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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lee Lindblom

Theoretical Astrophysics,

Calculating Accurate Waveforms for LIGO and LISA Data Analysis

Abstract: This talk will discuss briefly the accuracy needed for the gravitational waveforms to be used in LIGO and LISA data analysis. The remainder of the talk will be devoted to a discussion of several interesting mathematical and theoretical issues that arose in writing the pseudo-spectral numerical evolution code, being developed jointly by the Caltech/Cornell numerical relativity groups to solve Einstein's equations with the needed accuracy for the gravitational waveforms of binary black hole systems.

Bio: Lee Lindblom is a Senior Research Associate in Theoretical Astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology. His research interests include gravitational wave astronomy, numerical relativity, and more generally gravitation theory and theoretical astrophysics.


Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Location: Physics and Astrophysics Conference Room 102/103

Light refreshments available 1:00pm; Presentation begiins 1:15pm.

Open to All