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Publications and Presentations
Data Ready for Journal of Rehabilitation R&D Publication
Van der Loos HFM, Harvey J, Bevly DM, Kautz SA, Schwandt DF, Anderson
JH. Design of a computer-controlled dual-servomotor split-crank bicycle
ergometer for studies in human neuromuscular control of the lower extremities.
J Rehab Res Dev, in preparation.
Recent Presentations
Van der Loos HFM, Kautz SA, Schwandt DF, Anderson JH, Chen G, Bevly DM.
A split-crank, servomotor-controlled bicycle ergometer design for studies in
human biomechanics. Proc IEEE/RSJ Intl Conf Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp 1409-1414, 2002.
Symposium forIndustrial Collaboration between Okayama and California
Toward the Development of Medical and Welfare Industries, Okayama,
Japan,February 2000 - PDF
Chen G, Schwandt DF, Van der Loos HFM, Anderson JH, Ferris DP, Zajac FE,
Kautz SA, Burgar CG, Patten C, Neptune RR, Gordon KE. Compliance-adjustable,
force-sensing harness support for studying treadmill training in neurologically
impaired subjects. Gait & Posture, 13: 293-294, 2001.
Jaffe DL, Schwandt DF, Anderson JH. Technology transfer of the Ralph
fingerspelling hand. Conf Intellectual Property in the VA: Changes,
Challenges, and Collaborations, Arlington, VA, 2001.
Sabelman EE, Schwandt DF, Jaffe DL. The WAMAS (wearable accelerometric
motion analysis system: combining technology development and research in human
mobility. Conf Intellectual Property in the VA: Changes, Challenges &
Collaborations, Arlington, VA, 2001.
- Invited International Design Forums
Feb 2000: Invited Speaker, Japan External Trade
Organization (Okayama, Japan). Keynote speaker at Okayama-California
Symposium for Development of Medical and Health Care Industries, to audience of
medical product company leaders, hospital directors, federal laboratories and
university scientists, and city, prefecture and federal economic
planners. Visited companies, laboratories, institutions for disabled, and
reviewed inventions.
Aug 1990 - Oct1990: Design Specialist-in-Residence, US
Information Agency, Design USA Cultural Exchange Exhibit (Novosibirsk,
USSR). Presented to Soviet audiences giving examples of excellent product
design in America and discussed designs for disabled, met with Soviet
designers. Demonstrated Handbike design on exhibit.
Campbell JA, Sanchez E, Yang C, Mitsui I, Murthy G, Schwandt D,
Fechner KP, Ballard RE, Watenpaugh DE, and Hargens AR, MRI evaluation of spinal
length and vertebral body angle during loading with a spinal compression
harness. Experimental Biology, San Francisco, April 1998.
Burgar CG, Breit GA, Schwandt DF, and Whalen RT, Differential
pressure - a dry alternative to aquatic therapy, 7th World Congress,
International Rehabilitation Medicine Association, Washington, DC Apr
9-16, 1994.
Whalen RT, Breit GA, Schwandt DF, Simulation of hypo- and
hyper-gravity locomotion, UC Davis Biomedical Engineering Symposium,
Davis, CA, May 13, 1994.
Whalen, RT, Hargens, AR, Breit, GA, and Schwandt, DF, Application of air
pressure loading to space flight exercise and walking assistance on
Earth. AIAA Life Science and Space Medicine conference proceedings,
Pp. 218-219, Houston, Apr 3-5, 1995.
Whalen, RT, Breit, GA, and Schwandt, DF, Simulation of hypo- and
hyper-gravity locomotion. 18th Annual Meeting, American Society of
Biomechanics conference proceedings, Columbus, OH, Pp. 209-210, Oct 13-15,
Schwandt, DF, Whalen, RT, Breit, GA, and Burgar, CG, Differential
pressure walking assist. RESNA 17th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation
Engineering, Nashville, Jun 1994.
