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Publications submitted to the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development

Worthen LC, Kim CM, Kautz SA, Lew HL, Kiratli BJ, and Beaupré GS: Key Characteristics of Walking Correlate with Bone Density in Individuals with Chronic Stroke. Accepted to: J Rehabil Res Dev, July 2005.

Peer Reviewed Articles

Balasubramanian CK, Bowden MG, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Relationship between step length asymmetry and walking performance in subjects with chronic hemiparesis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 88(1):43-9, 2007.

Bowden MG, Balasubramanian CK, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Anterior-posterior ground reaction forces as a measure of paretic leg contribution in hemiparetic walking. Stroke, 37(3):872-6, 2006.

Worthen LC, Kim CM, Kautz SA, Lew HL, Kiratli BJ, Beaupré GS: Key Characteristics of Walking Correlate with Bone Density in Individuals with Chronic Stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 42(6):761-768, 2005.

Kautz SA, Patten C, and Neptune RR: "Does Unilateral Pedaling Activate a Rhythmic Locomotor Pattern in the Non-pedaling Leg in Post-stroke Hemiparesis?" in press, Journal of Neurophysiology.

Kautz SA and Patten C: "Interlimb Influences on Paretic Leg Function in Post-stroke Hemiparesis." Journal of Neurophysiology, 93(5): 2460-73, 2005.

Kautz SA, Patten C. Interlimb influences on paretic leg function in post-stroke hemiparesis. J Neurophysiol, epub ahead of print, 2004.

Zajac FE, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Biomechanics and muscle coordination of human walking: Part II: Lessons from dynamical simulations and clinical applications. Gait and Posture, 17: 1-17, 2003.

Kautz SA, Brown DA, Van der Loos HFM, Zajac FE. Mutability of bifunctional thigh muscle activity in pedaling due to contralateral leg force generation. J Neurophysiol, 88: 1308-1317, 2002.

Kautz SA, Neptune RR. Biomechanical determinants of pedaling energetics: internal and external work are not independent. Exer Sports Sci Rev, 30: 159-165, 2002.

Pohl PS, Duncan PW, Perera S, Long J, Liu W, Zhou J, Kautz SA. Rate of isometric knee extension strength development and walking speed after stroke. J Rehab Res Dev, 39-6: 651-658, 2002.

Zajac FE, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Biomechanics and muscle coordination of human walking: Part I: Introduction to concepts, power transfer, dynamics and simulations. Gait Posture, 16: 215-232, 2002.

Chen G, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Simulation analysis of muscle activity with altered body orientations during pedaling. J Biomech, 34: 749-756, 2001.

Neptune RR, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Comments on "Propulsive adaptation to changing gait speed" (letter to the editor). J Biomech, 34: 1667-1668, 2001.

Neptune RR, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Contributions of the ankle plantar flexors to support, forward progression and swing initiation during walking. J Biomech, 34: 1387-1398, 2001.

Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Muscle activation and deactivation dynamics: the governing properties in fast cyclical human movement performance? Exer Sport Sci Rev, 29:76-81, 2001.

Kautz SA, Neptune RR, Zajac FE. General coordination principles elucidated by forward dynamics: Minimum fatigue does not explain muscle excitation in dynamic tasks. Motor Control, 4: 75-80, 2000.

Kautz SA, Neptune RR and Zajac FE (2000). General coordination principles elucidated by forward dynamics: Minimum fatigue does not explain muscle excitation in dynamic tasks. Motor Control, 4:75-80.

Neptune RR, Kautz SA and Zajac FE (2000). Muscle contributions to specific biomechanical functions do not change in forward versus backward pedaling. J Biomech, 33:155-164.

Neptune RR and Kautz SA (2000). Knee joint loading in forward versus backward pedaling: implications for rehabilitation strategies. Clinical Biomech, 15:528-535.

Neptune R., Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Muscle contributions to specific biomechanical functions do not change in forward verses backward pedaling. J Biomech, 33: 155-164, 2000.

Ting LH, Kautz SA, Brown DA and Zajac FE (2000). Contralateral movement and extensor force generation alter flexion phase muscle coordination in pedaling. J Neurophys, 83:3351-3365.

Ting LH, Kautz SA, Brown DA, Zajac FE. Contralateral movement and extensor force generation alter flexion phase muscle coordination in pedaling. J Neurophysiol 83: 3351-3365, 2000.

Brown DA and Kautz SA (1999). Speed-dependent reductions of force output in people with poststroke hemiparesis. Phys Ther, 79:919-930.

Ting LH, Kautz SA, Brown DA and Zajac FE (1999). Phase reversal of biomechanical functions and muscle activity in backward human locomotion. J Neurophys, 81:544-551.

