Abstract: Over the last three decades, an exceptionally good science case has been made for pursuing gravitational wave (GW) astronomy. This has engendered a worldwide effort to detect the extremely weak signals generated by the predicted sources. With the completion of upgrades in 2015, the LIGO ground based observatories are expected to make the first GW detections possibly as early as 2016, thus starting a new era of astrophysics.
Inconveniently, due to seismic noise and baseline length limitations, the low frequency (<10Hz) part of the spectrum, where the most interesting GW events are predicted, will not be accessible by the ground detectors. The space-based detector LISA was conceived to fill this gap extending the observational capability to about 10-4 Hz. Due to mission cost growth and severe budget constraints, a LISA flight is now scheduled for not earlier than 2034.
We discuss the LISA-2020 design and its enabling technology development, both in the laboratory and through small satellite flights, with emphasis on the development of high precision drag-free sensors.
Bio: Not Available
Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: Physics/Astrophysics Bldg., Kistler Conference Rooms 102/103 (Map)
(Light refreshments available 3:45pm; Presentation begins at 4:00pm)
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