Pdptool beta version has been moved to standard release. pdptool.zip now contains new features and bug fixes that were being tested until now as beta release. The old release of pdptool is still available as pdptool_v1.zip. Release number : 2.02 [see end of file for changes since version 2.0] Release Date : 11/18/2009 Whats new in pdptool 2.0? ========================= (1) 'Fast' option for running train process is available for bp,srn and rbp models. This makes use of compiled C code that runs several times faster than the matlab interpreted code. To turn on the fast mode for network training, click the 'fast' option in the train window. This option can also be chosen when calling the runprocess command from a script or from the command prompt, by including the attribute-value pair ('fastrun',1) as arguments to the runprocess command, as in a command like the following: runprocess('process','train','fastrun',1,'granularity','epoch','count',1); In fast mode, network output logs and display updating can only be done at the epoch level of granularity, as reflected in the ('granularity','epoch') attribute-value pair in the call above. Learning can still occur at the pattern or epoch level (this is determined by the 'lgrain' attribute under training options). The 'cascade' option of building activation gradually in the bp and srn programs is also not available in fast mode. (2) Better organized gui features in the network create window.The script panel is now resizeable. (3) All trainoptions and testoptions windows have labels for training parameters that correctly match the variable name for the parameter. e.g training parameter nepochs is a field of struct net.trainopts.In trainoption gui window, the parameter is now labeled as 'nepochs'. A brief description of the parameter is now available as a pop-up tooltip feature on mouse over action. (4) Bug fixes with loadweights,output logging, anneal schedule logging. A complete list can be provided on request. (5) An 'about' window available in the 'Help' menu of main pdp window. (6) A new command is available for checking version information. Type pdptool_version on the MATLAB command prompt to get a brief description of the version you are running. This command also takes string arguments for specific information. The acceptable arguments are - 'release','date','description','support'.e.g pdptool_version('release') returns the release number.See help pdptool_version for more information. Any questions/comments. Please write to Sindy at sjohn@cnbc.cmu.edu Change log for minor revisions: Version 2.01: - corrected a problem in 'fast' mode that led to a memory leak on linux in version 2.0. Version 2.02: - Fixed a bug in the bp, and srn programs that was causing tss, tce values to accumulate when network was trained in nogui mode. - Modified implementation of saveweights and loadweights for saving/loading weight matrices in text mode. This change will not have any effect on existing weight files that were saved/loaded in binary (.mat) form. However, if any existing scripts use ascii .wt files that have been saved in a prior release, you will need to modify the loadweight command to read in weights saved with the previous version. The syntax for reading in old format is loadweights(,'type','old-ascii'); Please note that this option cannot be specified through the gui interface. In other words, you will have to use the command form of loadweights to read weight files saved in old format. - Fixed an issue with newstart command that was not setting the random generator correctly. - Adjusted the code to ensure that a screen update occurs at the completion of stepping or running either the train or test processed.