Abstract: Enhanced sensor technology and growing precision in satellite tracking and satellite attitude and orbit control enable experiments with increasing precision to explore the microscopic and macroscopic structure of our universe and to learn about its underlying physics laws. These experiments are complementary to those which can be carried out on earth or could open a completely new parameter space due to the unique space environment. Summarizing results as well as recent and present project proposals, an overview about the possibilities within the framework of the existing international space programmes will be given.
Bio: Professor Hansjoerg Dittus is Executive Board Member for Space Research and Technology at DLR (German Space Agency). He obtained his PhD at the University of Munich in 1986. Starting in 1991 he headed the Gravitational and Fundamental Physics Department at the Drop Tower Institute, ZARM, at Bremen University. In 2006 he was appointed Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering at Bremen. In 2008 he became head of the DLR Institute of Space Systems, also in Bremen, before leaving for his present job at DLR Headquarters in 2011.
Time: 4:15 – 5:15pm
Location: Physics/Astrophysics Bldg.,Conference Room #232 (Map)
(Light refreshments available 4:00pm; Presentation begins 4:15pm)
Open to All