FlameMaster v3.3.10: A C++ Computer Program for 0D Combustion and 1D Laminar Flame Calculations (Developed by H. Pitsch) The code is available to anyone who seriously wants to use it. The documentation is very sparse, but the package comes with many examples for:
Changes from Version 3.1 include an improved Newton solver for 1D flame computations providing better convergence, new sensitivity analysis for homogeneous reactor computations, more documentation, and more support for generating flamelet libraries. Changes from Version 3.3 include a few bug fixes that should make installation easier. Changes from Version 3.3.1 include a few bug fixes, easier installation, and support for windows based computers. Version 3.3.9 has two major new features. First, it attempts to compile with Windows, and it does, if you do it right, but the present installation instructions might be incomplete. This will be updated soon. Second, all fortran source code has been replaced by C code. Therefore, a fortran compiler is no longer necessary for the installation. Version 3.3.10 fixes some issues with installation on different machines and adds the perfectly stirred reactor as a new configuration. FlameMaster has moved: For access go to http://www.itv.rwth-aachen.de/index.php?id=128
Example (above figure): Temperature from an unsteady flamelet calculation of auto-ignition in a VW DI-Diesel engine:
Figure taken from 'Pitsch, H., Barths, H, Peters, N.: Three-Dimensional Modeling of NOx and Soot Formation in DI-Diesel Engines Using Detailed Chemistry Based on the Interactive Flamelet Approach, SAE982057'
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(last updated: January 19, 2007 ) |