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![photo of Kelly P. Westlake](kelly.jpg) |
Kelly P. Westlake, PhD,
PT Post Doctoral Research Fellow |
- Internally versus Externally-driven BWSTT for Locomotor Recovery
Professional Affiliations
Peer Reviewed Papers
Westlake KP and Culham EG. Sensory-specific balance training in older
adults: effect on proprioceptive reintegration and cognitive demands.
Physical Therapy [Accepted].
Westlake KP and Boyce W. Comparative study of a hands-free crutch in El
Salvador. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research [Accepted].
Westlake KP, Wu Y, and Culham EG. Sensory-specific balance training in
older adults: effect on position, movement, and velocity sense at the ankle.
Physical Therapy [In press].
Westlake KP, Wu Y, and Culham EG. Velocity discrimination: reliability
and construct validity in older adults. Human Movement Science 2007;Feb
6 [Epub ahead of print].
Westlake KP and Culham EG. Influence of testing position and age on
measures of ankle proprioception. Advances in Physiotherapy
Westlake KP, Culham EG. The effect of activity level on proprioception,
postural sway, and fear of falling in older adults. Scientific Proceedings
from the 6th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity, Aug. 3-7, 2004.
London, ON. Jones GR, Taylor AW, Ecclestone NA, eds. Canadian Centre for
Activity and Aging 2005: 43-47.
Other Publications
Culham E and Westlake K. Functional Reach Test. Contribution in: Finch
E, Brooks D, Straford P, Mayo N. Physical Rehabilitation Outcome Measures
2nd edition. BC Decker Publisher Inc: July, 2002.
Hollinger N, Marchand I, Fallon KP, and Melis E. A comparison of
kinematic and kinetic performance among Athletes during ergometer rowing.
Canadian Amateur Rowing Association Journal 1995 (June): 23-26.
Westlake KP and Culham EG. The effect of activity level on
proprioception, postural sway, and fear of falling in older adults [Abstract].
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2004;12(3):268-9.
Westlake KP and Culham EG. Proprioception: Effect of Age and
Relationship to Postural Control. Physio4 Abstracts: Scientific papers
presented at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress,
Quebec City, Quebec 2004.
Torres-Moreno R, Melis E, Holinger N, Fallon KP, and Marchand I.
Kinematic and Kinetic Profiles of Athletes Rowing an Ergometer at Different
Stroke Rates. Proceedings of the Third IOC World Congress on Sport
Sciences, International Olympic Committee, Atlanta, Georgia 1995: 68.
Recent Presentations
Westlake KP and Culham EG. Randomized controlled trial of
sensory-specific balance training in older adults: effect on proprioceptive
reintegration and increased cognitive demands. 15th International World
Physical Therapy Congress, Vancouver, Canada June 2-7, 2007. Accepted [Abstract
# 2567].
Westlake KP and Culham EG. Randomized controlled trial of
sensory-specific balance training in older adults: effect on position,
movement, and velocity sense at the ankle. 15th International World Physical
Therapy Congress, Vancouver, Canada June 2-7, 2007. Accepted [Abstract # 2539].
Westlake KP and Culham EG. The effect of activity level on
proprioception, postural sway, and fear of falling in older adults. 6th World
Congress on Activity and Aging, London, ON, Canada, August 3-8, 2004.
Westlake KP and Culham EG. Proprioception: Effect of Age and
Relationship to Postural Control. Canadian Physiotherapy Association National
Congress, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 27-30, 2004.
Fallon KP and Boyce W. A comparative study of the hands-free Crutch in
El Salvador. 9th Colloquium in Rehabilitation Research, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, May, 2001. Platform Presentation.
Fallon KP and Boyce W. Pilot study of the hands-free crutch in El
Salvador. 4th Annual Meeting for Basic and Clinical Research Trainees, Faculty
of Health Science, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, June, 2001. Poster
Fallon KP. Introduction of the 'HandsFree Crutch' in El Salvador.
National Physiotherapy Conference, El Salvador, Nov. 2000. Platform
Honors and Awards
2007-2010 |
Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR) Clinical Research Initiative Post-Doctoral Fellowship |
2002-2006 |
CIHR Post-Doctoral Fellowship for
Health Professionals |
2001-2002 |
R. Samuel McLaughlin Fellowship |
2001-2002 |
Queen's Graduate Award |
2000-2001 |
Canadian International Development
Agency (CIDA) Award |
2000-2001 |
Queen's Graduate Award |
1999-2000 |
Queen's Graduate Award |
Last updated 09/11/2007