen on Post-Infectious Joint Inflammation and Cartilage Destruction, Hawaii, 1989.
Smith RL. Hormonal and growth factor mediation of cartilage metabolism: disputations. Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford Univ, 1989.
Smith RL. Septic arthritis: biochemistry of cartilage destruction. Rheumatology Society of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, 1989.
Smith RL. Chondrocyte gene expression: effects of mechanical stimulation. Founder's Day Disputations, Division of Orthopaedics, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA, 1990.
Smith RL. Quantification of bacterial biofilm. Workshop on Musculoskeletal Infection, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dallas, TX, 1990.
Smith RL. Septic arthritis and mechanisms of cartilage destruction. Grand Rounds, Dept of Orthopaedics, St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, KS, 1990.
Smith RL. Biochemistry of cartilage destruction in septic arthritis. Grand Rounds, Dept of Orthopaedics, Univ of Arkansas School of Medicine, Little Rock, AR, 1991.
Smith RL. Biochemistry of cartilage destruction in septic arthritis. Grand Rounds, Dept of Dermatology, Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA, 1991.
Smith RL. Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on Chondrocyte Gene Expression. Biomechanics Seminar, Design Division, Dept of Mech Eng, Stanford, CA, 1991.
Smith RL. Mechanisms of cartilage destruction in septic arthritis. Rheumatology Rounds, Univ of California San Francisco Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, 1992.
Smith RL. Mechanical loading and articular cartilage homeostasis. Invited Professor, 82nd Anniversary of the Department of Orthopaedics, Kyushu University, Kyushu, Japan, 1994.
Steele RD. Spotlight on aphasia. PBS, 1989.
Van der Loos HFM. Robot technology. ABC News, 1989.
Van der Loos HFM. DeVAR at PG&E. CNN, 1990.
Van der Loos HFM. DeVAR at the PAVA Spinal Cord Injury Center. Channel 20 News, 1990.
Van der Loos HFM. The VA rehabilitation robotics program. ACM-Sponsored Workshop, Robotics for the Motorically Impaired, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1994.
Van der Loos HFM. The VA rehabilitation robotics program. AAAI Sponsored Workshop: Toward Physical Interaction and Manipulation, Stanford University, 1994.
Van der Loos HFM. Use of a desktop robot in a vocational training program. Workshop on Educational and Vocational Uses of Rehabilitative Robots, 1994.
Van der Loos HFM. Rehabilitation mechatronics. Seminar, Computers in Medicine, Stanford University, 1995.
Van der Loos HFM. Rehabilitation mechatronics: assistance, assessment and therapy. Robotics in Medicine Workshop, Houston HSEMB Ann Mtg, 1995.
Van der Loos HFM. Rehabilitation mechatronics: assistance, assessment and therapy. Dept of Computer Science Seminar Series. Stanford University, Stanford CA, Oct, 1996.
Van der Loos HFM. Rehabilitation mechatronics. Computers in Medicine Graduate Level Seminar Series. Stanford University, Stanford CA, Nov, 1996.
Van der Loos HFM. Rehabilitation mechatronics. Medical Photonics Lab Seminar. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Livermore CA, Nov, 1996.
Van der Loos HFM. Remote training, diagnosis and treatment via internet-mediated rehabilitation robots: a proof-of- concept demonstration. NSF-Sponsored Workshop on Healthcare Robotics. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, Mar, 1997.
Van der Loos HFM. VIPRR: a virtually-in-person rehabilitation robot. Workshop on Embedded Web Technologies, WWW6 Conf. Santa Clara CA, Apr, 1997.
Van der Loos HFM. Rehabilitation mechatronics. Computers in Medicine Graduate Level Seminar Series, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, September, 1997.
Van der Loos,HFM. Rehabilitation R&D at the RRDC. Seminar, INSERM/CREARE Laboratory, Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Paris, France, Apr, 1997.
Van der Loos HFM. Rehabilitation robotics: assistance, assessment and therapy. IEEE EMB Society Lectures, Stanford, CA, March, 1998.
van der Meulen MCH. Bone remodeling. Lecture, Dept Orthop Biomech, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1995
Zajac FE. Emerging technology: robotic applications to enhance the quality of life for quadriplegics. 21st Intl Conf Rehabilitation & Developmental Disabilities, Bologna, Italy, 1989.
