Abstract: The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) detector is a 370 kg (112 kg fiducial) dual-phase xenon time projection chamber operating 4,850 feet underground at the Sanford Under- ground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota with the goal of detecting Weakly Inter- acting Massive Particles (WIMPs) as the dark matter in the universe.
The LUX simulation includes a new physics model, the Noble Element Simulation Technique, which accurately predicts the scintillation and ionization yields as well as the prompt and electroluminescence pulse shapes in xenon. These models, combined with new, low-energy neutron calibration data allow the energy threshold in the WIMP physics model to be reduced. A novel analysis technique for the removal of spurious, high-rate background events allows conservative analysis thresholds to also be reduced. Both of these lead to an increased sensitivity of LUX to low-mass WIMPs.
While no discovery is reported, this analysis reports the smallest 90% confidence level upper limit on the WIMP-nucleus cross-section of 7.43 × 10−46 cm2 for a WIMP with mass 33 GeV/c2.
Time: 4:00 – 5:00pm
Location: Physics/Astrophysics Bldg., Kistler Conference Rooms 102/103 (Map)
(Light refreshments available 4:00pm; Presentation begis 4:15pm)
Open to All