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Publications Prepared for Journal of Rehabilitation R&D
Chen G and Patten C: "Treadmill Training with Harness Support:
Selection of training parameters for individuals with post-stroke
hemiparesis." in press, J Rehabil Res Dev.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Chen G, Patten C, Kothari D, and Zajac FE: "Gait deviations
associated with post-stroke hemiparesis: Improvement during treadmill walking
using weight support, speed, support stiffness, and handrail hold."
Gait and Posture, 22(1): 57-62, 2005.
Chen G, Patten C, Kothari D, and Zajac FE: "Gait differences
between individuals with post-stroke hemiparesis and non-disabled controls at
matched speeds." Gait and Posture, 22(1): 51-56, 2005.
Chen G, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Simulation analysis of muscle activity with
altered body orientations during pedaling. J Biomech, 34: 749-756, 2001.
Conference Presentations and Abstracts
Chen G, Patten C, Worthen LC, Zajac FE. Treadmill walking with harness
support: Mechanical energetics in a healthy and hemiparetic subject. Intl
Stroke Symp, Kansas City, KA, Apr, 2002.
Van der Loos HFM, Kautz SA, Schwandt DF, Anderson JH, Chen G, Bevly DM.
A split-crank, servomotor-controlled bicycle ergometer design for studies in
human biomechanics. Proc IEEE/RSJ Intl Conf Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp 1409-1414, 2002.
Chen G, Schwandt D, Van der Loos HFM, Anderson J, Ferris DP, Zajac FE,
Kautz SA, Burgar CG, Patten C, Neptune RR, Gordon KE. Compliance-adjustable,
force-sensing harness support for studying treadmill training in neurologically
impaired subjects. Gait & Posture, 13: 293-294, 2001.
Chen G, Patten C, Burgar CG, Kautz SA, Zajac FE. Harness-support
compliance in treadmill training of post-stroke hemiparesis. 25th Ann Mtg Am
Soc Biomech, San Diego, CA, pp 389-390, 2001.
Compliance-adjustable, Force-sensing Harness Support for Studying
Treadmill Training in Neurologically Impaired Subjects - 6th Annual Gait and
Clinical Movement Analysis Meeting, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Northern
California, Sacramento, CA, April 25-28, 2001.
Last updated 04/03/2006