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Penelope Eckert
Professor of Linguistics, Cultural and Social Anthropology, and Director of Feminist Studies

Penelope Eckert describes herself as a "Second Wave Feminist" and a "Third Wave Variationist," focusing her research on the social meaning of linguistic variation, the role of gender and sexuality in sociolinguistic variation, and adolescents and pre-adolescents as "the movers and shakers in linguistic change." Prof. Eckert has written numerous articles, such as "Vowels and Nail Polish: The Emergence of Linguistic Style in the Preadolescent Heterosexual Marketplace," and several books, including Gender and Language Practice (with Sally McConnell-Ginet), Linguistic Variation as Social Practice, and Jocks and Burnouts: Social Identity in the High School.

Thursday, May 22, 2003, 7 p.m.
Stanford Writing Center, Basement of Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460)

Check back soon to see the transcript of Penelope Eckert's How I Write Conversation.