Schwandt, DF, Watenpaugh, DE, Parazynski, SE, and Hargens, AR, Dynamic
inter-limb resistance exercise device for long-duration space
flight. Technology 2001 Conference, San Jose, CA, Dec 1991, NASA
Conference Publication 3136, 2:533-537.
Hargens, AR, Whalen, RT, Watenpaugh, DE, Schwandt, DF and Krock,
LP, Lower body negative pressure to provide load bearing in space.
Aviation and Space Environmental Medicine, 1991; 62:934-7.
Schwandt, D.F., Whalen, R.T., Watenpaugh, D.E., Parazynski, S.E., and
Hargens, A.R., Development of exercise devices to minimize musculoskeletal
deconditioning in microgravity. International Space Physiology
Conference, Leningrad, Oct 1990, Supplement to The Physiologist,
American Physiological Society, 1991.
Whalen, R.T., Hargens, A.R., Schwandt, D.F., and Watenpaugh, D.E.,
Musculoskeletal loading or unloading with differential lower body
pressure. 37th Annual Meeting, Orthopaedic Research Society,
Anaheim, 1991.
Van der Loos, H.F.M., Hammel, J.M., and Schwandt, D. Design and
evaluation of a vocational desktop robot. Proceedings of the 12th Annual
Conference of Rehabilitation Engineering, New Orleans, Vol. 9, Pp. 1 07-1
08, 1989.
Parazynski, S.E., Schwandt, D.F., Whalen, R.T., Aratow, M., and Hargens,
A.R., Development of an exercise device to prevent musculoskeletal
deconditioning during human spaceflight. Clin. Res. 37, 220A, 1989.
Leifer, L., Jameson, J., LeBlanc, M., Wilson, D., Sabelman, E. and
Schwandt, D., Design, development and evaluation of an EVA preshensor.
Proceedings, Workshop on Space Telerobotics, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technology, G. Rodriguez, ed., 1987.
Aldrich, J.C., Schwandt, D.F., Sabelman, E.E. and Van der Loos, H.F.M.,
Computer-aided design of rehabilitation devices. Proceedings of the 9th
Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering , Minneapolis, Vol. 6, Pp.
190-192, Jun 1986.
Schwandt, D.F., Aldrich, J.C. and Zomlefer, M.R., A modular multiple
drive/load ergometer for the development of an optimal biomechanical model of
the upper limb. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation
Engineering Minneapolis, Vol. 6, Pp. 429-431, 1986.
Schwandt, D.F. The Sunburst tandem. Proceedings of the 8th Annual
Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering, Memphis, Vol. 5, Pp.
Schwandt, D.F., Design development of arm--powered bicycles for the
disabled. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE ) Intemational Congress
Detroit, SAE Paper#840023, 1984.
Schwandt, D.F., Zomlefer, M.R., Boylls, C.C., Onyski, J.H., Cohen, L.A.
and Zajac, F.E., An apparatus for studying the neural control and biomechanics
of bilateral coordination in conventional versus novel pedaling. SAE
International Congress, Detroit, #840029, 1984.
Schwandt, D.F., Para--Bike: an arm--powered bicycle. Proceedings of the
6th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering, San Diego, Vol. 3,
Pp. 378-380, 1983.
Schwandt, D.F., Para--Bike: development of an arm--powered bicycle.
Wheelchair 111 - Report of a Workshop on Specially Adapted Wheelchairs and
Sport Wheelchairs, VA RR&D Service and RESNA, San Diego, 44-46, 1982.
Schwandt, D.F., Para--Bike - a recreational bicycle for individuals who
do not have the use of their legs. Proccedings, 4th Annual Conference on
Rehabilitation Engineering, Washington, D.C., p61-63, 1981.
Schwandt, D.F., Para--Bike. Sports N Spokes, The Magazine for
Wheelchair Sports and Recreation, Phoenix, Vol. 6, No. 4, Pp. 18, 19, and
21, 1980.
Wood, R.L., Wells, P.E.H. and Schwandt, D.F., Interfacing schemes for
solar collectors and boiler plant for fossile fuel savings. US Department of
Energy, Solar Industrial Process Heat Conference, Houston, 1980.