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Capacity Building - 2003

OAA Pre-Doctoral Fellow

Blake Ashby (2003)
Mentors: Felix E. Zajac, PhD
Project: Optimal Control Strategies for Understanding Neuromuscular Coordination

Career Development Awardee

Carolynn Patten, PhD, PT - Advanced Career Development Award
Mentors: Felix E. Zajac, PhD and Kevin C. McGill, PhD
Project: Motor Unit Firing Patterns in Hemiplegia

Research Career Scientists

Gary S. Beaupré, PhD Research Career Scientist
Dennis R. Carter, PhD Senior Research Career Scientist
R. Lane Smith, PhD Research Career Scientist
Felix E. Zajac, PhD Senior Research Career Scientist

Post-Doctoral Students

Angelie Agarwal, PhD
Academic Advisor: Dennis R. Carter, PhD
RR&D Mentor: Gary S. Beaupré, PhD
Project: Repair and Rehabilitation of Skeletal Tissues by Mechanical Loading

Thor Besier, PhD
Academic Advisor: Scott L. Delp, PhD
RR&D Advisor: Gary S. Beaupré, PhD
Area of Study: Patellofemoral Joint Biomechanics and Rehabilitation

Chi-Hyun Kim, PhD
Academic Advisor: Christopher R. Jacobs, PhD
Area of Study: Mechanical Regulation of Bone Cell Progenitor Differentiation and Proliferation

Kelvin W. Li, PhD
RR&D Advisor: Gary S. Beaupré, PhD
Area of Study: Repair and Rehabilitation of Skeletal Tissues by Mechanical Loading

Lidan You, PhD
Academic Advisor: Christopher R. Jacobs, PhD
Area of Study: Microfabrication, Mechanotransduction, and Bone Tissue Engineering

PhD Candidates

Robert D. Carpenter - Stanford University
Funding Source: Stanford Graduate Fellowship
Academic Advisor: Dennis R. Carter, PhD
RR&D Mentor: Gary S. Beaupré, PhD
Area of study: Development of New Algorithms for Predicting Femoral Strength from Bone Densitometry Data

George Chen - Stanford University (April 2003)
Funding Source: VA Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
Academic Advisor: Felix E. Zajac, PhD
Area of study: Treadmill Training with Harness Support: A Biomechanical Basis for Selection of Training Parameters for Individuals with Post-Stroke Hemiparesis

Joe Haemer - Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Academic Advisor: Nicholas J. Giori, MD, PhD
RR&D Mentors: Nicholas J. Giori, MD, PhD
Area of study: MR Imaging of Cyclically Loaded Articular Cartilage

Lampros Kourtis - Engineers Degree candidate - Stanford University
Academic Advisor: Dennis R. Carter, PhD
RR&D Mentor: Gary S. Beaupré, PhD
Area of study: Influence of Post-stroke Gait on Bone Density

Ronald Kwon - Stanford University
Funding Source: NSF Fellowship
Academic Advisor: Christopher R. Jacobs, PhD
Area of study: Cellular Mechanotransduction in Bone

Ulla-Britt Larsson - Lund University, Lund Sweden
Ph.D. Thesis Committee Member: Carolynn Patten, PhD, PT

Amanda Malone - PhD Candidate, Stanford University
Funding Source: NSF Graduate Fellowship
Academic Advisor: Dennis R. Carter, PhD
RR&D Mentor: Gary S. Beaupré, PhD
Area of study: Cellular Mechanotransduction in Bone

Joshua Rodriguez - PhD Candidate
Funding Source: Stanford University Diversity Fellowship
Academic Advisor: Christopher R. Jacobs, PhD
Area of study: Cellular Mechanotransduction in Bone

Niels Smaby - PhD Candidate, Stanford University
Funding Source: Rehab R&D Merit Review (B2785R)
Academic Advisor: Mark Cutkosky, PhD
RR&D Mentor: Wendy M. Murray, PhD
Area of study: Development and Analysis of Clinical Tools to Measure Pinch Ability in the Tetraplegic Population

Christine Tibero - PhD Candidate, Stanford University
Funding Source: Whitaker Fellowship
Academic Advisor: Christopher R. Jacobs, PhD
Area of study: Cell Seeded Bone Substitutes

Joseph D. Towles, PhD - Stanford University (Spring 2003)
Funding Source: Rehab R&D Merit Review (B2785R)
Academic Advisor: Felix E. Zajac, PhD
RR&D Mentors: Felix E. Zajac, PhD
Area of study: Measurement of Thumb-tip Forces Produced by Individual Muscles: Application to Restoring Key Pinch in Persons with Tetraplegia

Graduate Students

Elizabeth G. Condliffe - Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University
Master's Thesis Advisor: Carolynn Patten, PhD, PT

Aaron Grogan - Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University
LEAP Student Research Project Advisor Carolynn Patten, PhD, PT

Capacity Building - 2002