Abstract: Detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from binary black holes (BHs) by Advanced LIGO has opened a new window of astronomical observation. Many conceivable sources such as intermediate-mass and stellar-mass BH binaries, as well as white dwarf binaries, would emit GWs below 10 Hz.
A mid-frequency tensor GW detector could be constructed by combining six magnetically levitated superconducting test masses. Seismic noise and Newtonian gravity noise (NN) are serious obstacles in constructing terrestrial GW detectors at low frequencies. A tensor detector can reject the near-field NN more efficiently. Such a detector is equally sensitive to GWs coming from anywhere in the sky, and is capable of resolving the source direction and wave polarization.
I will present a design concept of new mid-frequency detector, SOGRO, that could reach a sensitivity of 10-19-10-21 Hz-1/2 at 0.1-10 Hz and discuss ways to mitigate the seismic and Newtonian noise. The sensitivity of future advanced laser-interferometer GW detectors below 10 Hz will be limited by the NN generated by seismic Rayleigh waves and atmospheric infrasound waves. A conventional approach to removing the NN is by using seismometers and microphones to measure ground motions and atmospheric density fluctuations and use the data to predict the gravity noise and subtract it from the detector output.
In this talk, I will also discuss the possibility of mitigating the NN for advanced laser interferometers by directly detecting and removing the NN with sensitive superconducting gravity gradiometers (SGGs) collocated with the interferometer test masses.
Bio: Not Available
Time: 4:15pm – 5:30pm
Location: Physics/Astrophysics Bldg., Kistler Conference Rooms 102/103 (Map)
(Light refreshments available 4:00pm; Presentation begins at 4:15pm)
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