Zajac FE. Rehabilitation of limb disabilities based on computer simulation and graphics. 21st Intl Conf Rehabilitation & Developmental Disabilities, Bologna, Italy, 1989.
Zajac FE. Computer-based models of the lower-extremity musculoskeletal system: building a foundation for application to rehabilitation & surgery. University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, 1990.
Zajac FE. Muscle & Control. Session chair, Ann Mtg of Am Soc Biomaterials, 1990.
Zajac FE. Muscle modeling. Tutorial, Ann Mtg of Am Soc Biomaterials, 1990.
Zajac FE. Emerging technology: robotic applications to enhance the quality of life for quadriplegics. 22st Intl Conf Rehabilitation & Developmental Disabilities, Nairobi, Kenya, 1990.
Zajac FE. Neural vs mechanical factors in multijoint motor control. Workshop, Winter Conf on Brain Research, Snowmass, CO, 1990.
Zajac FE. Computer models to design functional stimulation systems. University of Basel, Switzerland, 1991.
Zajac FE. Using computer-based musculoskeletal models to study multijoint movement of the human limbs: application to jumping, cycling, standing, & walking. Queens University, 1991.
Zajac FE. Using computer-based musculoskeletal models to study multijoint movement of the human limbs: application to surgery & rehabilitation. Cornell University, NY, 1991.
Zajac FE. How musculoskeletal and extra corporeal mechanical constraints limit the strategies for normal (CNS) and neuroprosthetic control of balance. International Symposium on Natural and Artificial Control of Hearing and Balance, Rheinfelden, Switzerland, 1991.
Zajac FE. Modeling muscle dynamics. Neural Control of Movement, Marco Island, FL, 1991.
Zajac FE. Modeling the neuro-mechanical properties of the human motor control system. Keynote speaker, International symp on 3-D analysis of human movement, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1991.
Zajac FE. Muscle coordination of movement. Keynote speaker, International Society of Biomech, Perth, Australia, 1991.
Zajac FE. Neuroprosthetic control of posture and gait. International symposium on natural and artificial control of hearing and balance, Rheinfelden, Switzerland, 1991.
Zajac FE. Stability and biomechanics. Engineering foundation conference on neural prostheses: motor systems II, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1991.
Zajac FE. Linking neural control to movement: insights from biomechanics. Workshop, 3rd Ann mtg Neural Control of Movement, Marco Island, FL, 1993.
Zajac FE. Neural prostheses and surgical reconstruction of upper extremity function. Session co-chair, Winter conference on brain research, Whistler, BC, Canada, 1993.
Zajac FE. On the central nervous system (CNS) control of complex human movements: mathematical and computational approaches. Minisymposium on biological control of movement, Minneapolis, MN, 1993.
Zajac FE. Finding the muscle control primitives of pedaling using biomechanical and dynamic simulation data with application to hemiplegic rehabilitation. Distinguished Lecturer in Medical Biomechanics, Northwestern University and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 1994.
Zajac FE. Using musculoskeletal models, forward dynamics, and computer simulations to analyze gait, interpret gait data, and plan treatment. Keynote address, NIH (National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research) Sponsored Conf on Gait Analysis in Rehabilitation Medicine, Arlington VA, Sep, 1996.
Zajac FE. Organizer & Chairperson, Workshop on Human Locomotor Control: What should Our Next Step Be?, Seventh Ann Mtg Neural Control of Movement. Cancun, Mexico, Apr, 1997.
Zajac FE. Low-Lands biomechanics award for achievements in biomechanics and his leading role in promoting biomechanics throughout the world. World Biomechanics Foundation, 1997.
Zajac FE. Muscle coordination of multijoint motor tasks (Lowlands biomechanics award lecture). World Biomechanics Symposium on Musculoskeletal Biomechanics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1997.
Zajac FE. Elucidating human neuromotor locomotor principles (keynote address). Ann Mtg Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Soc, 1998.
Zajac FE. Calculating joint torques: Is there a best way? (debate with T Andriocchi). North Amer Congr Biomech, Waterloo, ON, 1998.
Portions republished from the Rehabilitation R&D Center Progress Reports.