Michelle Johnson
PhD Candidate

Stanford University
Center for Design Research

in conjunction with

VA Palo Alto HCS
Rehabilitation Research and Development Center

About me

Dissertation Work and Research Areas

Papers and Presentations

Design and Industry Experience

Teaching and Learning Experience/Interests

Contact me

Design and Industry Experience


 Class Design Projects

Information on courses at Stanford University - Mechanical Engineering - Design Division

ME210 - Design Theory and Methodology Class, Stanford, CA
Nine month class focused on development and application of design theory in an industry sponsored design project. Successfully completed and delivered the prototype mechanical and electrical design of a one degree of freedom motion platform. Directly responsible for instrumentation of the all emergency electrical procedures and user/experimenter warning and safety systems. Designed and wired the circuitry used. Integrated all electrical features of the product. Successfully managed team dynamic issues as a viable member of a team of four.

ME218A and ME118 - Mechatronic Design Classes, Stanford, CA

Designed and built a line-tracking car.
(E206 - Stanford - Control System Design)

Designed and built a velocity controlled car.
(ME170 - UC Irvine - Control Analysis and Design)


 Industrial Experience

Consultant, Mechanical Engineer, Immersion Corporation, San Jose, CA
(September 1997 - March 1998)
Completed the redesign of the electronics and mechanical system for the one degree of freedom motion platform project started in the course ME210 - Design Theory and Methodology. Brought project up to shipping standards. Successfully completed and delivered the motion platform to the Northwestern Haptics Research Lab - Dr. Brent Gillespie.

Biomedical Engineer, Rehabilitation Research and Development Center
Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Palo Alto Division
Palo Alto, CA (June 1996 - 1997)
Set-up the equipment for a biomechanical experiment involving the identification of joint and normal forces in the thumb. Designed and Installed the work area and the tooling fixtures. Programmed, in LabVIEW, the front panel that was used to integrate a Puma 260 robot, force/torque transducer, voltage/frequency (v/f) circuit and EMG amplifier system. The program was also able to acquire fifteen analog signals; 6 from the force/torque sensor attached to a Puma 260 robot and 9 from the EMG Amplifier system. Assisted in the design and build of the v/f circuit. Revised and established the experiment protocol.

Engineer, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA
(August 1990 - 1992)
Participated in the highly selective Engineering Manufacturing Professional Development Program (EMPDP) that provided rotational assignments and a diversified background at both the Copper Laminates Division (Sylmar, CA) and Oceanic Division (Annapolis, MD). I rotated through assignments as a Quality Engineer, Process Engineer and Manufacturing Engineer.

Other Experience:

Mechanical Engineer Intern, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
Philadelphia, PA (Summer 1990)
Assisted in trouble-shooting problems related to renovating the dredge ship, MacFarland.

Safety Test Engineer Intern, Automotive Safety Center
Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, MI (Summer 1989)
Assisted in conducting crash tests and seat belt safety tests on vehicle subsystems, and complete systems.
