Maintenance of Gains from Robot-assisted Stroke Therapy
Charles G. Burgar, MD; Peter S. Lum, PhD; Peggy Shor, BS OTR; Matra Majmundar,
OTR TYC; H.F. Machiel Van der Loos, PhD
Electrocardiographic Findings in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
Wilsa MS Charles, MA; B. Jenny Kiratli PhD; Jon N. Myers, PhD; Inder Perkash,
MD; VF Froelicher, MD
Improved Imaging of Osteoarthritis using Fluctuating Equilibrium
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Gary Gold, MD; S. Vasanawala, MD, PhD; D. Nishimura, PhD; J. Pauly, PhD; Gary
S. Beaupré, PhD
Physical Activity Monitoring: Use of Accelerometers in Individuals with
Spinal Cord Injury
Amy M Hayes, PT MS; L Yeats; JN Myers, PhD; B. Jenny Kiratli, PhD
Results using Stepping-over Response Training to Improve Walking in
Individuals with Poststroke Hemiplegia
David L. Jaffe, MS
Key Pinch Force is More Misdirected in Individuals with Tetraplegia
Compared to Non-impaired Subjects
M. Elise Johanson, PT MS; Wendy M. Murray, PhD; Niels Smaby, MS; GJ van de Pol,
MS; Joseph D. Towles, MS; Felix E. Zajac, PhD; Vincent R. Hentz, MD
Functional Evaluation of Lateral Pinch in Subjects with Tetraplegia
Deborah E. Kenney, MS OTR; M. Elise Johanson, MS PT; Niels Smaby, MS; Wendy M.
Murray PhD
Paralyzed Veterans of America - Spinal Cord Injury Summer Scholars
Program: Impact on Participants
B. Jenny Kiratli, PhD; Michael Dunn, PhD; R Sasaki, MD; Inder Perkash, MD;
Vernon W.H. Lin, MD PhD
Wrist Range of Motion Depends on Elbow Position after the BR-ECRB Tendon
Wendy M. Murray, PhD; Anne M. Bryden; Kevin L. Kilgore, PhD; Michael W. Keith
Heart Rate Variability and Physical Activity Level after Spinal Cord
Jon N. Myers, PhD; K Gladysheva, BA; Heather E. Brown, MSPT; Inder Perkash, MD;
B. Jenny Kiratli, PhD
Reliability of Elbow Trajectory Tracking in Chronic Post-stroke
Carolynn Patten, PhD PT; Jennifer A. Whitney, MPT; Dhara Kothari, PT MS; Peter
S. Lum, PhD
Pressure and Motion Characteristics of Weight Relief Activities to
Prevent Skin Breakdown in the Sensorimotor Impaired
Eric E. Sabelman, PhD; Ruth Yap, MS; Carolyn Keeler, BA; Elizabeth Placek, BA
Determination of Lateral Pinch Force Requirements for Six Common
Activities of Daily Living
Niels Smaby, MS; B. Baker; M. Elise Johanson, MS PT; Joseph D. Towles, MS;
Wendy M. Murray, PhD
Magnitude of the Endpoint Force of Flexor Pollicis Longus Muscle
Increases with Grasp Opening
Joseph D. Towles, MS; Vincent R. Hentz, MD; Wendy M. Murray, PhD
Video-based Performance Assessment following Stroke: Design of the
Critical Elements Video Assessment Instrument
H.F. Machiel Van der Loos, PhD; Deborah E. Kenney, MS OTR; Ellie E. Buckley, MS
PT; Eric L. Topp MS; Carol Ann Davidson, PT
User Interface Testing of an Assistive Workstation Robot for Persons
with High-level Tetraplegia
James J. Wagner, MSME; H.F. Machiel Van der Loos, PhD; J. A. Czaja; V. Punj,
MD; B. Jenny Kiratli, PhD
The Implications of Spinal Cord Injury on Prostate Compliance
Anthony Y. Yin, AB; M Damaser, PhD; V Wolfe, RN; Inder Perkash, MD; CE
Constantinou, PhD
Muscle Contributions to Trunk Forward Progression and Support in Walking
Felix E. Zajac, PhD; Richard R. Neptune, PhD; Steven A Kautz, PhD