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Peer Reviewed Articles
Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza FM, Lindsey DP, Lee AT: Bone cement improves
suture anchor fixation. Clinical Orthopedics, 451:236-41, 2006.
Gosch C, Verrette R, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, Lehnert B:
Comparison of initial compression force across the subtalar joint by two
different screw fixation techniques. Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery,
45(3):168-73, 2006.
Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith
RL, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Gene Regulation Ex Vivo within a
Wrap-Around Tendon. Tissue Engineering, 12(9):2611-8, 2006.
Miyanishi K, Trindada MCD, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, Carter DR,
Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Effects of hydrostatic pressure and
transforming growth factor-beta3 on adult human mesenchymal stem cell
chondrogenesis in vitro. Tissue Engineering, 12(6):1419-1428, 2006.
Miyanishi K, Trindada MCD, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, Carter DR,
Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Dose- and time-dependent effects of cyclic
hydrostatic pressure on Transforming Growth Factor-beta3-induced chondrogenesis
by adult human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro. Tissue Engineering,
12(8):2253-2262, 2006.
Giori NJ, Sohn DH, Mirza FM, Lindsey DP, and Lee AT: Bone cement
improves suture anchor fixation. Clin Orthop in press. Accepted for
publication on December 22, 2005.
Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith
RL, Carter DR, and Beaupré GS: Gene Regulation Ex Vivo Within a
Wrap-Around Tendon. Submitted to Tissue Engineering on June 7, 2005,
currently being revised.
Offley SC, Guo TZ, Wei T, Clark DJ, Vogel H, Lindsey DP, Jacobs CR, Yao
W, Lane, NE, and Kingery WS: Capsaicin-sensitive Sensory Neurons Contribute to
the Maintenance of Trabecular Bone Intregrity, Journal of Bone and Mineral
Research 20:257-67, 2005.
McAdams TR, Lee AT, Centeno J, Giori NJ, and Lindsey DP: Two ulnar
collateral ligament reconstruction methods: The docking technique versus
bioabsorbable interference screw fixation: A biomechanical evaluation with
cyclic loading. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery in press. Accepted
for publication December 2005.
Richards JC, Majumdar S, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, and Yerby SA:
The treatment mechanism of an interspinous process implant for lumbar
neurogenic intermittent claudication. Spine, 30(7):744-749, 2005.
Wiseman C, Lindsey DP, Fredrick AD, and Yerby SA, The Effect of an
Interspinous Process Implant on Facet Loading During Extension,
Spine, 30:903-907.
Richards JC, Majumdar S, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, and Yerby SA,
The Treatment Mechanism of an Interspinous Process Implant for Lumbar
Neurogenic Intermittent Claudication, Spine, 30:744-749.
Lindsey DP, Kim MJ, Hannibal M, and Alamin TF, The Monotonic and
Fatigue Properties of Osteoporotic Thoracic Vertebrae, Spine;
- Offley SC, Guo TZ, Wei T, Clark JD, Vogel H, Lindsey DP, Jacobs CR, Yao W,
Lane NE, and Kingery WS, "Capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons contribute
to the maintenance of trabecular bone integrity." J Bone Miner Res,
2005, 20(2):257-267.
Loboa EG, Fang TD, Warren SM, Lindsey DP, Fong KD, Longaker MT, and
Carter DR, "Mechanobiology of mandibular distraction osteogenesis:
experimental analyses with a rat model.", Bone, 2004, 34(2):336-43.
Lindsey DP, Swanson KE, Fuchs P, Hsu KY, Zucherman JF, and Yerby SA,
"The Effects of an Interspinous Implant on the Kinematics of the
Instrumented and Adjacent Levels in the Lumbar Spine", Spine, 2003,
Wren TA, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, and Carter DR., "Effects of
Creep and Cyclic Loading on the Mechanical Properties and Failure of Human
Achilles Tendons.", Ann Biomed Eng, 2003, 31(6):710-7.
Swanson KE, Lindsey DP, Hsu KY, Zucherman JF, and Yerby SA, "The
Effects of an Interspinous Implant on Intervertebral Disc Pressures",
Spine, 2003, 28:26-32.
Kreshak JL, Kim DH, Lindsey DP, Kam AC, Panjabi MM, and Yerby SA,
"Posterior Stabilization at the Cervicothoracic Junction: A Biomechanical
Study", Spine, 2002, 27:2763-2770.
