Data collection in New York occurs at
two levels: the state and the system. The State Education Department seems
to conceptualize the new assessment paradigm as a pyramid, with the state
at the top, accreditation associations and state systems in the middle,
and the colleges and universities at the base. This structure reflects
the breadth of data needed at each level: wide and varied at the institutional
level, narrower and limited at the state level.
The new assessment paradigm has no connection
to state appropriations and is therefore not a performance funding policy.
The decentralization in the system is evident by the fact that there are
no common assessment instruments prescribed for institutions, and although
significant multi-institutional databases are available, there is not
a central database at the SHEEO level.
The State Education Department collects
its own information from institutions using the Higher Education Data
System (HEDS). The Office of Research and Information Systems (ORIS) plays
an essential role in assuring the quality of higher education in New York
State by providing good informationfor comparisons, analysis, planning,
evaluation, decision-making, and monitoring. ORIS provides analytical,
statistical and research support and services for the Board of the Regents,
The State Education Department, the Office of Higher Education and the
Professions as well as the New York State public. Specifically, the Office:
collects and analyzes data from all degree-granting postsecondary institutions
except federal units and from 250 non-degree granting proprietary schools
on major indicators of quality of higher education in New York State,
including data on enrollment, degrees conferred, admissions, finances,
financial aid, student charges, graduation rates, and other performance
developing performance reports for postsecondary education institutions;
responsible for the annual implementation of performance assessment
for vocational education programs and for non-degree proprietary schools
relative to standards established as required by the federal Perkins
Act and the State Proprietary School Reform Act;
developing performance indicators to assess the health of New York State's
postsecondary education system;
responsible for the administration of the Bundy program and other institutional
aid; and
to ad hoc requests for information on New York State higher education
institutions from a variety of sources including the federal government,
the state legislature, Board of Regents, Governor's Office and Division
of the Budget, other state agencies, the higher education community
as well as prospective students and their parents.
SOURCE: NY State Department of Education
Higher Education Data System
ORIS manages a comprehensive information
system that collects and distributes a variety of information on the quality
and status of higher education in New York State.
Data Collected From Degree-Granting Institutions (HEDS/IPEDS)
Degrees Conferred
(1) by registered program, gender, and race/ethnicity
(2) for students in special subject areas (special education, rehabilitation
counseling, related services and administrative preservice programs)
by degree level, by disability and by minority status
Fall Degree-Credit Enrollment
(1) by student level, full-time/part-time, gender, and race/ethnicity
(2) by student level, full-time/part-time, gender, and age grouping
(3) by student level, full-time/part-time, gender, and HEGIS subject
(4) by gender, race/ethnicity, and occupationally specific CIP (classification
of instructional programs) subject area
(5) by student level, full-time/part-time, and residence of student
(New York State county/out-of-State/foreign)
(6) by state of residence of new students
(7) for students with disabilities by category of impairment and occupational/other
(8) for transfer students by source (in-state/out-of-state, public/nonpublic
and two-year/four-year institution) and entering level (lower/upper
(9) for students in special subject areas (special education, rehabilitation
counseling, related services and administrative preservice programs)
by enrollment level, by disability and by minority status
(10) for full-time undergraduate admissions applicants by admissions
status (applied, accepted, enrolled), degree level, race/ethnicity,
and entry category (first-time, transfer, unclassified)
Fall Noncredit Enrollment
(1) by gender
Full-Year Enrollment
(1) Credit/contact hour activity and student counts for undergraduates
by type of coursework (regular, developmental, and remedial)
(2) for full-time, first-time degree-credit students by term of entry
Graduation Rates
(1) for full-time undergraduate students by program level (associate/baccalaureate,
entry status (new/transfer), and race/ethnicity
(2) for students in postsecondary opportunity programs by program
level (associate/baccalaureate), entry status (new/transfer), and
Student Charges
including tuition, required fees, room and board
Financial Statistics
(1) for revenues by source categories
(2) for expenditures by function categories
(3) for scholarship and fellowship expenditures, endowment assets,
Full-time Instructional Faculty Statistics
(1) for salary outlay, and tenure data by rank, gender and salary
contract length
(2) for fringe benefits by type of benefit and salary contract length
Staff Counts
by full-time/part-time, occupational activity, gender, race/ethnicity,
and salary grouping
Student Financial Aid Statistics
including dollar amounts and award counts by student level (undergraduate/graduate),
and type of aid (grants, loans, assistantships, wages, other)
Inventory of Physical Facilities
including space inventory by room use, design capacity/occupancy
of housing, ownership status, and campus use (credit hours by time
of day)
Off-campus Instructional Locations
including address of locations, type of location and registrations
Data Collected From Non-Degree-Granting Proprietary Schools (OEDS)
Program-Specific Student Data
(1)Applications received, applicants accepted, applicants denied
(2)Enrollment by full-time/part-time for total enrolled and new entrants
(3)Status of student at end of year: continuing, graduates, or noncompleters
(4)Graduate follow-up by employment/education status categories
Course-Specific Student Data
(1)Enrollment and number of noncompleters
Financial assistance by federal/state financial assistance program
Data Collected From Institutions Receiving VTEA Funds (VTEA)
(1)Credit-Bearing Vocational Program Data
(2)Graduation rate for full-time, first-time cohort of students by
student status four years later
(3)Post-completer placement status by employment/education status
SOURCE: NY State Department of Education
On this page
New York State Education Data Collection
Higher Education Data System