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Recent Presentations
Accelerometric Activity Identification for Remote Assessment of
Quality of Movement
IEEE EMBS Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, September 4, 2004.
Accelerometric Motion Analysis to Detect and Minimize Freezing
Episodes in Parkinson's Patients
September 24, 2002
Accelerometric Motion Analysis for Mobility Diagnosis and Therapy: A
Real-World Application of Wearable Computers
ASME March Dinner Meeting, Sunnyvale, CA, Thursday, March 16, 2000.
Accelerometric Mobility Diagnosis and Therapy
2nd National Rehabilitation Research and Development Service Meeting,
Arlington, VA, February 20-22, 2000.
Analysis of Head and Waist Motion during Falls from a Tilting
Sabelman, E.E.and J. van Hoften, J., 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting,
Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, November 19-23, 1999.
Improvement of Schwann Cell Attachment and Proliferation on
Hyaluronic Acid Strands Modified by Polylysine
Surfaces in Biomaterials '99,
Min Hu, Stanford University, presenter, August 31-September 4, 1999, Scottsdale
Princess Resort, Scottsdale, AZ.
Accelerometric Human Body Motion Analysis using a Wearable
Presentation to Larry Rubenstein, MD, GRECC Clinical Director, Sepulveda VAMC,
in conjunction with RESNA 1999 Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA, June 25-29,
Materials Considerations in the Design of Medical Devices
Santa Clara University class lecture, Introduction to Biomechanics (MECH 184;
Professor Timothy Hight) - May 24, 1999.
Tissue Engineering
Santa Clara University seminar lecture, Biomedical Engineering seminar
(Professor Timothy Hight), February 10, 1999.
Sit-to-Stand as an Evaluation Tool for Balance
BS Troy, DE Kenney, and EE Sabelman, presented at GSA, 52nd Annual Scientific
Meeting, Nov. 19-23, 1999 San Francisco, CA. The abstract can be found in
The Gerontologist, Vol 39, Special Issue I (Program Abstracts), 1999:
Tissue Engineering of Nerve
Sabelman, EE, and Hu, M, "3-Dimensional Collagen Strands Promote Schwann
Cell Proliferation & Orientation", Proc. Biomedical Engineering
Society 1998 Annual Fall Meeting, Cleveland, OH, Oct 10-13, 1998, paper #TE.14,
Annals of Biomedical Engineering, v. 26 suppl. 1, p. S-137, Sept/Oct, 1998.
Data Ready for Journal of Rehabilitation R&D Publication
Sabelman EE, Jaffe DL, Kenney DE, Troy BS, Yap R. Accelerometric upper
body motion analysis for dagnosis and therapy of mobility disorders. J Rehab
Res Dev, in preparation.
- Tissue Engineering Conference Publications
Sabelman, E.E., "Biology, biotechnology and biocompatibility of
collagen", Chapter 3 in: Biocompatibility of Tissue Analogs, v. I, D.F.
Williams, ed. (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL), pp. 27-66, 1985.
Rosen, J.M., Padilla, J.A., Nguyen, K.D., Padilla, M.A., Sabelman, E.E.,
Pham, H.N., "Artificial Nerve Graft Using Collagen as an Extracellular
Matrix for Nerve Repair Compared with Sutured Autograft in a Rat Model",
Annals of Plastic Surgery, Vol. 25(5):375-387, 1990.
Keeley, R., Sabelman, E.E., Kadlcik, P., Agras, J., Eng, L., Wiedman,
T-W., Nguyen, K., Sudekum, A., Rosen, J., "Synthetic Nerve Graft
Containing Collagen and Syngeneic Schwann Cells Improves Functional,
Electrophysiological and Histological Parameters of Peripheral Nerve
Regeneration", Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, Vol. 5:
353-366, 1993.
Hu, M, Sabelman, E.E., Lai, S., Timek, E.K., Zhang, F., Hentz, V.R.,
Lineaweaver, W.C., "Polypeptide resurfacting method improves fibroblast
adhesion to hyaluronan strands," J Biomed Mater Res, 47(1): 79-84,
Hu M, Sabelman EE, Tsai C, Tan J, Hentz VR, Improvement of Schwann cell
attachment and proliferation on modified hyaluronic acid strands by polylysine.
Tissue Eng, 6: 585-593, 2000.
- Tissue Engineering Conference Presentations
Hong YM, Sabelman EE, Hu M, Hentz VR. Small animal model for sciatic
nerve regeneration in artificial grafts up to 100 mm in length. Amer Soc
Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Cancun, Mexico, Jan 9-14, 2002.
Sabelman, E.E., Keeley, R., Koran, P., ner, T., Hentz, V.R.,
"Peripheral Nerve Graft Containing Parallel Collagen Matrix and Schwann
Cells - Preliminary Results", Calif Soc of Plastic Surgeons, 45th Annual
Meeting (Napa, CA) May 25-29, 1995.
Sabelman, E.E., Koran, P., Diep, N., Lineaweaver, W.C., Cellular
Response to Collagen/Hyaluronic Acid Composites In Vitro , Proceedings of
the 5th World Biomaterials Congress (Toronto, Canada, May 29-June 2, 1996),
v. I, p. 910.
Sabelman, EE, Diep, N, Lineaweaver, W, Collagen/Hyaluronic Acid Matrices
for Connective Tissue Repair, First Smith & Nephew International
Symposium on Advances in Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials (York, UK,
Sabelman , EE, Hu, M , 3-Dimensional Collagen Strands Promote Schwann
Cell Proliferation & Orientation Proc. Biomedical Engineering Soc 1998
Meeting, Cleveland, OH, #TE.14, Annals Biomedical Engineering, v. 26
suppl. 1, p. S-137, Sept, 1998.
