Abstract: Recent experiments on the topological charge dependence of radiation torques and on negative radiation forces [Demore et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 194301 (2012); Brzobohaty et al., Nat. Photonics 7, 123 (2013)] display how the underlying wave-field geometry influences radiation forces. Other situations strongly influenced by wave-field geometry include the introduction of higher order caustics present in the light scattering pattern of objects as simple as an oblate drop of water or an oblate bubble of air in water. Some related theoretical and experimental investigations are illustrated. Scattering enhancements associated with guided waves having negative group velocities will also be noted.
Time: 4:15 – 5:15pm
Location: Physics/Astrophysics Bldg., Kistler Conference Room 102/103 (Map)
(Light refreshments available 4:00pm; Presentation begins 4:15pm)
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