Abstract: Accelerating particles over shorter distances than ever before opens new doors in many areas of science. To this end, we have been exploring RF breakdown phenomena in high vacuum structures. We have been able to engineer some of the materials used in the accelerator structure and modify its geometry to achieve extremely high gradients~175 MV/m.
Now, our research effort have to also include practical engineering developments to transform these advances into practical devices that can be applied to photon science, high-energy physics, medical, industrial and national security uses. For photon sciences, we are looking at compact high repetition rate coherent X-ray sources. For high energy physics we are looking to develop more compact and affordable TeV-scale lepton linear colliders.
For medical applications, we are collaborating with the Stanford Medical school to develop a new revolutionary treatment modality that perform that reduces the radiation treatment time for cancers from weeks to just few seconds. This control organ motion during treatment hence minimizes the damage to healthy tissue. This is particularly important for pediatric patients.
Bio: Not Available
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Location: Physics/Astrophysics Bldg., Kistler Conference Rooms 102/103 (Map)
(Light refreshments available 11:45am; Presentation begins at 12:00pm)
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