Shah SN, Knoblich GO, Lindsey DP, Kreshak JL, Yerby SA, and Chou LB,
"Intramedullary Screw Fixation of Proximal Fifth Metatarsal Fractures: A
Biomechanical Study", Foot Ankle Int, 2001, 22:581-584.
McKee EL, Lindsey DP, Hull ML, and Howell SM, "Telemetry System for
Monitoring Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft Forces in Vivo.", Med.
Biol. Eng. Comput., 1998, 36(3):330-6.
Lindsey DP, McKee EL, Hull ML, and Howell SM, "A New Technique for
Transmission of Signals from Implantable Transducers.", IEEE Trans.
Biomed. Eng., 1998, 45(5):614-9.
In Press - 2006
Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith
RL, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Gene Regulation Ex Vivo Within a
Wrap-Around Tendon. In Press: Tissue Engineering,12(9), 2006.
McAdams TR, Lee AT, Centeno J, Giori NJ, Lindsey DP: Two ulnar
collateral ligament reconstruction methods: The docking technique versus
bioabsorbable interference screw fixation: A biomechanical evaluation with
cyclic loading. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery in press. Accepted
for publication December, 2005.
Miyanishi K, Trindada MCD, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, Carter DR,
Goodman SB, Schurman DJ, Smith RL: Effects of hydrostatic pressure and
transforming growth factor-beta3 on adult human mesenchymal stem cell
chondrogenesis in vitro. Accepted: Tissue Engineering.
In Review - 2006
Sabsovich, I., Clark, D.J., Liao, G., Peltz, G., Lindsey, D.P, Jacobs,
C.R., Yao, W., Guo, T.Z., Kingery, W.S., Bone microstructure and its associated
genetic variability in 12 inbred mouse strains: uCT study and in silico genome
scan, Submitted, Bone.
Abstracts - 2006
Keenan KE, Kourtis L, Besier T, Lindsey DP, Gold GE, Delp SL,
Beaupré GS: Web-based resource for the computation of cartilage biphasic
material properties with the interpolant response surface method. Trans
Orthop Res Soc, 32:603, 2007.
Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith
RL, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Mechanobiological influences on
tissue-engineered tendon implants in vitro. Trans Orthop Res Soc 30:399,
Li KW, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith
RL, Carter DR, Beaupré GS: Gene Regulation Ex Vivo Within a
Wrap-Around Tendon. Conditionally accepted to: Tissue Engineering, June,
Mawatari T, Lindsey D, Kajiyama G, Suenaga E, Goodman, D, Schurman, D,
Maloney W, Smith RL. Effect of tensile strain/fluid flow on human
osteoarthritic articular cartilage.
Mawatari T, Nakamichi I, Lindsey D, Kajiyama G, Suenaga E, Goodman, D,
Schurman, D, Maloney W, Omary B, Smith RL. Heme oxygenase-1 in human
osteoarthritic articular cartilage. Trans Orthop Res Soc, 31:1485, 2006.
Oshtory R, Mirza FM, Lindsey DP, Lee AT, Giori NJ: Bioabsorbable cement
improves suture anchor fixation. Fourth SICOT/SIROT Annual International
Conference Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23-26 August 2006.
Conference Presentations and Abstracts - Prior to 2006
Agarwal A, Lindsey DP, Thomas R, Longaker MT, Smith RL, Carter DR, and
Beaupré GS: Mechanosensitivity of MSCs to cyclic pressure or stretch in
a collagen I scaffold. Transactions of the 50th Annual Meeting of the
Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 29:844, 2004.
Li KL, Lindsey DP, Wagner DR, Giori NJ, Schurman DJ, Goodman SB, Smith
RL, Carter DR, and Beaupré GS: Mechanobiological influences on
tissue-engineered tendon implants in vitro. Trans Orthop Res Soc 30:399,
Miyanishi K, Trindade MCD, Lindsey DP, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ,
Beaupré GS, Carter DR, and Smith RL: Intermittent hydrostatic pressure
upregulates endogenous transforming growth factor 1 and 3 gene expression in
human mesenchymal stem cells. Transactions of the 50th Annual Meeting of the
Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 29:636, 2004.
Miyanishi K, Trindade MCD, Lindsey DP, Goodman SB, Schurman DJ,
Beaupré GS, Carter DR, and Smith RL: Mechanoregulation of chondrogenic
gene exrpression in human mesenchymal stem cells. Transactions of the 50th
Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 29:836, 2004.