Gunasekaran, S., Sabelman, EE, Hu, M., Phosphorylation of collagen
enhances cell performance and may be suited for tissue engineered products ,
Proc 25th Annual Meeting Society for Biomaterials (Providence, RI,
Sabelman, E.E., Francis, D., Postman, M., "Robotic Assembly of
Multi-Component Tissue Engineering Matrices," Proc. Sixth World
Biomaterials Congress (Kamuela, HI, May 15-20, 2000).
Sabelman, E.E., Hu, M., Hentz, V.R., "Comparison of Collagen Nerve
Sheaths by Subcutaneous Implantation in Rats," Proc. Sixth World
Biomaterials Congress (Kamuela, HI, May 15-20, 2000).
Sabelman EE. Tissue engineering: present and future. Lecture, Thayer
School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, March 29, 2001.
- Spinal Cord Injury Publications
Sabelman,E.E., Sumchai, A.P., Martino, J.M., "Effectiveness of
cervical spine stabilization devices; II: Accelerometric identification of risk
factors during installation and use", Proc RESNA 12th Annual
Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 26-30, 1989.
Sabelman, E.E., Kissinger, N.K., Marble, S., Wilmot, C.B., "Dynamic
traction force and neck stability on the kinetic bed", RESNA Proc 13th
Annual Conference (Washington, DC June 15-20), paper 17.5, pp. 175-6, 1990.
- Rehabilitation Engineering Publications and Presentations
Keeler C, Placek E, Yap R, Sabelman EE. Time sequence of pressure
changes during weight relief activities on different wheelchair cushions.
RESNA 25th Intl Conf Technology and Disability, Jun 27-Jul 1, 2002.
Tetrud JW, Sabelman EE, Yap R. Accelerometric identification of
freezing-of-gait in parkinson's syndrome. 7th Intl Congr Parkinson's Disease
and Movement Disorders, Miami Beach, FL, Nov 10-14, 2002.
Sabelman EE, Hu M, Kim D, Hentz VR. Differential migration of
fibroblasts and Schwann cells in a geometrically anisotropic 3-dimensional
collagen matrix. 9th Intl Neural Regeneration Symp, Pacific Grove, CA,
Sabelman EE, Troy BS, Kenney DE, Yap R, Lee B. Quantitative balance
analysis: accelerometric lateral sway compared to age and mobility status in
60-90-year-olds. Proc RESNA 2001 Ann Conf, Reno, NV, 2001.
Sabelman EE, Schwandt D, Jaffe DL. The WAMAS (wearable accelerometric
motion analysis system: combining technology development and research in human
mobility. Conf Intellectual Property in the VA: Changes, Challenges &
Collaborations, Arlington, VA, 2001.
B.S. Troy, E.E. Sabelman, D.E. Kenney, R. Yap, B. Lee,
"Distinguishing Characteristics of Parkinson's Sit-to-Stand Using
Accelerometry," RESNA 2000 (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of
North America), Orlando, Florida, June 28-July 2, 2000.
B.S. Troy, D.E. Kenney, E.E. Sabelman, "Sit-to-Stand as an
Evaluation Tool for Balance," 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting,
Gerontological Society of America, (San Francisco, Nov. 19-23, 1999); The
Gerontologist, 39(S-1): 375, 1999.
Sabelman, E. E., J. van Hoften, J., Analysis of head and waist motion
during falls from a tilting platform , 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting,
Gerontological Society of America (San Francisco, Nov. 19-23, 1999); The
Gerontologist, 39(S-1): 467, 1999.
Troy, BS, Sabelman, EE, Kenney, DE, Yap, R, Willits, M, Dunn-Gabrielli,
S., Examination of the momentum transfer stage of sit-to-stand performed by
healthy elderly using accelerometric & video data. Proc RESNA 1999
Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA, June 25-29, 1999, pp 213-215.
Troy, BS, Sabelman, EE, Kenney, DE, Dunn-Gabrielli, S, Yap, R, Willits,
M. "Analysis of Sit-to-Stand Performed by Young Normals, Using Forceplate
and Accelerometric Data", Proc RESNA 1998 Conf, Minneapolis, MN,
June 26-30, 1998, pp 60-62.
Sabelman, EE, Troy, BS, Kenney, DE, Dunn-Gabrielli, S, Alternatives in
Quantitative Geriatric Balance and Mobility Assessment, Proc RESNA '97
(Pittsburgh, PA, 6/20-6/24/97), pp. 463-465.
Troy, Betty S., Sabelman, Eric E., Kenney, Deborah E., Dunn-Gabrielli,
Sandy, Accelerometric Motion Analysis of Balance-Impaired Elderly Subjects,
Proc RESNA 96 Annual Conference (Salt Lake City, UT, June 7 - 12), 1996.
Sabelman, E.E., "Toward appropriate technology for the
elderly", 20th Conf on Unity of the Sciences, Seoul, Korea, Aug
20-27, 1995.
Invited Presentations
Sabelman EE. Accelerometric motion analysis to detect and minimize
freezing episodes in parkinson's patients. Best Practices in Care of
Patients with Neurodegenerative Diseases, Stanford Hospital and Clinics Center
for Education, Stanford, CA, Sept 24, 2002.
Sabelman EE, The bioengineered human. Invited lecture, Thayer
Engineering School, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, Mar 28, 2002.
Sabelman EE. Emerging role of telemedicine in home healthcare for the
elderly. Special session, 25th RESNA Conf, Minneapolis, MN, Jul 1, 2002.
Invention Disclosure
Sabelman EE. Wearable accelerometric motion analysis system components.
Invention disclosure, 2001.
Last updated 10/16/2007