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Full articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
Jonkers I, Nuyens G, Seghers J, Nuttin M, Spaepen A, Analysis of
muscular effort associated with the navigation of a powered wheelchair in
persons with multiple sclerosis, Submitted to Archives of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation, 2003.
Jonkers I, Stewart S, Desloovere K, Molenaers G, The effect of combined
Botulinum toxin-A injections in Gastrocnemius and Medial Hamstrings on the
range of muscle function during gait in CP children, Submitted.
Johnson GR, Ferrarin M, Harrington M, Hermens H, Jonkers I, Mak P,
Stallard J, Performance specification for lower limb orthoses, Accepted
Clinical Biomechanics, 2003.
Stewart C, Jonkers I, Roberts A, Estimation of Hamstring Length at
Initial Contact based on kinematic Gait Data, Accepted Gait &
Posture, 2003.
Jonkers I, Stewart C, Spaepen A, The complementary role of the
plantarflexors, hamstrings and glutaeus maximus in the control of stance limb
stability during gait, Gait & Posture, 17/3 pp. 264-272, 2003.
Jonkers I, Stewart S, Spaepen A, The study of muscle action during
single support and swing phase of gait: Clinical relevance of forward
simulation techniques, Gait & Posture, 17/2, 97-105, 2003.
Stewart C, Farmer S, Jonkers I, Dawson T, Forward W, Patrick J, Rectus
femoris abnormality in cerebral palsy diplegia- a kinematic description of
stiff-knee gait, Clinical Biomechanics, Accepted 2002, in review.
Jonkers I, Spaepen A, Papaioannou G, Stewart C, An EMG-based, muscle
driven forward simulation of single support phase of of gait, Journal of
Biomechanics, 35(5):609-619, 2002.
Desloovere K, Molenaers G, Jonkers I, De Cat J, De Borre L, Nijs J,
Eyssen M, Pauwels P, De Cock P, A randomized study of combined botulinum toxin
type A and casting in the ambulant child with cerebral palsy using objective
outcome measures, European Journal of Neurology, 2001, 8 (supl5):1-13.
Molenaers G, Desloovere K, De Cat J, Jonkers I, De Borre L, Nijs J,
Pauwels P, Fabry G, De Cock P, Single event multilevel BTX-A treatment and
surgery: similarities and differences, European Journal of Neurology,
2001, 8 (supl5):1-10.
Molenaers G, Desloovere K, Eyssen M, Decat J, Jonkers I, De Cock P,
Botulinum toxin type A treatment of cerebral palsy: an integrated approach,
European Journal of Neurology, 1999, 6 (4), S51-58.
Abstracts in Peer Reviewed Journals
Desloovere K, Molenaers G, Corten K, Jonkers I, Nijs J, Evaluation of
rotational gait deviations in children with CP, Gait & Posture,
2002, 16-S1: S119.
Jonkers I, Stewart C, Desloovere K, Molenaers G, Deborre L, Multilevel
botulinum toxin injections alter the range of muscle action during gait in CP
children, Gait & Posture, 2002, 16-S1: S123.
Stewart C, Jonkers I, Roberts A, Estimation of hamstrings length from
kinematic data, Gait & Posture, 2002, 16-S1: S 128.
Pauwels P, De Cat J, Nuttin B, Molenaers G, De Borre L, Desloovere K,
Jonkers I, De Cock P, Eyssen M, Intrathecal baclofen therapy in cerebral palsy
patients, Gait & Posture, 2002, 16-S1: S 130.
Jonkers I, The use of movement analysis for functional assessment of
patients, Gait & Posture, 2002, 16-S1: S 195.
Jonkers I, Stewart C, Spaepen A, The study of muscle action during
single support and swing phase of gait: clinical relevance of forward
simulation techniques, Gait & Posture, 2001, 14 (2), 124.
Desloovere K, Molenaers G, De Borre L, Eyssen M, Pauwels P, Jonkers I,
De Cat J, Nijs J, Short and medium outcome of BTX-A treatment for children with
cerebral palsy, Gait & Posture, 2001,14 (2), 127.
Molenaers G, Desloovere K, De Borre L, Eyssen M, Pauwels P, Jonkers I,
De Cat J, Nijs J, The effect of an integrated BTX-A treatment on the gait
pattern of children with CP, Gait & Posture, 2001,14 (2), 159.
Desloovere K, Molenaers G, De Borre L, Eyssen M, Pauwels P, Jonkers I,
De Cat J, Nijs J, Objective evaluation of BTX-A treatment of children with
cerebral palsy: gait typology related outcome, Gait & Posture, 2001,
14 (2), 159.
Jonkers I, Johnson G, Thompson N, Hermens H, Ferrarin M, Stallard J,
Performance specification for lower limb orthotic devices, Gait &
Posture, 2001,14 (2), 159.
Jonkers I, Papaiouannou G, Spaepen A, An EMGdriven forward simulation of
human gait: prospects, methodology and clinical applicability, Gait &
Posture, 8, 77, 1998.
