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Reference Bibliography of Resources Used for Project Research |
This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but rather, a collection of documents that were used in the construction of the framework and analysis of data for the project.
Anderson, J.E., Brady, D.W., Bullock, C.S., and Stewart, J. (1984). Public Policy and Politics in America. Monterey, CA: Brooks and Cole.
Association of American Colleges. (1985). Integrity in the college curriculum: A report to the academic community. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges. Bailey, S.K. (1974). Education and the state. Educational Record, Winter, 5-6. Banta, T. W., ed. (1988). Implementing Outcomes Assessment. Promise and Perils. New Directions for Institutional Research series, no. 59. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Banta, T. W., & Moffett, M. S. (1987). Performance funding in Tennessee: Stimulus for program improvement. In D. F. Halpern (Ed.), Student outcomes assessment: What institutions stand to gain (pp. 35-43). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Berdahl, R.O. (1974). Problems in evaluating statewide boards. In R.O. Berdahl (ed.), New Directions for Institutional Research: No. 5. Evaluating statewide boards (pp. 1-14). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Berdahl, R.O. (1971). Statewide Coordination of Higher Education. Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education. Boyer, C., Ewell, P., Finney, J., & Mingle, J. (1987b). Assessment and outcomes measurement: A view from the states. AAHE Bulletin, 39(7), 8-12. Boyer, C., Ewell, P., Finney, J., & Mingle, J. (1987a). Assessment and outcomes measurement -- A view from the states: Highlights of a new ECS survey and individual state profiles. (Report No. PS-87-1). Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States. Burke, J. and Serban, A. (1998). Current status and future prospects of performance funding and performance budgeting for public higher education: The second survey. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Dubnick, Melvin, and Bardes, Barbara. (1983). Thinking About Public Policy: A Problem-Solving Approach. New York: Wiley. Education Commission of the States (1997). State postsecondary education structures sourcebook: State coordinating and governing boards. Denver, CO. Ewell. P. (1987a). Assessment, accountability and improvement: Managing the contradiction. Paper presented at the American Association for Higher Education Assessment Forum. Ewell, P. (1987b). Assessment: Where are we? Change, 19(1), 23-28. Ewell, P. (1985a). Levers for Change: The role of state government in improving the quality of postsecondary education. (Report No. PS-85-2). Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States. Ewell, P. (1985b). The legislative role in improving postsecondary education. Paper presented at the Annual AAHE Assessment Forum. Ewell, P. T., & Boyer, C. M. (1988). Acting out state-mandated assessment: Evidence from five states. Change, 20(4), 40-47. Ewell, P., Finney, J., & Lenth, C. (1990). Filling in the mosaic: The emerging pattern of state-based assessment. AAHE Bulletin, 3-5. Gaither, Gerald, et al. (1995). Measuring up: The promises and pitfalls of performance indicators in higher education. Washington, D.C.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education, ED 383278. Glenny, L.A. and Schmidtlein, F.A. (1983). The role of the state in the governance of higher education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 5, 133-153. Glenny, L.A. (1985). State coordination of higher education: The modern concept. Denver: State Higher Education Executive Officers. Gould, S. (1966). The university and state government: Fears and realities. In W.J. Minter (ed.), Campus and Capitol. Boulder: Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education. Hearn, J.C., Griswold, C.P., and Marine, G.M. (1996). Region, resources, and reason: A contextual analysis of state tuition and student aid policies. Research in Higher Education, 37, 241-278. Hearn, J. C., Griswold, C. P., & Marine, G. M. (1996). Region, resources, and reason: A contextual analysis of state tuition and student aid policies. Research in Higher Education, 37(3), 241-278. Hearn, J.C., and Griswold, C.P. (1994). State-level centralization and policy innovation in United States Postsecondary Education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 16, 161-190. Hearn, J.C. and Griswold, C.P. (1994). State-level centralization and policy innovation in United States Postsecondary Education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 16 (3), 161-190. Johnstone, D.B. (1998). Planning and change in public higher education. Paper presented at the 1998 Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Kingdon, John. (1984). Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Lenth, C. S. (1996). What political leaders expect from postsecondary assessment. In National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, The national assessment of college student learning: An inventory of state-level assessment activities (pp. 157-164). Boulder, CO: NCHEMS. Levy, D.C. (1980). University and government in Mexico: Autonomy in an authoritarian system. New York: Praeger. Lowi, Theodore. (1972). American business, public policy, case studies, and political theory. World Politics, 16, 677-715. See also: Almond and Powell (1966), and Rose (1976). McClain, Krueger, & Kongas (1989). Stages of Assessment: Costs and benefits. Washington, D.C.: Association of Governing Boards. McGuinness, Aims, Epper, Rhonda Martin, and Arrendondo, Sheila. (1994). State Postsecondary Education Structures Handbook. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. (1996). Framework for outcomes assessment. Philadelphia, PA: Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. (1994). Characteristics of excellence in higher education: Standards for accreditation. Philadelphia, PA: Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. (1990). Framework for outcomes assessment. Philadelphia, PA: Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Miller, J. (1970). New directions in statewide higher education planning and coordination. In Proceedings of the Southern Regional Education Board 19th Legislative Work Conference. Millett, John. (1984). Conflict in Higher Education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. National Center for Education Statistics. (1995). Digest of educational statistics 1995. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Higher Education Management Systems. (1996). The national assessment of college student learning: An inventory of state-level assessment activities. A report on the proceedings of the third design workshop. Boulder, CO: National Center for Higher Education Management Systems. National Endowment of the Humanities. (1984). To reclaim a legacy: A report on the humanities in higher education. Washington, D.C.: National Endowment of the Humanities. National Governor's Association. (1986). Time for results: The governor's 1991 report on education. Washington, D.C.: National Governor's Association. Nettles, M., Cole, J., and Sharp, S. (1997). Benchmarking assessment: Assessment of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Public Accountability. (NCPI Technical Report No. 5-02). Palo Alto, CA: National Center for Postsecondary Improvement. Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges. (1994). Accreditation Handbook. Seattle, WA: Commission on Colleges of the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges. Olswang, S.G., and Lee, B.A. (1985). Faculty freedoms and institutional accountability: Interactions and Conflicts. Washington, D.C.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education., ED284517. Palumbo, D. J. (1988). Public policy in America: Government in action. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. Paulson, C. P. (1990). State initiatives in assessment and outcome measurement: Tools for teaching and learning in the 1990s. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States. Roaden, A. L., & Associates. (1987). A statement of policy by the State Higher Education Executive Officers on program and institutional assessment. Denver, CO: State Higher Education Executive Officers. Ruppert, S., (ed.) (1994). Charting higher education accountability: A sourcebook on state-level performance indicators. Denver, CO: Education Commission on the States. Russell, A. B. (1995). Advances in statewide higher education data systems. Denver, CO: State Higher Education Executive Officers. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. (1996). Criteria for Accreditation. Decatur, GA: Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Stark, J. S., & Austin, A. E. (1983). Students and accreditation. In Kenneth E. Young, Charles M. Chambers, H.R. Kells, & Associates (Eds.), Understanding accreditation: Contemporary perspectives on issues and practices in evaluating educational quality (pp. 211-232). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Steele, J. M., & Lutz, D. A. (1995). Report of ACT's research on postsecondary assessment needs. Iowa City, IA: American College Testing. Stevens, J., & Hamlett, B. D. (1983). State concerns for learning: Quality and state policy. In J. R. Warren (Ed.), Meeting the new demands for standards (pp. 29-38). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in American Higher Education. (1984). Involvement in learning: Realizing the potential of American higher education. Washington, D.C.: National Institute of Education. Thrash, P. A. (1989). The role of institutional accreditation in enhancing quality: An introduction. NCA Quarterly, 64(2), 361-363. Troutt, W. E. (1978). The quality assurance function of regional accreditation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, George Peabody College for Teachers. Western Association of Schools and Colleges. (1992). Achieving institutional effectiveness through assessment: A resource manual to support WASC institutions. Oakland, CA: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities. Young, K. (1983). Prologue: The changing scope of accreditation. In Kenneth E. Young, Charles M. Chambers, H.R. Kells, & Associates (Eds.), Understanding accreditation: Contemporary perspectives on issues and practices in evaluating educational quality (pp. 1-16). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Young, K., & Chambers, C. (1980). Accrediting agency approaches to academic program evaluation. In Eugene Craven (Ed.), Academic program evaluation (pp. 89-104). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Volkwein, J.F. (1987). State regulation and campus autonomy. In J.C. Smart (ed.), Higher Education Handbook of Theory and Research, 3, (pp. 120-154). New York: Agathon. Volkwein, J.F., and Malik, S.M. (1997). State regulation and administrative flexibility at public universities. Research in Higher Education, 38 (1), 17-42. Zumeta, W. (1995). State policy and budget developments. In The 1995 NEA Almanac of Higher Education. Zumeta, W. (1999). Public policy and higher education accountability: Lessons from the past and present for the new millennium. In D.E. Heller, (ed.), The States and Public Higher Education: Affordability, Access, and Accountability. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. |
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