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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rick Fleeter

Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
La Sapienza, Rome, Italy

Microspace: Crossing the Chasm?

Abstract: The microspace revolution of the 1980s: Space anarchists in basements and garages with plans to usher in a new space age. Space for the rest of us, death to the rapacious Prime Contractors, real world relevance and benefits from space. What we lacked in bell bottoms, bare feet and braids we made up for in enthusiasm and contempt for the establishment.

None of us went to jail, were shot at by the Ohio National Guard, or burned our diplomas in protest, but neither have we changed the agenda, changed the constituency, nor changed the lifestyle of space, those who inhabit the field nor the planet. Or have we?

Looking at the progress and practise of microspace worldwide, over the 25 years since its reinvention, weÕll try to detect change, and assess what has worked, what hasnÕt and what might be the keys to increasing the impact of smaller, lower cost, lower complexity approaches to space on the field and its relevance and value to humans and our environment.

Bio: Rick Fleeter founded and was CEO of the USÕ first company dedicated to small, low cost space, AeroAstro, from 1988 to 2008. He has written the only two books on microspace, Micro Space Craft and The Logic of Microspace. After 7 years working in major space programs he escaped to the small satellite environment, where he developed about 24 small spacecraft. He now teaches space systems engineering, design and technology transfer at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and at La Sapienza in Rome where he also works at the Italian Space Agency (ASI). He also teaches professional courses on small space and space program management and continues to behavel as if small space can and should take over the world.

Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: Physics and Astrophysics Conference Room 102/103

Light refreshments available 4:00pm; Presentation begiins 4:15pm

Open to All