Brown, D.A., & Kautz, S.A. (1998). Increased workload enhances force output during pedaling exercise in persons with poststroke hemiplegia. Stroke, 29:598-606.

Kautz, S.A. & Brown, D.A. (1998). Relationships between timing of muscle excitation and impaired motor performance during cyclical lower extremity movement in post-stroke hemiplegia. Brain, 121:515-526.

Ting, LH, Raasch, CC, Brown, DA, Kautz, SA and Zajac, FE (1998). Sensorimotor state of the contralateral leg affects ipsilateral muscle coordination of pedaling. J Neurophys, 80: 1341-1351.

Brown, D.A., Kautz, S.A. & Dairaghi, C.A. (1997). Muscle activity adapts to anti-gravity posture during pedaling in persons with post-stroke hemiplegia. Brain, 120: 825-837.

Neptune, R.R., Kautz, S.A. & Hull, M.L. (1997). The effect of pedaling rate on coordination in cycling. J Biomech, 30:1051-1058.

Brown, D.A., Kautz, S.A. & Dairaghi, C.A. (1996). Muscle activity patterns are altered during pedaling at different body orientations. Journal of Biomechanics, 29: 1349-1356.

Kautz, S.A. & Hull, M.L. (1995). Dynamic optimization analysis for equipment setup problems in endurance cycling. Journal of Biomechanics. 28: 1391-1401.

Conference Presentations and Abstracts

Higginson JS, Zajac FE, Kautz SA, Neptune RR, Delp SL, Burgar CG. Can intrinsic mechanisms of equinus result in knee extension? Proc 8th Ann Mtg Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Soc, 63-64, 2003.

Chen G, Schwandt D, Van der Loos HFM, Anderson J, Ferris DP, Zajac FE, Kautz SA, Burgar CG, Patten C, Neptune RR, Gordon KE. Compliance-adjustable, force-sensing harness support for studying treadmill training in neurologically impaired subjects. Gait & Posture, 13: 293-294, 2001.

Chen G, Patten C, Burgar CG, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Harness-support compliance in treadmill training of post-stroke hemiparesis. 25th Ann Mtg Am Soc Biomech, San Diego, CA, pp 389-390, 2001.

Higginson JS, Neptune RR, Zajac FE, Kautz SA. How does soleus strength affect gait characteristics? Biomedical Computation at Stanford Conf, Stanford, CA, 2001.

Kautz SA, Patten C, Neptune RR, Harvey J. Interlimb coordination influences on the excitation of paretic leg muscles during lower limb tasks in persons with post-stroke hemiparesis. Soc Neurosci Abstr, 26: 163, 2000.

Kautz SA, Neptune RR and Zajac FE. Mechanical consequences of controversial individual muscle timing during walking investigated by dynamic simulation. Gait & Posture, 13:273-274, 2001.

Neptune RR, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Eccentric muscle activity functions as a brake and an accelerator during normal walking. Proc 25th Ann Mtg Am Soc Biomech, pp 291-292, 2001.

Neptune RR, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. The role of the ankle plantarflexors during normal walking. Gait & Posture, 13: 252-253, 2001.

Zajac FE, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Individual muscle contributions to forward progression in human walking. Ann Mtg Soc Neurosci, New Orleans, LA, 2000.

Kautz SA, Neptune RR, Zajac FE, Worthen L, Dairaghi CA. Muscle function during forward and backward walking. 4th World Congr Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada, Aug, 2002.

Kautz SA, Neptune RR. Biomechanical determinants of pedaling energetics: internal and external work are not independent 4th World Congr Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada, Aug, 2002.

Neptune RR, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Muscle force not work defines muscle contributions to forward progression. 4th World Congr Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada, Aug, 2002.

Van der Loos HFM, Kautz SA, Schwandt DF, Anderson JH, Chen G, Bevly DM. A split-crank, servomotor-controlled bicycle ergometer design for studies in human biomechanics. Proc IEEE/RSJ Intl Conf Intelligent Robots and Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp 1409-1414, 2002.

Zajac FE, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Muscle contributions to trunk forward progression and support in walking. Proc 3rd VA Natl Rehab Res Dev Conf, pp 119-120, 2002.

Invited Lectures

Kautz SA. Interlimb influences on paretic leg muscle excitation. Center on Aging Seminar, Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, Nov, 2001.

Data Ready for Publication

Van der Loos HFM, Harvey J, Bevly DM, Kautz SA, Schwandt D, Anderson J. Design of a computer-controlled dual-servomotor split-crank bicycle ergometer for studies in human neuromuscular control of the lower extremities. J Rehab Res Dev, in preparation.

Last updated 10/10/2007