Jonkers I, Molenaers G, Eyssen M, De Cat J, Desloovere K,The issue of
botulinum toxin in the treatment of gait disorders in CP: a multilevel
approach, Gait & Posture, 6, p. 274, 1997.
Von Siebenthal K; Jonkers I; Daniels H; Casaer P, Comparison between
peripheral and central oxygenation during bottle feeding in preterm infants: a
near-infrared spectroscopy study (NIRS), Pediatric Research 32(5): 612
(Abstract), 1992.
Other Publication
Jonkers I; Spaepen A; De Weerdt W,Invloed van het opwindelen van de
hemiplegische voet op het gangpatroon van de CVA-patiënt: een case-study,
in Teulingkx P (ed), Wetenschappelijk magazine: Jaarboek V: Motorische
revalidatie, NFDLK, 57-71, 1996.
Abstracts for International Conferences
Jonkers I, Stewart C, Desloovere K, Molenaers G, Deborre L, Spaepen A,
Relating knee kinematics, muscle lengthening profiles and spasticity level of
the rectus femoris in children with cerebral palsy, 12th Annual Meeting of
the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children, 11-13
september, Marseille, 2003.
Jonkers I, Stewart C, Van Cleynenbreugel J, Pans S, Spaepen A, Advanced
biomechanical analyses using individualised musculoskeletal modelling to
support clinical decision making in orthopaedics: Is it worth the effort?,
Poster Bionet Event, 28 - 30 april, Brussels, 2002.
Papaioannou G., Jonkers I, Spaepen A, An interative 3D musculoskeletal
model to study different muscle activation patterns during the swing phase of
gait. 3rd International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics &
Biomedical Engineering, Barcelona 7-10 May, 1997.
Jonkers I, The use of Botulinum toxin in the treatment of gait disorders
in CP children, Advanced course in electromyography, Oswestry - UK, July 9th,
Jonkers I, Surface EMG: an indicator of muscular force production?
Advanced course in electromyography, Oswestry - UK, July 9th, 1998.
Jonkers I; Spaepen A; De Weerdt W,Influence of therapeutic bandaging of
the hemiplegic foot on gait characteristics of stroke patients, Abstracts of
the International Conference on Clinical Gait Analysis, Dundee, 1994.
Abstracts for National Conferences
Jonkers I, Patten C, Arnold A, and Delp SL: "Does dynamic reflex
threshold of knee extensors predict musculo-tendon lengthening velocity during
hemiparetic gait?" Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society, Portland,
OR, April 2005.
Jonkers I, Patten C, Arnold A., and Delp SL: Is the reflex threshold
during the pendululm test related to the onset of vastus excitation
duringhemiparetic gait? Gait & Posture, 22S: S34, 2005.
Jonkers I, Molenaers G, Spaepen A, Fabry G, Botuline A toxine ter
bevordering van het gangpatroon bij CP -kinderen. Eurokine-Kinexpo, 25
Oktober 1997, Leuven 1997.
Jonkers I, Molenaers G, Spaepen A, Fabry G, Botuline A toxine ter
bevordering van het gangpatroon bij CP-kinderen, Eurokine-Kinexpo, 25
Oktober 1997, Leuven 1997.
Molenaers G; Xue-Cheng L; Spaepen AJ; Fabry G; Jonkers I,Het
geïntegreerde ganglabo bij de behandeling van kinderen met
neuro-musculaire aandoeningen, Masschelein R; Serneels D (ed), LIGO: Wetenschap
en Handicap: Kwaliteit van leven als toetssteen, Leuven, 1995.
Jonkers I; Spaepen A; De Weerdt W, Invloed van het opwindelen van de
hemiplegische voet op gangkarakteristieken van de CVA-patiënt,
Eurokine-Kinexpo: 22 October 1994, Leuven 1994.
Internal Reports
Jonkers I; Spaepen A, Evaluation of the clinical use of quantified EMG
in Measurement and data processing methodology in clinical movement analysis.
Intern deliverable of project A2002, CAMARC II, AIM, E.U. DGXIII, 264-337,
Jonkers I; Spaepen A, The clinical use of EMG in movement analysis in
Measurement and data processing methodology in clinical movement analysis.
Intern deliverable of project A2002, CAMARC II, AIM, E.U. DGXIII, 359-388,
Jonkers I; Feys H; Spaepen A; De Weerdt W, Influence of therapeutic
bandage on walking pattern in stroke patients in Functional evaluation
protocols for European-wide netwerk of clinical centres. Intern deliverable of
project A2002, CAMARC II, AIM, E.U. DGXIII, 44-62, 1993.
Jonkers I; Nuyens G; Spaepen A; De Weerdt W, Influence of
electrostimulation on lower limb spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis
in Functional evaluation protocols for European-wide netwerk of clinical
centres. Intern deliverable of project A2002, CAMARC II, AIM, E.U. DGXIII,
119-124, 1993.
Spaepen AJ; Jonkers I, The use of electromyography in biomechanical
analysis, in Communication on electromyography, University of Kuopio: Finland,
Last updated 04/05/2006