Smith RL, Lindsey DP, Dhulipala L, Mawatari Goodman SB, and Schurman DJ:
Insulin Modulation of human osteoarthritic chondrocyte metabolism and matrix
protein gene expression. Transactions of the 51st Annual Meeting of the
Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 30:1455, 2005.
Kingery W, Offley S, Guo T-Z, Joseph A, Lindsey D, Jacobs CR. Capsaicin
sensitive sensory neurons maintain normal bone integrity. 25th Ann Mtg Amer
Soc Bone and Mineral Res, Minneapolis, MN, Sep, 2003.
Wiseman C, Lindsey D, Yerby S. The effect of an interspinous spacer on
facet load during extension. 30th Ann Mtg Intl Soc Study of the Lumbar
Spine, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May, 2003.
Yerby SA, Lindsey DP, Swanson K, Fuchs P, Hsu K, and Zucherman J.
Influence of an Interspinous Spacer on the Kinematics of the Lumbar Spine.
4th Ann Mtg Spine Society of Europe, Nantes, France, Sept 11-14, 2002.
Richards J, Majumdar S, Lindsey DP, Beaupré GS, and Yerby SA.
Quantitative Changes in the Lumbar Spinal Canal with an Interspinous Implant.
9th Intl Mtg Advanced Spine Techniques, Montreux, Switzerland, May
23-25, 2002.
Swanson K, Lindsey DP, Hsu K, Zucherman J, and Yerby SA. The Effect of
an Interspinous Spacer on the Interdiscal Stress of the Adjacent and Levels
Treated. 9th Intl Mtg Advanced Spine Techniques, Montreux, Switzerland,
May 23-25, 2002.
Yerby SA, Lindsey DP, Swanson K, Fuchs P, Hsu K, and Zucherman J.
Influence of an Interspinous Spacer on the Kinematics of the Lumbar Spine. 9th
Intl Mtg Advanced Spine Techniques, Montreux, Switzerland, May 23-25,
Talwar V, Lindsey DP, Zucherman J, Hsu K, and Yerby SA. Insertion Loads
of a Novel Interspinous Spacer Designed to Treat Lumbar Intermittent Neurogenic
Claudication. 29th Ann Mtg Intl Soc Study of the Lumbar Spine,
Cleveland, OH, May 14-18, 2002.
Gold GE, Lindsey DP, Beaulieu C, and Beaupré GS. A Mechanical
Cartilage Phantom for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 10th Mtg Intl Soc Magnetic
Resonance in Medicine, Honolulu, HI, May 18-24, 2002.
Wren TAL, Lindsey DP, and Carter DR. Achilles Tendon Failure under Creep
and Cyclic Loading. 48th Ann Mtg Orthop Res Soc, Dallas, TX, Feb 10-13,
Kreshak J, Lindsey DP, Kim D, Kam A, Panjabi M, and Yerby SA. Posterior
Fixation at the Cervicothoracic Junction: A Biomechanical Analysis. 16th Ann
Mtg North American Spine Society, Seattle, WA, Oct 31-Nov 3, 2001.
Yerby SA, Lindsey DP, and Kreshak J, "Failure Load of the Lumbar
Spinous Process", 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society for
the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Edinburgh, Scotland, 19-23 June 2001.
Kreshak J, Kim D, Lindsey DP, Kam A, Panjabi M, and Yerby SA,
"Biomechanical Analysis of Posterior Stabilization at the Cervicothoracic
Junction", 2001 Meeting of the American Association of Neurological
Surgeons. Toronto, Canada, 21-26 April 2001.
Kreshak J, Kim D, Lindsey DP, Kam A, Panjabi M, and Yerby SA,
"Biomechanical Analysis of Posterior Stabilization at the Cervicothoracic
Junction", Transactions of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic
Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 25-28 February 2001.
Yerby SA, Lindsey DP, and Kreshak J, "Failure Load of the Lumbar
Spinous Process", Transactions of the 47th Annual Meeting of the
Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 25-28 February 2001.
- Data Ready for Publication
Offley SC, Guo TZ, Wei T, Min E, Lindsey DP, Jacobs CR, and Kingery WS:
Unilateral immobilization induces regional reductions in trabecular bone
integrity and sensory neuronal signaling, Submitted.
Last updated 10/10/2007