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Peer Reviewed Articles
Litzenberger JB, Tummala P, Powell C, and Jacobs CR. Inhibition of
beta-1 integrin signaling in bone cells decreases mechanosensitivity. Trans
of Orthop Res Soc 2006 [in press].
Ehlmann BL, Chowdhury J, Marzullo TC, Collins RE, Litzenberger J, Ibsen
S, Krauser WR, DeKock B, Hannon M, Kinnevan J, Shepard R, and Grant FD. Humans
to Mars: a feasibility and cost-benefit analysis. Acta Astronaut. 2005
Van der Meulen MCH, Nishimura Y, Netravali N, Amblard D, Litzenberger J,
Damsky CH, and Globus RK. Role of osteoblast’s beta-1 integrin in skeletal
structural adaptation during growth. Trans of Orthop Res Soc 29:396
Abstract - 2006
Litzenberger, J.B., Tummala, P., Powell, C., Jacobs. C.R., Inhibition of
Beta-1 Integrin Signaling in Bone Cells Decreases Mechanosensitivity.
Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, p. 1023, March 2006.
Recent Presentations
Litzenberger J. Inhibition of beta-1 integrin signaling in bone cells
decreases mechanosensitivity. 2006 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Summer Bioengineering Conference, Amelia Island Plantation, June 21-25,
Litzenberger J. Inhibition of beta-1 integrin signaling in bone cells
decreases mechanosensitivity. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research
Society, Chicago, Illinois, March 18-22, 2006.
Ehlmann BL, Chowdhury J, Marzullo TC, Collins RE, Litzenberger J, Ibsen
S, Krauser WR, DeKock B, Hannon M, Kinnevan J, Shepard R, and Grant FD. Humans
to Mars: a feasibility and cost-benefit analysis. 2003 International Academy
of Astronautics Humans in Space Symposium, Banff, Canada, May 18-22, 2003.
Cahill S, Litzenberger J, Pease B, and Wong J. The Design of
Technologies to Reduce Internal and External Loadings of Phosphorus to a
Eutrophic Pond. First Place Award, Parsons Brinckerhoff Environmental and
Water Resources Student Design Competition, Roanoke, VA, May 19-20, 2002.
Litzenberger, J. Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids: Site Characterization
Techniques for Trichloroethylene. 2002 Council on Undergraduate Research
Posters on the Hill Session, Washington, DC, April 20, 2002.
Litzenberger J. Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids: Site Characterization
Techniques for Trichloroethylene. First Place Award, Undergraduate Technical
Paper Contest, TechSymposium Conference, Orlando, FL, July 19-21, 2001.
Last updated 10/10/2007