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Five-Year Goals and Objectives
The Bone and Joint Rehabilitation Research and Development Center of
Excellence is committed to continuing to build upon its record of success.
In the next five years, the Center is initiating research in five new specific
areas focused on determining
how mechanical loading of the knee can be altered to slow progression
of osteoarthritis (OA). The long-term goal of this project is to test a
specific mechanism that would provide a mechanistic explanation of how obesity
contributes to OA at the knee. In this clinical study we will determine if
obesity is associated with either increased hyperextension or increased
adduction moment. Our preliminary data suggest that these two parameters of
gait kinematics contribute to the initiation and progress of knee OA. These
parameters will also be related to cartilage thickness and the level of serum
inflammatory markers of OA;
how obesity affects gait and loading at the knee and the progression
of osteoarthritis. The goal of this project is to investigate the role of
pathologic alterations in the mechanical loading of the knee in the initiation
and progression of osteoarthritis. We hypothesize changes in the kinematics of
gait initiate cartilage thinning and degeneration. We will focus on two
disruptions to the soft-tissue structures of the knee that are well known to
lead to OA, partial removal of the medial meniscus (meniscectomy) and rupture
of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). In this clinical study we will
quantify the knee kinematics of VA patients with either partial medial
meniscectomies or ACL deficient knees and monitor them for changes in cartilage
thickness. We will also determine to what extent ACL reconstruction is able to
normalize gait to prevent OA progression and which aspects of the procedure
might be optimized to enhance this effect;
evaluation of physical countermeasures designed to slow or prevent
bone loss in elderly subjects and patients who have lower extremity disuse due
to either stroke or spinal cord injury (SCI). The goal of this project is
to evaluate to efficaciousness of physical interventions for the prevention of
disuse bone loss associated with aging and lower extremity disuse associated
with stroke and spinal cord injury. In the case of aging, elderly VA subjects
will be assigned walking protocols of varying time, distances, and intensities.
The number of steps taken and the forces applied to the foot will be recorded.
In the lower extremity study, stroke and SCI patients will be exposed to
partial body support treadmill walking with our Lokomat lower extremity robot
system. In both cases the primary outcome variable will be bone density. We
will also assay serum and urine levels of biomarkers of bone loss. The ability
of specific loading protocols to preserve bone will be determined;
how novel mechanisms by which cellular transduction of mechanical
forces contribute to bone loss and osteoarthritis. In both disuse bone loss
and OA it is accepted that alterations of the physical environment of the cell
lead to biological changes associated with disease initiation or progression.
The goal of this project is to identify novel molecular mechanisms for
converting extracellular physical signals into intracellular biochemical
signals. In the case of bone loss we hypothesize that loading leads to changes
in structural protein confirmation contributing to signal initiation. In the
case of cartilage we propose that hydrostatic pressure due to loading alters
membrane fluidity that modulates diffusion rates and kinetics of membrane bound
G-proteins. Experimental approaches will include highly controlled tissue
culture experiments and translation of findings with animal loading models.
These experiments target development of the next generation of physical and
pharmacologic interventions and are informed and focused by the translational
environment of the Center; and
identifying optimal temporal loading patterns for prevention of bone
loss. It is well established that physical activity contributes to the
maintenance of bone and that disuse leads to bone loss. Preliminary experiments
have demonstrated that the loading time history can dramatically affect the
cellular response to loading. Specifically, the introduction of short rest
periods has the potential to dramatically increase the osteogenic effect of
loading. Our intention is to identify the temporal loading patterns that are
most effective for the prevention of disuse bone loss. In this project we will
take the first steps to translate this concept into clinical practice by
determining which loading patterns are most osteogenic in vitro and
in vivo.
These projects will be supported by shared core facilities that include a
molecular biology and bone histomorphometry core, a biomotion lab, a
biomechanics and materials testing facility, a bone imaging facility, and a
computational modeling laboratory.
